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WeConservePA (formerly Pennsylvania Land Trust Association)

2015 Pennsylvania Land Trust Census Report
2017 Pennsylvania Land Trust Census Report
2019 Pennsylvania Land Trust Census Report
2021 Pennsylvania Land Trust Census Report
2023 Pennsylvania Land Trust Census Report
Abbreviations in Pennsylvania Conservation
Acting on Owner Requests for Review, Waiver, and Interpretation Regarding Conservation Easements
Adding to Land Under Conservation Easement
Addressing Climate Change and Carbon Sequestration in Conservation Easements
Adverse Possession in Pennsylvania
Agricultural Conservation Easement Purchase Program
Agricultural Protection Zoning
Agricultural Security Areas
Amending Conservation Easements
Amend OR Amend and Restate: Matching Approach to Situation When Making Changes to a Conservation Easement
A Scientific Foundation for Shaping Riparian Buffer Protection Regulations
Authorization of Real Estate Transactions: Rules and Process for Nonprofits
Beneficiaries and Backup Holders: Providing Third Parties With Rights but Not Responsibilities Regarding Conservation Easements
Biodiversity: A Guide
Bridge Loans for Conservation Purchases: Borrowing from Revolving Loan Funds
Build-Out Analysis
Carbon Rights and Assignment of Carbon Credit Sale Proceeds: Providing Conservation Easement Holders the Potential to Receive Carbon-Related Benefits
CEAP Files
Clean and Green: Pennsylvania's Preferential Tax Assessment Program
Climate Change and Land Conservation
Closing: Finalizing the Real Estate Transaction
Co-Holding Conservation Easements: Considerations for Good Management and Conservation Outcomes
Collaborative Opportunities for Land Trusts
Commission-Based Compensation Fundraising
Community Visioning
Conservation by Design
Conservation Easements: An Introduction for Private Landowners
Conservation Easements in Court: A Review of Easement Violation and Enforcement Litigation in Pennsylvania
Cost of Community Services Studies
Cost of Community Services Studies: Making the Case for Conservation
Costs of Conservation Easement Stewardship
Costs of Due Diligence in Conservation Acquisitions
Costs of Owning and Operating Preserves
Crowdfunding for Land Trusts
Deed Restriction Versus Conservation Easement
Delineating Conservation Easement Boundaries and Protection Areas
Development Threat Analysis
Donation Agreements
Donation by Will: Options and Issues Regarding Gifts of Cash, Land and Other Property
Donation of Stock and Other Securities
Don't Regulate Rooftop Solar Without Compelling Cause
Drafting an Amendment and Restatement of a Grant of Conservation Easement
Economic Benefits of Biodiversity
Economic Benefits of Land Conservation: A Guide
Economic Benefits of Parks
Economic Benefits of Smart Growth and Costs of Sprawl
Economic Benefits of Trails
Effective Email Newsletters for Nonprofits
Elections and 501(c)(3) Organizations
Eminent Domain and Conserved Land in Pennsyslvania
Endowments and More
Ensuring the Permanence of Parks and Other Public Open Space: Safeguards for Lands Entrusted to Local Government
Environmental Advisory Council: A Versatile Arm for Pennsylvania Local Government
Estoppel Certificates, Compliance Statements, and Conservation Easements
Farmland Preservation Options for Landowners: Government and Private Approaches to Conservation Easements in Pennsylvania
From Lawn to Meadow: Protect Water, Provide Habitat, Save Money
Funding Conservation Easement Stewardship: Your Role as the Land's Owner and Conservation Champion
Gift of a Future Interest in Real Estate: Reserved Life Estates Keep Owners in Control During Their Lifetimes
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Green Burial
Growing Greener, Melding Conservation and Development
Guidelines for Conservation Easement Amendments, Waivers, and Letters of Interpretation
Guide to Pennsylvania's Recreational Use of Land and Water Act: A Law Limiting the Liability of Those Who Open Their Land to the Public
Guide to the Conservation and Preservation Easements Act: Pennsylvania Act 29 of 2001
Hiring and Managing Interns
How Pennsylvanians View Government Funding of Conservation: An Overview of Polling and Voting Results
