Economic Benefits of Conservation

Cost of Community Services Studies

Cost of Community Services studies examine both the tax revenues generated by different land uses and the costs to local government of providing services to those same uses. They help people understand the fiscal outcomes of keeping land in agriculture or as open space versus developing land for other purposes.

Last Modified
Feb 02, 2024
26776 times

Economic Benefits of Biodiversity

Economic impact studies document the many and substantial economic benefits generated by biodiversity. This guide identifies major studies, summarizes key findings of each and provides hyperlinks to the studies.

Last Modified
Oct 10, 2019
358993 times

Economic Benefits of Land Conservation

The conservation of natural lands and of working farms and forests can generate financial returns, both to governments and individuals, and create significant cost savings.

Last Modified
Oct 10, 2019
116165 times

Economic Benefits of Parks

Economic impact studies document the many and substantial economic benefits generated by parks. This guide identifies major studies, summarizes key findings of each and provides hyperlinks to the studies.

Economic impact studies identify a variety of economic benefits generated by parks. The studies described in this guide each analyzed one or more of these benefits, including:

  • Increased property values
  • Increased tax revenues
  • Decreased medical costs through increased exercise
  • Increased tourism revenue
  • Improved attractiveness of communities to homebuyers and businesses
  • Decreased stormwater treatment costs
Last Modified
Oct 10, 2019
115439 times

Economic Benefits of Smart Growth and Costs of Sprawl

Sprawling patterns of development create heavy economic burdens -- problems, costs and liabilities far in excess of the benefits. Conversely, smart growth strategies can enhance economic vitality.

Last Modified
Oct 10, 2019
66893 times

Economic Benefits of Trails

Economic impact studies document the many and substantial economic benefits generated by trails. This guide identifies major studies, summarizes key findings of each and provides hyperlinks to the studies.

Last Modified
Oct 10, 2019
69558 times

Why Preserve Farmland?

Farms feed us and provide a host of other public benefits. However, every day, the amount of fertile farmland diminishes as development spreads. When farmers think that the farms around them will be sold for development, which would result in the enterprises that support farming leaving and the loss of their support network, this can set off a downward spiral in a farming community: farmers leave farming or stop reinvesting in their farms because they fear the consequences of being one of the last farmers in an area. Farmland preservation programs can provide assurance to farmers that there will always be a critical mass of farms in an area, bringing stability to the local farm community and economy.

Last Modified
Feb 08, 2023
66225 times