Design and Vision

Community wll embrace change as 2020 approaches

Authors: Don Brennan
Organizations/Sources: Millersville University
description of the Millersville Borough Vision 20/20 process.
Last Modified
Apr 13, 2011
4391 times

Conservation by Design Case Studies: 2016-2024

Authors: Randall Arendt
<p>The 552-page <em>Rural by Design (2nd edition)</em>&nbsp;provides unparalleled land use planning guidance&nbsp;and can be <a href="">ordered directly from the author</a>. Randall Arendt developed additional case studies post-publication and offers them here free of charge for viewing and download.</p>
Last Modified
Dec 19, 2024
349 times

County Comprehensive Plan (Allegheny County, Pennsylvania) - What’s Your Favorite Place?

Allegheny Places, Allegheny County’s first comprehensive plan, establishes an overall vision for their future and a roadmap to get there. The comprehensive plan sets policies for development, redevelopment, conservation and economic initiatives. The plan provides a framework for the strategic use of public resources to improve the quality of life for all residents.
Last Modified
Mar 23, 2011
7922 times

Damariscotta Heart & Soul Planning Project Final Report

Organizations/Sources: Friends of Midcoast Maine
Final report on community visioning initiative in Damariscotta, ME.
Last Modified
Feb 25, 2019
6926 times

Envisioning Better Communities

Authors: Randall Arendt
According to the APA, Randall’s latest book “creates a sense of hope for those who face the everyday challenges of working with developers, space users, ordinances, and landowners to create places that make economic, environmental, and aesthetic sense. Arendt shows us that with diligence, thoughtfulness, and care, we can make our communities better in countless ways.”
Last Modified
Feb 28, 2011
3654 times

Growing Greener: Putting Conservation Into Local Plans And Ordinances

Authors: Randall Arendt
Growing Greener is an illustrated workbook that presents a new look at designing subdivisions while preserving green space and creating open space networks. Randall Arendt explains how to design residential developments that maximize land conservation without reducing overall building density, thus avoiding the political and legal problems often associated with "down-zoning.
Last Modified
May 02, 2011
4978 times

Integrating Build-Out Analysis and Water Quality Modeling to Predict the Environmental Impacts of Alternative Development Scenarios

Organizations/Sources: Chesapeake Bay Foundation
This report provides background information on the use of build-out analysis and water quality/environmental modeling as land planning and water quality predictive management tools. It also contains summaries of 14 build-out analyses that have been conducted.
Last Modified
Apr 06, 2012
4250 times

Introduction to Growing Greener: Conservation by Design

Organizations/Sources: Natural Lands Trust
This booklet summarizes how municipalities can use the development process to their advantage to protect interconnected networks of open space: natural areas, greenways, trails and recreational lands. Communities can take control of their destinies so that their conservation goals are achieved in a manner fair to all parties concerned. All that is needed are some relatively straightforward amendments to municipal comprehensive plans, zoning ordinances and subdivision ordinances.
Last Modified
Apr 25, 2011
5791 times

Making Your Downtown Improvements Last: Design, Installation, and Maintenance Guide

Organizations/Sources: Montgomery County Planning Commission
This publication for the Montgomery County Community Revitalization Program provides an overview of downtown improvements including hard surfaces (i.e. streets, sidewalks, crosswalks, etc.), vegetation, and street furnishings.
Last Modified
Mar 08, 2011
5690 times

Pennsylvania Wilds Design Guide

Authors: Tracy Zinn
Organizations/Sources: T&B Planning, Inc.
The Pennsylvania Wilds Design Guide: A Design Guide for Community Character Stewardship was created to help communities protect these treasured characteristics while reaping and strengthening the benefits of economic growth. It outlines several principals that can be used by developers, design professionals and others. Its voluntary guidelines are meant to be a resource for people, businesses or organizations embarking on new construction, renovations, signage projects and the like.
Last Modified
Aug 15, 2011
5446 times

Planning for Changing Demographics: Millenials in the Delaware Valley

This report summarizes data and research related to the transportation, career, and housing preferences of today's young adults. Known as millennials, this generation of Americans was largely born during the 1980s and 90s. They are the largest generation in American history and their expectations and priorities have the potential to influence the physical form of communities throughout our region and around the country.
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1548 times

Planning for Solar Energy Briefing Papers

Planners are uniquely positioned and qualified to help their communities engage in conversations about the potential benefits of solar energy use and create a local policy framework that allows and even encourages the appropriate use of solar energy systems. This compendium of briefing papers covers a range of specific topics related to planning for solar energy use. Each paper tackles a different aspect of the issue with a special emphasis on how local plans and implementation tools can reduce barriers to local solar market growth.
Last Modified
Jan 07, 2019
1879 times

Planning for the Future: A Handbook on Community Visioning, 3rd Edition

Organizations/Sources: Center for Rural Pennsylvania
The purpose of this handbook is to help communities like yours begin thinking and planning for the future. It is not, however, a cookbook on community visioning. Every community in Pennsylvania is unique, so it must develop its own vision and plan for the future. On the other hand, many of the same principles and activities that are included in the process may be useful to many communities. To help communities find that common ground and allow them the freedom to decide what their plans might include, the Center for Rural Pennsylvania designed this handbook to focus on the process of visioning, not the outcome.
Last Modified
Feb 25, 2019
9309 times

Rating the Region: Metropolitan Indicators Report

This report compares 26 metropolitan areas in terms of demographics, natural resources and the environment; livable communities; the economy; and transportation. The Philadelphia region’s strengths include its diverse economy; relatively affordable housing, myriad of colleges, universities, and cultural opportunities; health care resources; extensive highway and transit network; and quality air and port facilities. These strengths, however, threaten to be checked by regional challenges, including urban concentrations of poverty and unemployment; low labor force participation; disparately low educational attainment in its cities; an aging population; and fragmented local government. The challenge facing the region is identifying how to capitalize and build on its strengths while recognizing and working to resolve its identified weaknesses.
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1809 times


Organizations/Sources: Central Pennsylvania Conservancy
The concept behind ReVisionPA is simple: The more that people experience the role natural resource assets play in their community, the more in-tune they will be with opportunities to protect and enhance them. Since the best education begins with experience, ReVisionPA focuses on three approaches to help citizens and leaders become more experienced and informed decision-makers — visioning services, workshops, and programs. ReVision's web page includes a resource library that provides details about the practices and projects currently being undertaken by ReVisionPA.
Last Modified
Sep 07, 2012
4822 times

The Neighborhoods of Lancaster County: A Local Guide to Visualizing Residential Densities

Organizations/Sources: Lancaster County Planning Commission
A photo-heavy guide that helps visualize various residential densities.
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1625 times

Traditional Neighborhood Development

Authors: Nate Lotze
Traditional Neighborhood Development creates compact, mixed-use, non-automobile- dependent neighborhoods and communities. It serves the needs of people and accommodates growth with minimal waste of land. (Print version of Guide)
Last Modified
Jun 28, 2017
3951 times