- A web site managed by the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, whose vision is to inspire citizens to value their natural resources, engage in conservation practices and experience the outdoors. Visit
- Similar to a contract, a legal agreement contained in a deed and affecting land. [Source: Elizabeth Byers and Karin Marchetti Ponti, The Conservation Easement Handbook, Published by the Trust for Public Land and the Land Trust Alliance, 2005.]
Indicator Species
- Any biological species that defines a trait or characteristic of the environment. For example, a species may delineate an ecoregion or indicate an environmental condition such as a disease outbreak, pollution, species competition or climate change. Indicator species can be among the most sensitive species in a region, and sometimes act as an early warning to monitoring biologists. [Source: Wikipedia (]
Infill Development
- Infill development is the re-use of land or existing developed sites within an urban/suburban area. Infill development promotes better use of sites through reuse and repositioning of obsolete or underutilized buildings. Infill uses vital land left vacant during early development and contributes to community revitalization. Infill is representative of smart growth. Infill development is valuable not only for the environmental benefits of using land more efficiently and directing growth into existing urbanized areas, but also the benefit that quality projects bring to neighborhoods and communities. Good infill conserves open space, helps to energize communities and contributes to jobs, housing and area sustainability. [source: Municipal Services Agency, Infill Development Program:]
In Perpetuity
- Always, forever
Installment Sale
- The sale of property over several years. The use of the land and payment of property taxes are negotiable under the terms of the agreement. This type of sale allows the seller to spread the income and taxable capital gain over several years. [Source:Landowner Options, Land Conservancy of North Kingstown,]
Integrated Pest Management
- An effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of commonsense practices. IPM programs use current, comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment. This information, in combination with available pest control methods, is used to manage pest damage by the most economical means, and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment. The IPM approach can be applied to both agricultural and non-agricultural settings, such as the home, garden, and workplace. IPM takes advantage of all appropriate pest management options including, but not limited to, the judicious use of pesticides. In contrast, organic food production applies many of the same concepts as IPM but limits the use of pesticides to those that are produced from natural sources, as opposed to synthetic chemicals. [source: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Principles:]
Internal Revenue Code §170(h)
- The section of federal law that sets forth the requirements a conservation easement must meet to qualify for federal income tax deductions. The term for easement gifts that meet these standards is “qualified conservation contributions”. [Source: West Virginia LandTrust, Frequently Used Terms:]
Internal Revenue Code §2031(c)
- The section of federal law that sets forth certain estate tax rules for land subject to a qualified conservation easement. [Source: West Virginia LandTrust, Frequently Used Terms:]
Interpretive sign
- A sign that demonstrates/interprets the natural surroundings of a place (a preserve, a national park, a scenic view) to its visitors. [source:]
Invasive Plants
- Introduced species that can thrive in areas beyond their natural range of dispersal. These plants are characteristically adaptable, aggressive, and have a high reproductive capacity. Their vigor combined with a lack of natural enemies often leads to outbreak populations. [Source:]
Invasive Species
- Species that are
1. Non-native (or alien) to the ecosystem under consideration and
2. Whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.
- Internal Revenue Code
IRS Form 8282
- The form filed with the Internal Revenue Service by a charitable organization to report the organization’s sale or other disposition of property for which a donor has taken a charitable deduction within the past two years. Property which the organization acquired by bargain sale, or property acquired by the organization from another charitable donee and disposed of within two years of the transfer to that earlier donee, must also be reported on this form. For more information, visit [Source:]
IRS Form 8283
- The form filed with the Internal Revenue Service by a donor to report information about non-cash contributions (e.g., land and conservation easements) in excess of $5,000 for which the donor claims a charitable deduction. The donee organization completes a portion of this form acknowledging receipt of the contribution.