Social Media

Nonprofits and Social Media—It Ain't Optional

Organizations/Sources: Venturneer, Caliber
This survey provides statistics on the use of social media by both large and small organizations and corporations. It also offers information on effectively establishing and managing social networking sites for nonprofit organizations.
Last Modified
Aug 08, 2018
4978 times

Playbook Guide: YouTube for Good

Organizations/Sources: YouTube
This guide, created by YouTube specifically for nonprofit organization, details effective strategies for using YouTube as a mechanism for education through social media. It explains different functions on the YouTube site and provides examples of effective video campaigns.
Last Modified
Aug 08, 2018
4467 times

Social Media Basics for Conservation Organizations

Organizations can enhance and expand their conservation impact by using social media to engage new and existing supporters. WeConservePA guide. 15 pages.
Last Modified
Jan 04, 2023
3478 times

Social Media for Your Nonprofit—Take Charge!

Organizations/Sources: Venturneer
This comprehensive guide to social media usage provides tips for implementing and improving the use of social media in the workplace, including details on the effective use of some of the most popular social networks, potential benefits of social media, suggestions for risk prevention policies that companies can implement, and additional resources helpful in establishing new social networks.
Last Modified
Aug 08, 2018
4616 times

Social Media Tips and Tricks

Organizations/Sources: Convio Inc
This fact sheet provides useful tips for utilizing social media tools such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and blogging to effectively spread a nonprofit organization’s message.
Last Modified
Aug 08, 2018
6512 times

Social Media Update 2016

Pew Research Center survey of social media user demographics tracks the percentage of Americans using various social media platforms, broken down by age, income, and education level.
Last Modified
Aug 08, 2018
3374 times