Land Protection Videos

Conservation Easement Donation Agreements: When, Why, and How?

<p>In this online seminar, WeConservePA Director of Conservation Law Justin Hollinger will present a guided tour of the Model Conservation Easement Donation Agreement and review associated considerations</p>
Last Modified
Jan 24, 2025
206 times

How Protected Are Parks and Open Space (and How do You Ensure Permanence?)

People rely on their parks and other public open spaces as secure, unfailing places for rest, renewal, and relief from everyday stresses. But just how permanent are they? And what are permissible and impermissible uses of the land? Join this session to learn about the different protections afforded to local parks and open spaces under Pennsylvania law and steps your community can take to strengthen these protections. We will discuss the various factors that come into play: state statutes, the PA Constitution, state deed restrictions, etc. We will also review tools, including declarations of public trust, for ensuring the permanence of these lands.
Last Modified
May 07, 2024
227 times

Introduction to Conservation Easements

What is a conservation easement? Few people–whether or not they work in conservation–understand this tool. You will come out of this session as one of those few. You will know the its strengths and weaknesses and what it can and can’t do. You will appreciate what obligations landowner and land trust will face and complications that may arise. You will understand factors that may point to using a different conservation tool. You will be walked through the questions and issues that must be resolved in applying a conservation easement to achieve particular conservation objectives for a specific property. The Model Grant of Conservation Easement and Declaration of Covenants will serve as a guide during the session.
Last Modified
May 07, 2024
247 times

Mechanics of Land and Easement Transactions

Land trusts each have their own processes for managing land and easement transactions, however in any acquisition project there are certain things that must happen, and a likely order of operations. If your organization has not developed a formal process, you can gain efficiency by adopting a standard. Join Todd Sampsell, Vice President of Conservation with Natural Lands as he provides an overview of the mechanics of land and easement acquisitions using Natural Lands’ process. This session will provide a robust introduction for new conservation staff, as well as a refresher for veteran staff and volunteers. Of course, we know that no project is ever really ‘standard’, so some time will be given to discussion of where things can go wonky.
Last Modified
May 07, 2024
228 times

Pass-Through Projects: A Land Conservation Roundtable

<p>Pass-through projects, where a land trust acquires land with the intention of another entity being the permanent owner, are a productive method of conserving land. Land trusts have &ldquo;flipped&rdquo; hundreds of thousands of acres of land for conservation purposes to local governments and state agencies in Pennsylvania. What does it take to successfully accomplish these projects? Laura Bower and Kyle Shenk of The Conservation Fund will set the stage for discussion with an introduction to the topic. Andy Loza will then moderate the discussion as attendees share with colleagues their experiences and practices and explore common challenges, risks, and barriers.</p>
Last Modified
Jan 24, 2025
180 times

The Model Grant of Conservation Easement: How It Works and Can Work for You - Parts 1 - 7 (LONG)

A deep dive into the Model Grant of Conservation Easement, this webinar series provides users with an in-depth look into how the model grant of conservation easement work and how it can work for your conservation organization.
Last Modified
May 07, 2024
214 times

The Model Grant of Conservation Easement: How It Works and Can Work for You (short) - Part 1

Part 1 of 2: Join Pat Pregmon and Lauren Pregmon-Tetreault of Pregmon Law Offices for this 2-part workshop breaking down the Model Grant of Conservation Easement and Declaration of Covenants. The goal of these workshops is to provide an understanding of how the basic Model Grant works as a tool to conserve natural and scenic resources and how the Commentary and Supplement provide a wealth of material to tailor individual grant documents to meet the needs of each user and each eased property.
Last Modified
May 07, 2024
225 times

The Model Grant of Conservation Easement: How It Works and Can Work for You (short) - Part 2

Part 2 of 2: Join Pat Pregmon and Lauren Pregmon-Tetreault of Pregmon Law Offices for this 2-part workshop breaking down the Model Grant of Conservation Easement and Declaration of Covenants. The goal of these workshops is to provide an understanding of how the basic Model Grant works as a tool to conserve natural and scenic resources and how the Commentary and Supplement provide a wealth of material to tailor individual grant documents to meet the needs of each user and each eased property.
Last Modified
May 07, 2024
233 times

Understanding the Story Your Appraisal Tells (and how to use it to sell your project) - Parts 1 & 2

During this 2-part series, participants will have the opportunity to walk through (read) a sample appraisal with the guidance of certified appraisers who will highlight and explain common sections found in most appraisals. The presenters will cover the information required by—and the differences between—the Uniform Standards of Profession Appraisal Practice (USPAP), Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisition (Yellowbook), and the IRS appraisal standards. Participants will learn how this information can be used to sell the project to their boards of directors, landowners, and funders. The session will also explain what land trusts should ask for in an appraisal report.
Last Modified
May 07, 2024
224 times

Working Through Complications in Land Deals

Join Michael Knoop, Director of Special Projects for Land Conservation, Community Engagement, and Strategic Planning at Western Pennsylvania Conservancy for a moderated roundtable discussion on some of the hypothetical complications that can arise when working through land deals. Patricia Pregmon, Esq and Lauren Pregmon Tetreault, Esq of Pregmon law offices will join us as experts on real estate law and liability issues, while Paul Rogers, Sara Giordano, PhD and Jennifer Swogger of the Insite Group will speak to environmental issues. Come ready with your questions for the experts!
Last Modified
May 07, 2024
268 times