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Social Media Basics for Conservation Organizations
Organizations can enhance and expand their conservation impact by using social media to engage new and existing supporters. WeConservePA guide. 15 pages.
Planned Giving
Planned giving programs play an important role in charitable fundraising. WeConservePA guide. 2 pages.
Costs of Owning and Operating Preserves
The costs incurred by a land trust in owning and operating a preserve vary greatly depending on the land trust’s plans for and activities on the land. This guide describes a quick and rough method ...
Bridge Loans for Conservation Purchases: Borrowing from Revolving Loan Funds
When an organization must close on a real estate transaction prior to securing all the necessary funds, borrowing will be necessary for the deal to proceed. Several organizations manage revolving l...
Recordkeeping for Conservation Easement Stewardship
Organizing essential documents in a secure, accessible system is a fundamental part of conservation easement stewardship. This guide describes the systems of 14 land trusts. WeConservePA guide, 14 ...
Green Burial
Green burials minimize negative environmental impacts by using biodegradable materials, avoiding toxic chemicals, and occurring on land maintained using good conservation practices. WeConservePA gu...
Model Documents Overview
WeConservePA develops and maintains model documents to help users plan and complete real property transactions, ensure conservation permanence, reduce liability, and otherwise advance their conserv...