Identifying and Prioritizing Streamside Forest Planting Sites in Pennsylvania Using GIS
Impacts of Natural Land Loss on Water Quality
Indemnity Agreements and Liability Insurance: Protection From Claims Brought by Third Parties
Installment Agreement
Invasive Species Management Program
Investment of Nonprofit Financial Assets
Keystone Fund: My Story
Lands Available for Conservation in Pennsylvania Townships That Have Open Space Taxes
Land Trust Accreditation
Land Trust Merger Case Studies
Land Trust Standards and Practices: Guidelines for the Responsible Operation of a Land Trust
Legal Considerations for Stewardship Funding Arrangements: Binding Present and Future Landowners to Present Promises
Legal Considerations in Amending Grants of Conservation Easement
Legal opinion: conservation qualifies for ARP funds
Lighting Ordinance
Lobbying Rules and 501(c)3 Organizations
Local Land Use Planning and Controls in Pennsylvania
Local Municipal Open Space Referendums in Pennsylvania: 2023 Status Report
Local Regulation for Historic Preservation
Making Restricted Gifts: Impacts of Restrictions on Charitable Tax Deductions
Management of the Document Preparation Process
Media Advisory Template for Legislative Site Visit
Merger: An Introduction for Conservation Organizations
Model Amendment of Grant of Conservation Easement and Declaration of Covenants
Model Assignment of Grant of Conservation Easement and Declaration of Covenants
Model Baseline Documentation Acknowledgment with Commentary
Model Checklist for Real Estate Transactions
Model Compliance Statement with Commentary
Model Consent, Non-Disturbance, and Subordination Agreement with Commentary, 2nd edition
Model Conservation Easement Donation Agreement with Commentary
Model Declaration of Public Trust for Conservation Easements (with Commentary)
Model Declaration of Public Trust with Commentary
Model Documents Overview
Model Fishing Access Agreement and Commentary
Model Grant of Access Easement for Environmental Stewardship with Commentary, 2nd edition
Model Grant of Conservation Easement, 6th edition (archived--not for use)
Model Grant of Conservation Easement and Declaration of Covenants
Model Grant of Conservation Easement and Declaration of Covenants for Riparian Buffer Protection
Model Grant of Fishing and Boating Access Easement
Model Grant of Purchase Option with Commentary
Model Grant of Right of First Offer
Model Grant of Right of First Refusal
Model Grant of Trail Easement with Commentary: A Short Form Alternative to the Model Trail Easement Agreement
Model Maintenance and Operation Agreement with Commentary
Model Permission for Encroachment
Model Policy for Acting on Owner Requests for Review, Waiver, and Interpretation
Model Policy for Conservation Easement Amendment
Model Release of Liability Form
Model Riparian Buffer Protection Overlay District: Proposed Regulation for Use in a Municipal Zoning Ordinance, 2nd Edition
Model Stewardship Cost Calculator
Model Stewardship Funding Covenant with Commentary
Model Trail Easement Agreement with Commentary
Model Trail License Agreement with Commentary
National Poll Results: How Americans View Conservation
Nature Play: Nurturing Children and Strengthening Conservation through Connections to the Land
Nonprofit Name Change
Not a Charitable Trust: The Donated Conservation Easement in Pennsylvania
Not a Public Trust: The Land Trust-Held Conservation Easement in Pennsylvania
Open Space Program Handbook
Optimizing Direct-Mail Fundraising Appeals
Option to Sell (Put Option)
Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices on Trails and Areas Open to Pedestrians: Creating and Implementing Policies for Accessibility and Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
Outdoor Access and Programs
Overview of Pennsylvania’s Recreational Use of Land and Water Act
PALTA Comment on Land Trust Standards and Practices, 9/13/2016
Parks in Perpetuity: The Protections Provided to Parks and Other Public Open Spaces Under Pennsylvania Law
Pennsylvania Annual Trail Reports
Pennsylvania Local Governments May Support Land Trusts
Pennsylvania Nature Play Areas
Pennsylvania Streams Map
Permits for Events, Hunting, Camping, and Other Uses of Conserved Land
