Acquiring Land & Easements


Model Documents Overview

WeConservePA develops and maintains model documents to help users plan and complete real property transactions, ensure conservation permanence, reduce liability, and otherwise advance their conservation, outdoor recreation, and land use planning efforts efficiently and effectively.

Last Modified
Jan 12, 2024
23476 times

Open Space Program Handbook

Considerations, Practices, and Pointers for Local Governments in Pennsylvania

Coming soon

Last Modified
Feb 16, 2024
692 times

Solar Energy Development and Land Conservation

An enormous boost in solar energy production is one of the actions needed to help stop the dramatic rise of carbon in the atmosphere and better ensure civilization’s long-term prospects. This guide explores issues that conservationists may want to consider in order to both advance their land conservation work and support solar energy development.

Last Modified
Jun 13, 2023
11419 times