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EAC Network Conference: Healthy Communities - What Can We Do?

The link between climate health and personal health is becoming more widely accepted and is well supported by research. In this session EAC members will be introduced to several programs and resources they can tap into to assist their municipality in improving community health. Guest speakers Leann Chaney and Lillie Gabreski from the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission (SPC) will share information and resources to assist municipalities in advancing active transportation, as well as funding available for active transportation projects through the SPC. Tim Ifill from Pennsylvania Horticultural Society and Jeffrey Bergman from the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy will share an overview of the TreeVitalize and Tree Tenders programs, the importance of tree canopy to the overall environmental health of a community, and how they partner with EACs and Shade Tree Commissions. Tim will also share how the work being done in Philadelphia is being expanded into the suburban counties served by Tree Pittsburgh.