Climate & Energy Videos

EAC Network Conference: Climate Action Planning

Climate Action Planning is a hot button topic these days in municipalities across the Commonwealth, but with limited authority over building codes and often little money to incentivize change it can be frustrating. Hear an EAC who has have gone through the process on project successes, pitfalls, and lessons learned; as well as a representative from the DEP’s LCAP program and Generation 180 on programs and available support. Speakers: Jim Baldassare, Doylestown Township EAC; Chris Nafe, PA DEP; Shannon Crooker, Generation 180.
Last Modified
May 07, 2024
243 times

EAC Network Conference: Greening Communities

As we face the challenges of climate change, communities are recognizing the importance of increasing tree cover and access to food available more locally. In this session we will learn about programs and technical assistance available to municipalities that can be explored by EACs which engage and support their citizens while creating stronger and more resilient communities. Speakers: Nina Berryman, USDA Urban Service Office (Philadelphia); Orsolya Lazar, Urban and Community Forestry, PA DCNR (Bureau of Forestry)
Last Modified
May 07, 2024
256 times

Ready for 100: Municipal Energy Planning Now, and Into the Future

Climate change is no longer a future threat but is causing worldwide, national, and local disruption of weather. At our local level, this has caused an increase in rain intensity, tornados, and flooding. So far, Pennsylvania has been spared worse effects such as the fires and drought in the west and the more frequent and violent hurricanes of the southeast. Municipalities have the triple challenge of transitioning to clean renewable energy, hardening its municipal infrastructure, and guiding local planning to facilitate the residents and businesses in making similar changes. What does it mean for municipalities to engage in energy planning, and how can/should EACs be involved in this process? In the coming months and years, as we begin to see more higher-level government involvement, how will the landscape of our own work change at the local level? In part one of this session Paula Kline and Henry Alexander will layout the case for climate action planning, and how your EAC can get involved. In part two, we will hear from several municipalities who have already begun this work and hear how they are approaching it.
Last Modified
May 07, 2024
235 times

Sustainability Planning 101

What are sustainability plans, why are they important, how does it fit into the statewide plan to mitigate the effects of climate change, and how can/should EACs be involved? Nicole Faraguna, Director of Policy Planning will will share an overview of the agency’s sustainability measures to mitigate climate change, including energy reduction and efficiencies, increased reliance on renewable energy and green vehicles, sustainable forest and land management practices, and efforts to green the Department’s programs and services. She will also discuss DCNR grant programs that support sustainability through planning, conservation, and best practices. Katherine Targett Gross, Sustainability Officer with Lehigh University will share an overview of Lehigh’s Sustainability Strategic Plan 2030, a 10-year strategic plan that establishes a long-term vision for sustainability on campus. She will discuss the strategic planning process – timeline, what was involved, who was involved, opportunities/challenges, etc as well as how Lehigh set the scope for the 113 goals in the 2030 Plan and plans to measure progress.. Jon Lesher, Principal Environmental Planner with the Montgomery County Planning Commission will share an overview of County climate change and sustainability efforts, and how EACs can benefit from this work. The County’s work includes policies that benefit Montgomery County communities and Planning Commission projects that can assist the sustainability work being done by municipalities and EACs. There will be a focus on lesson learned that can be replicated throughout the state. Attendees will leave with a better understanding of the importance of sustainability planning, and an EAC’s part in the process.
Last Modified
May 07, 2024
240 times