Floodplain Regulations

A Guide for Higher Standards in Flooplain Management

The purpose of this guide is to provide options for communities seeking to implement floodplain regulations which reduce flood damage and overall impacts of floods. This guide is not a substitute for for a set of community floodplain regulations; rather, it is a guide to enhancing existing regulations.
Last Modified
Mar 12, 2019
1445 times

Floodplain Guide and Model Regulations

Organizations/Sources: Lehigh Valley Planning Commission
Guide to floodplain management and model regulations to protect floodplains.
Last Modified
Mar 13, 2019
1435 times

Kennett Township Natural Resource Protection Standards

Section of Kennett Township (Chester County) zoning ordinance that includes supplemental regulations for natural resources such as steep slopes, floodplains, wetlands, woodlands, and riparian buffers.
Last Modified
Feb 22, 2019
2995 times

Suggested Provisions Meeting the Minimum Requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program and the Pennsylvania Flood Plain Management Act

This publication presents the provisions necessary to comply with the requirements of Section 60.3 (d) of the National Flood Insurance Program as well as the PA Flood Plain Management Act (Act 166-1978). It does NOT contain everything necessary or desirable for good floodplain management.
Last Modified
Mar 29, 2014
3835 times

Technical Information on Floodplain Management (Planning Series #5)

To participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), a municipality must enact a code or ordinance, which at a minimum, meets the floodplain management requirements established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This publication provides additional information.
Last Modified
Apr 14, 2017
4082 times