Succession Planning

Building Leaderful Organizations: Succession Planning for Nonprofits

Organizations/Sources: The Annie E. Casey Foundation
The first section contains extended explanations of three approaches to succession planning: strategic leader development, emergency succession planning, and departure-defined succession planning. The second looks closely at tough issues organizations may face when planning for succession. The last section offers tools and resources, many of which have been used by the leadership consultants who designed the three approaches.
Last Modified
Apr 30, 2019
3490 times

Emergency Succession Planning

Organizations/Sources: Conservation Consulting Group
An emergency succession plan, or plan for contingencies, is developed and maintained to address circumstances related to an organization facing an unplanned event –most often the disability, death or sudden departure of key staff or board leadership. It provides needed stability and calm in a time of turmoil. It defines tasks and responsibilities to be carried out in the short term, and by whom, and includes a current inventory of all critical organizational records, service providers and key stakeholders. This document includes procedures that may be followed (or adapted to follow) in the event of such an emergency.It also includes a sample inventory which maybe adapted as prudent.
Last Modified
Apr 30, 2019
2971 times

Model Emergency Succession Plan

Organizations/Sources: CompassPoint Nonprofit Services
In this model, special emphasis is given to identifying the key leadership functions carried by the executive, identifying the agency managers best qualified to step into the executive role in an emergency, and prescribing the cross-training necessary to prepare the back-up managers to cover the leadership functions. One major side benefit to implementing this plan is a management team with enhanced leadership skills.
Last Modified
Apr 30, 2019
4261 times

Model Succession Plan

Organizations/Sources: Third Sector New England
Organizations can modify this sample succession plan to fit their needs, or use it to inform the creation of their own succession plans.
Last Modified
Apr 30, 2019
3823 times

Model Succession Plan Policy

Organizations/Sources: Texas Council for the Arts
Model succession plan that can be modified by nonprofits to fit their needs.
Last Modified
Apr 30, 2019
2057 times

Nonprofit Executive Succession-Planning Toolkit

This toolkit is a resource for nonprofit board of directors and executive leaders. It provides tools to effectively implement succession planning and overcome barriers. It includes an outline of key planning roles, readiness questions, an overview of the succession-planning process, and supplemental documents and templates that organizations may tailor to fit their specific needs.
Last Modified
Apr 30, 2019
4373 times

Preparing for the Inevitable: A Succession Readiness Checklist

Organizations/Sources: CompassPoint Nonprofit Services
Short checklist of things that must be in place in order for a smooth leadership transition to occur.
Last Modified
Apr 30, 2019
1730 times

Staying Engaged, Stepping Up: Succession Planning and Executive Transition Management for Nonprofit Boards of Directors

Organizations/Sources: The Annie E. Casey Foundation
Appropriate for most nonprofits, but particularly useful for small to mid-size agencies, this publication will provide you with a set of practical tools and resources to help you engage your leadership transition issues and prepare for one of the most important decisions your board will be required to make.
Last Modified
Apr 30, 2019
2964 times

Succession Planning for Nonprofits

Authors: Nate Lotze
The unexpected departure of a nonprofit’s leader can cause organizational chaos. A nonprofit may establish policies and procedures to guide leadership transitions—unplanned and planned—to prevent damage to the organization and its work.
Last Modified
Aug 23, 2023
2229 times

Succession Planning for Stability and Sustainability: Six Things You Can Do Right Now

Organizations/Sources: Conservation Consulting Group
Short list of key action items to implement a succession plan for your organization.
Last Modified
Apr 30, 2019
1580 times