Private Transfer Fees & Stewardship Funding Arrangements

Funding Conservation Easement Stewardship

Your Role as the Land’s Owner and Conservation Champion

In accepting a conservation easement from you, the land trust takes on the responsibility of ensuring that the land is conserved as you have agreed for all time. Fulfilling this duty requires financial resources most likely to come from you or subsequent owners of the land.

Last Modified
Oct 12, 2023
2383 times

Legal Considerations for Stewardship Funding Arrangements

Binding Present and Future Landowners to Present Promises

A landowner may agree to one or more funding arrangements that require the landowner or successor owners of an eased property to make one or more payments to the easement holder to support stewardship of the property. An understanding of what makes promises binding is critical for crafting arrangements that are enforceable over time.

Last Modified
Oct 11, 2023
41407 times

Stewardship Funding Arrangements

Options for Financing the Obligations of Conservation Easement Holders

A property owner may agree to one or more funding arrangements that require the owner or successive owners of an eased property to make one or more payments to the easement holder to support stewardship of the property. These arrangements may be customized to fit the stewardship demands created by the particular conservation easement and the financial circumstances of the owner.

Last Modified
Oct 19, 2023
37091 times