
10/9/2020 Memo on PA Poll on Conservation Issues

Organizations/Sources: Growing Greener Organization and Targetsmart
Survey of likely 2020 general election voters in Pennsylvania conducted September 20-27, 2020. • Sample size of 1,332, weighted to effective sample size 1,100, including statewide representative sample and oversample of the Delaware River Watershed. • Multi-mode design including live telephone calls to landlines and cell phones and data collected on voter file matched online panels. • Credibility interval +/- 3.0%.
Last Modified
Oct 09, 2020
1687 times

Climate Action and Clean Energy in Pennsylvania

Organizations/Sources: Public Opinion Strategies
A 2015 statewide survey, conducted after the EPA announced its Clean Power Plan, finds that 82% of Pennsylvania voters, including majorities across party lines, favor state-based action to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in compliance with the EPA’s new restrictions on coal-fired power plant emissions. Pennsylvanians are especially enthusiastic about energy efficiency and wind and solar power, which they believe create jobs, clean the air, and increase energy independence.
Last Modified
May 31, 2018
3789 times

Fall 2016 Penn State Conservation Poll

Traces Pennsylvanians' opinions on the importance of various conservation efforts, including water protection, farmland preservation, developing trails and recreation areas, habitat protection, and historic preservation.
Last Modified
May 31, 2018
3671 times

How Pennsylvanians View Government Funding of Conservation: An Overview of Polling and Voting Results

Authors: Nate Lotze and Andrew M. Loza
An overwhelming majority of Pennsylvanians—regardless of party or region—value open space and state investments in conservation. (Print version of CT guide)
Last Modified
Jun 21, 2018
3992 times

Lancaster County Farmland Preservation Poll

Organizations/Sources: Lancaster Farmland Trust
Survey by Susquehanna Polling and Research shows that Lancaster County voters value farmland preservation and are willing to support paying more to ensure continued public funding to conserve agricultural land.
Last Modified
May 31, 2018
2900 times

Pennsylvania Residents' Opinions on and Attitudes Toward Nongame Wildlife

Survey shows that Pennsylvanians view habitat loss and urban sprawl as biggest threat to wildlife, and believe that conserving threatened and endangered species is an important function of the Pennsylvania Game Commission and Fish and Boat Commission.
Last Modified
May 31, 2018
3862 times

Pennsylvania Survey of Hunters and Anglers Regarding Clean Water Act

Most Pennsylvania voters who identify as hunters and/or anglers support applying the federal Clean Water Act to smaller headwater streams and wetlands, and view the Act as an important safeguard for water quality.
Last Modified
May 31, 2018
3598 times

Pennsylvania Voters' Opinion on Fracking in Parks

Quinnipiac University poll shows that Pennsylvania voters generally support fracking, but not in state parks and forests.
Last Modified
May 31, 2018
3729 times

Poll: Pennsylvania Hunters and Anglers Support Conservation

Poll of Pennsylvania hunters and anglers shows that the majority strongly support conservation efforts.
Last Modified
Feb 12, 2019
1997 times

Polls Show Pennsylvanians Support Environmental Protection

Authors: Nate Lotze
Polls show that Pennsylvanians are concerned about a range of environmental issues, from clean water and wildlife conservation to global warming and renewable energy. (Print version of CT guide)
Last Modified
Jun 21, 2018
3367 times

Protected Lands in Pike County Survey

Organizations/Sources: Delaware Highlands Conservancy
Majorities of Pike County voters who answered this poll, regardless of political affiliation, believe that farmland preservation, protecting drinking water, and conserving open space are important. Because of the low response rate, the results are not statistically significant; however, they are encouraging, and fall in line with larger polls conducted on similar topics.
Last Modified
May 31, 2018
2774 times

Summary of Key Findings from Pennsylvania Statewide Public Opinion Survey (2012)

Organizations/Sources: Penn State Harrisburg
In 2012, the Center for Survey Research at Penn State Harrisburg completed a statewide survey of 608 Pennsylvanians to assess public support for increasing state funds to conserve and protect open space, clean water, natural areas, wildlife habitats, parks, historic sties, forests, and farms. The survey results showed overwhelming public support throughout the state and among all demographic groups for both continuing existing dedicated state funding for conservation as well as increasing state funding for land and water conservation, even if that meant a small increase in taxes.
Last Modified
May 31, 2018
5489 times

Summary of Key Findings from Pennsylvania Statewide Public Opinion Survey (2014)

In 2014, the Center for Survey Research at Penn State Harrisburg completed a statewide survey of 606 Pennsylvanians to assess public support for increasing state funds to conserve and protect open space, clean water, natural areas, wildlife habitats, parks, historic sties, forests, and farms. The survey results showed overwhelming public support throughout the state and among all demographic groups for both continuing existing dedicated state funding for conservation as well as increasing state funding for land and water conservation, even if that meant a small increase in taxes.
Last Modified
May 31, 2018
4478 times

Summary of Key Findings from Pennsylvania Statewide Public Opinion Survey (2015)

In 2015, the Center for Survey Research at Penn State Harrisburg completed a statewide survey of 601 Pennsylvanians to assess public support for increasing state funds to conserve and protect open space, clean water, natural areas, wildlife habitats, parks, historic sties, forests, and farms. The survey results showed overwhelming public support throughout the state and among all demographic groups for both continuing existing dedicated state funding for conservation as well as increasing state funding for land and water conservation, even if that meant a small increase in taxes.
Last Modified
May 31, 2018
5132 times