Model Solar and Wind Ordinances

Draft New Jersey Small Wind Energy System Ordinance

Organizations/Sources: New Jersey Clean Energy Program
In 2007, a meeting was convened to discuss the issue and develop a strategy for mitigating the impact of overly restrictive codes and ordinances. This is a draft model ordinance developed through these discussions.
Last Modified
Jan 09, 2019
3699 times

Model As-of-Right Zoning Bylaw: Allowing Use of Large-Scale Grount-Mounted Solar Installations

This model bylaw was prepared to assist cities and towns in establishing reasonable standards to facilitate development of large-scale ground-mounted solar photovoltaic installations.
Last Modified
Oct 31, 2019
1724 times

Model Ordinance for Wind Energy Systems

Model ordinance for regulating wind energy systems in a municipality. Written by a regional planning commission in Wisconsin, but can be adapted for use elsewhere.
Last Modified
Jan 09, 2019
1447 times

Monroe County Model Solar Ordinance

Model ordinance for on-site solar energy systems in a municipality.
Last Modified
Jan 09, 2019
1476 times

PennFuture Model Solar Zoning Ordinance

This model ordinance was designed to address the use of small-scale solar photovoltaic systems in a municipality by permitting them as an accessory use in any zoning district. It was a product of the Western Pennsylvania Rooftop Solar Challenge.
Last Modified
Jan 09, 2019
5855 times

Solar Energy Systems Model Ordinance

Organizations/Sources: Cumberland County Planning Department
This model ordinance was developed using a variety of ordinances from municipalities in the county and around the state and from ordinances in surrounding states. The model is intended to provide a thorough review of all aspects of solar energy systems that could be regulated.
Last Modified
Jan 09, 2019
1629 times