Placing Transfer Fees in Grants of Conservation Easement
Planned Giving
Planning a Site Visit with Your Legislator
Polls Show Pennsylvanians Support Environmental Protection
Pre-Existing Mortgages in Easement Transactions: Using Non-Disturbance and Subordination Agreements to Prevent Extinguishment and Comply with Tax Law
Prescribed Fire
Press Release Template for Legislative Site Visit
Prioritization of Conservation Resources
Promoting Walking for Wellness
Property Tax Exemption for Preserves, Parks, Trails, and Other Conserved Lands
Public Access Policies and Practices for Land Trusts: Survey Results in Pennsylvania
Public Dedication of Land and Fees-in-Lieu for Parks and Recreation in Pennsylvania
Purchase and Sale Agreements for Conservation Projects: Guidance and Sample Provisions
Purchase Options: Gaining the Right Without the Obligation to Acquire Property Interests
Realty Transfer Tax Exclusions for Conservation-Related Transactions in Pennsylvania
Recordkeeping for Conservation Easement Stewardship
Reducing Federal Estate Tax: A Conservation Easement Benefit for Large Estates
Reducing Liability Associated with Public Access
Reducing Pennsylvania Inheritance Tax
Referendum to Authorize a Tax or Bond for Conservation
Regional Growth Management and Regional Transportation Planning (Tri-County Regional Planning Commission, Central Pennsylvania)
Release of Liability Form: A Tool to Reduce the Risk of Claims for Personal Injury or Property Loss
Responding to an Encroachment: Oust or Give Permission with Conditions
Restricted Gifts: Considerations in Accepting, Managing, and Soliciting Gifts for a Specific Purpose
Restricting Development to What Is Approved in a Subdivision and Land Development Plan
Reversionary Interest
Right of First Offer and Right of First Refusal
Riparian Buffer Protection Agreement
Sample Scheduling Request for a Legislative Site Visit
Seller Take Back Financing
Separate Entity to Hold Riskier Properties
Sign Ordinance
Solar Energy Development and Land Conservation
Statutory Protection from Liability Related to Public Access: Pennsylvania Law Supports Opening Land to the Public
Steep Slope Ordinance
Stewardship Funding Arrangements: sample brochure
Stewardship Funding Arrangements: Supporting Easement Holders in Carrying out Their Conservation Duties
Strategies for Collaborative Membership Recruitment
Street and Sidewalk Design
Succession Planning for Nonprofits
The Durability of Conservation Easements
The Environmental Advisory Council Handbook: Guidance for Establishing and Operating EACs in Pennsylvania
The Environmental Advisory Council Network Website
The Intersection of Carbon Offsets and Conservation Easements
The Nature of the Conservation Easement and the Document Granting It
The Official Map: A Handbook for Preserving and Providing Public Lands and Facilities
The Science Behind the Need for Riparian Buffer Protection
Traditional Neighborhood Development
Traffic Calming
Trail Easements
Trails for All People: Guidance for Accessibility and Inclusive Design
Transfer of Development Rights
Trapped in a Contract: Don't Get Burned by Evergreen and Automatic Renewal Clauses
Tree Law in Pennsylvania
Tree Ordinance
Urban Growth Boundary
Using a Deed Restriction to Protect Land: A Path for When Neither a Land Trust Nor Government Can Help
Using the Model Conservation Easement
Volunteers: Guidance for Recruiting, Training, Managing, and Retaining Unpaid Workers
Water Quality and the Pennsylvania Agricultural Conservation Easement Purchase Program: An Examination of Present Practices, Challenges, and Opportunities
WeConservePA Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice gateway
What Is a Land Trust?
What is Conservation?
Who Has Standing? Conservation Easements in Pennsylvania Courts
Who May Get Involved in Conservation Easement Management Matters? A Consideration for Amendment of Pre-June 2001 Easements
Why Preserve Farmland?
Working Forest Conservation Easement: A Property Rights-Based Tool for Conservation
Working with Nature to Manage Stormwater
Your Loss Is Not My Benefit; Your Gain Is Not My Detriment: The Tenuous Link Between Value to Landowner and Value to Conservation in Easement Transactions
Zoning for Solar and Wind Energy Systems