General Fundraising

Bridge Loans for Conservation Purchases

Borrowing from Revolving Loan Funds

When an organization must close on a real estate transaction prior to securing all the necessary funds, borrowing will be necessary for the deal to proceed. Several organizations manage revolving loan funds that provide low and no interest, short-term financing specifically to facilitate land and easement purchases for conservation purposes.

Last Modified
Nov 22, 2023
16958 times

Crowdfunding for Land Trusts

Crowdfunding is a web-based fundraising technique that can generate many small donations in support of an endeavor.

Last Modified
Jul 19, 2024
14690 times

Donation Agreements

A donation agreement may be used to ensure that a donor’s promise can be relied upon, set the expectations of both donor and donee, and prevent misunderstandings.

Last Modified
Mar 14, 2023
85872 times

Donation by Will

Options and Issues Regarding Gifts of Cash, Land, and Other Property

Donors who want to help a worthy charity but also need to ensure that they have sufficient assets to live comfortably until life's end may choose to make some gifts via their wills.

Last Modified
Mar 14, 2023
28267 times

Donation of Stock and Other Securities

For both donors and recipients, the donation of stock and other marketable securities can be more advantageous than a cash donation.

Last Modified
Oct 10, 2023
10386 times

Installment Agreement

The seller of real estate may finance the buyer’s purchase of a property. An installment agreement requires the buyer to pay the seller the purchase price in installments over time. Both the buyer and the seller may benefit from such an agreement. Payment amounts and timing can be structured in an infinite variety of ways and tailored to best meet the needs of both parties.

Last Modified
Jan 09, 2024
91844 times

Optimizing Direct-Mail Fundraising Appeals

Letters, Envelopes, Follow-Up, and Digital Integration

A collection of links to resources that can help organizations large and small raise more money from their appeal letters.

Last Modified
Nov 11, 2022
11622 times

Pennsylvania Local Governments May Support Land Trusts

In Pennsylvania, local governments are authorized to give money, land, and easements to land trusts.

Last Modified
Aug 24, 2022
7916 times

Planned Giving

Planned giving programs play an important role in charitable fundraising.

Last Modified
Nov 07, 2023
5346 times

Restricted Gifts

Considerations in Accepting, Managing, and Soliciting Gifts for a Specific Purpose

Charitable organizations should be aware of the issues that come with gifts of cash, land, or other property restricted to a particular purpose rather than an organization’s general purposes. They should understand the need for good communications with donors, be ready to handle the management challenges, and take care to avoid inadvertently imposing restrictions on gifts in their solicitations.

Last Modified
Jan 12, 2024
76313 times

Seller Take Back Financing

When a seller wants to close a sale of real estate but the buyer is not yet in a position to fully fund the purchase, the parties can close the sale with the seller taking from the buyer a purchase money note and mortgage in lieu of an all-cash payment.

Last Modified
Jan 04, 2024
45072 times