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Nate Lotze

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Nate Lotze


Nate Lotze served as communications specialist for WeConservePA from 2016 through 2019. In 2020, he was appointed assistant director of legislative affairs for the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

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Guide Listings

Permits for Events, Hunting, Camping, and Other Uses of Conserved Land
Lotze compiled this guide

Why Preserve Farmland?
Before joining PALTA, Nate managed an organic vegetable farm in North Carolina.

Library Items Authored

Sign Ordinance
A sign ordinance can help a municipality reduce the visual clutter of signage and end business sign wars. It also can help protect, establish, or enhance community identity. WeConservePA guide. 2 p...

Elections and 501(c)(3) Organizations
Federal tax rules prohibit section 501(c)(3) organizations from participating or intervening in a political campaign in support of or in opposition to a candidate for elected public office. However...

Working with Nature to Manage Stormwater
The most effective tools to reduce the water pollution and flooding caused by stormwater runoff are green infrastructure, land conservation, and best management practices on farms. (Print version o...

National Poll Results: How Americans View Conservation
Across the political spectrum, voters in the United Sates consistently demonstrate support for conservation. (Print version of CT Guide)

Local Land Use Planning and Controls in Pennsylvania
This guide describes the basic elements of land use planning and regulation available to municipal and county governments under the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code. WeConservePA guide. 6 ...

Street and Sidewalk Design
Good street and sidewalk design improves public health and safety, accommodates a variety of users, reduces environmental impacts, and makes communities more inviting. WeConservePA guide. 5 pages.

Community Visioning
Community visioning is a planning tool that empowers people to express a vision for the future of their community; ideally, this vision guides land-use decisions and regulations. WeConservePA guide...

Solar Energy Development and Land Conservation
An enormous boost in solar energy production is one of the actions needed to stop the dramatic rise of carbon in the atmosphere and better ensure civilization’s long-term prospects. This guide expl...

Why Preserve Farmland?
Farms feed us and provide a host of other public benefits. However, every day, the amount of fertile farmland diminishes as development spreads. When farmers think that the farms around them will b...

Cost of Community Services Studies
Cost of Community Services studies examine both the tax revenues generated by different land uses and the costs to local government of providing services to those same uses. They help people unders...

Green Burial
Green burials minimize negative environmental impacts by using biodegradable materials, avoiding toxic chemicals, and occurring on land maintained using good conservation practices. WeConservePA gu...

Land Trust Accreditation
The Land Trust Accreditation Commission offers outside verification that a land trust conforms with a key set of practices within Land Trust Standards and Practices. Accreditation is voluntary. A l...

Land Trust Standards and Practices: Guidelines for the Responsible Operation of a Land Trust
The Land Trust Standards and Practices are widely accepted ethical and technical guidelines for the responsible operation of land trusts. WeConservePA guide. 3 pages.

From Lawn to Meadow: Protect Water, Provide Habitat, Save Money
Converting areas covered by turf grass to meadows can be financially rewarding and relatively simple on both public and private land. It can also deliver substantial environmental and aesthetic ben...

Build-Out Analysis
A build-out analysis projects the development that could occur in an area under current law. It enables a community to test the reality of its development regulations against its vision for its fut...

Development Threat Analysis
A development threat analysis identifies undeveloped lands that are most likely to be developed within a specific time frame. Information is presented in map form.

Traditional Neighborhood Development
Traditional Neighborhood Development creates compact, mixed-use, non-automobile- dependent neighborhoods and communities. It serves the needs of people and accommodates growth with minimal waste of...

How Pennsylvanians View Government Funding of Conservation: An Overview of Polling and Voting Results
An overwhelming majority of Pennsylvanians—regardless of party or region—value open space and state investments in conservation. (Print version of CT guide)

Polls Show Pennsylvanians Support Environmental Protection
Polls show that Pennsylvanians are concerned about a range of environmental issues, from clean water and wildlife conservation to global warming and renewable energy. (Print version of CT guide)

Prioritization of Conservation Resources
Prioritization tools help land trusts and municipalities make better decisions about where to focus conservation efforts and how to allocate limited resources. (Print version of CT Guide)

Global Positioning System (GPS)
GPS enables users to easily record the location of natural and man-made features on the land. It allows users to identify where a photo or video is taken, revisit previously recorded features, and ...

