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Greener Prospects
Randall Arendt is a nationally recognized expert on the topic of Conservation by Design and was one the first proponents of this concept. This website has numerous free publications, videos, books...
Growing Greener: Putting Conservation Into Local Plans And Ordinances
Growing Greener is an illustrated workbook that presents a new look at designing subdivisions while preserving green space and creating open space networks. Randall Arendt explains how to design re...
Envisioning Better Communities
According to the APA, Randall’s latest book “creates a sense of hope for those who face the everyday challenges of working with developers, space users, ordinances, and landowners to create places ...
Enhancing Subdivision Value Through Conservation Design
Conservation subdivision design offers a way to design land development so that some green space is preserved, property values are increased and the same amount of buildings are constructed as woul...