Compensating Development Professionals

A Different Point of View

Authors: Ken Goldstein
Organizations/Sources: The Nonprofit Consultant Blog
Ken Goldstein has written about the problems with commission based compensation for fundraising. In this blog post, he explores the questions of how, and if, this standard should be applied in all cases. What about those smaller nonprofits that can ill afford to pay for fundraising upfront and how does a startup start up if they cannot raise those first dollars on a contingency?
Last Modified
Jan 09, 2012
5321 times

Commission-Based Compensation Fundraising

Commission-based compensation for fundraising by staff and consultants, although legal, is widely viewed as a bad practice for nonprofits.
Last Modified
May 23, 2019
7061 times

The Argument Against Paying Development Professionals Based on Amount of Funds Raised

Authors: Tony Poderis
Few topics generate more heated discussion in non-profit organizations than whether development professionals (staff or consultants) should be paid a percentage of the money raised, receive commission-based compensation, or be paid a performance bonus. Two things are becoming more and more apparent; the practice is increasing and the practice is troubling the development profession. This article discusses why the practice should not be used.
Last Modified
Jan 09, 2012
7539 times

When the Development Officer Is Obliged to Raise Her or His Own Salary: Paying For Your Own Keep

Authors: Tony Poderis
Too often, especially in smaller non-profit organizations, staff development officers are forced into a position that belittles them and damages the organization. They are charged with personally raising their own salaries. In this piece, Pedaris describes why he believes this is a bad practice.
Last Modified
Jan 09, 2012
5050 times