Lighting Ordinance
A lighting ordinance can ensure safe, aesthetically pleasing, and energy-efficient outdoor lighting that preserves views of the night sky and minimizes harm to species disturbed by artificial light...

Tree Ordinance
A tree ordinance regulates various aspects of tree maintenance, removal, and planting in a municipality, resulting in aesthetic and environmental benefits. (Print version of CT guide)

Recordkeeping for Conservation Easement Stewardship
Organizing essential documents in a secure, accessible system is a fundamental part of conservation easement stewardship. This guide describes the systems of 14 land trusts. WeConservePA guide, 14 ...

Referendum to Authorize a Tax or Bond for Conservation
Pennsylvanians may vote to establish a tax specifically dedicated to open space protection in their municipality. Voters may also approve borrowing by their county or municipality for conservation ...

Social Media Basics for Conservation Organizations
Organizations can enhance and expand their conservation impact by using social media to engage new and existing supporters. WeConservePA guide. 15 pages.

Conservation by Design
By making straightforward changes to municipal land-use ordinances, Conservation by Design helps communities protect open space and natural resources at essentially no cost and without reducing the...

Optimizing Direct-Mail Fundraising Appeals
A collection of links to resources that can help organizations large and small raise more money from their appeal letters. (Print version of WeConservePA guide. 3 pages.)

Endowments and More
Endowments and quasi-endowments help organizations establish long-term financial stability. This guide explains the basics; provides links to resources that address creating, managing, and fundrais...

Transfer of Development Rights
Transfer of Development Rights is a zoning technique that conserves land by redirecting development that would otherwise occur on the land (the sending area) to a receiving area suitable for denser...

Zoning for Solar and Wind Energy Systems
Regulating rooftop solar energy systems is not generally recommended. However, Pennsylvania municipalities may adopt zoning regulations to govern the installation and operation of them as well as o...

Urban Growth Boundary
Urban growth boundaries are used to demarcate where government intends to encourage and discourage land development. This guide provides links to resources about urban growth boundaries, as well as...

Steep Slope Ordinance
Municipalities use zoning regulations to limit disturbance of steep slopes in order to prevent erosion, reduce the risk of dangerous landslides, and preserve scenic hillsides. WeConservePA guide. 8...

Community Gardens
This guide links to resources that: help people successfully start and manage community gardens; inform governments on how they can encourage gardens; and guide organizations on permanently protect...

Planned Giving
Planned giving programs play an important role in charitable fundraising. WeConservePA guide. 2 pages.

Succession Planning for Nonprofits
The unexpected departure of a nonprofit’s leader can cause organizational chaos. A nonprofit may establish policies and procedures to guide leadership transitions—unplanned and planned—to prevent d...

Climate Change and Land Conservation
Land trusts and governments may tailor their land conservation work to help both reduce carbon in the atmosphere and mitigate the harm of climate change. (Print version of ConservationTools.org guide)

Permits for Events, Hunting, Camping, and Other Uses of Conserved Land
Requiring permits for certain activities on conservation lands (such as events, hunting, and camping) helps land managers ensure that the activities do not negatively impact the land or others’ enj...

Prescribed Fire
A prescribed fire is a planned fire—sometimes called a controlled burn—used to manage certain types of landscapes. It reduces the chance of major wildfires and provides numerous other benefits for ...

Model Documents Overview
WeConservePA develops and maintains model documents to help users plan and complete real property transactions, ensure conservation permanence, reduce liability, and otherwise advance their conserv...

Federal Tax Deductibility of Conservation Easement Donations
Some donations of conservation easements qualify for a federal income tax deduction; others do not.