Transportation Design

Library Items

Bridge to River Conceptual Bicylcle Network Analysis

The Bridge to River Conceptual Bicycle Network Analysis was created by Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission staff in collaboration with the City of Philadelphia. The plan includes a comprehensive analysis of existing conditions between the Benjamin Franklin Bridge and the Delaware River in Philadelphia and offers conceptual designs that identify opportunities to improve bicycle connections and safety in the area.
Last Modified
Mar 18, 2019
1692 times

Building Communities with Transit-Oriented Development

Organizations/Sources: Chester County Planning Commission
Recent trends have indicated that Chester County’s population will grow an additional 146,344 people by 2045, and much of which will occur in urban and suburban areas. Development options such as transit-oriented development can guide population growth and encourage development in the county’s growth areas, while helping to preserve the county’s open space. Many centers within the region are building compact walkable development, such as TOD, to accommodate both Millennials and Baby Boomers.
Last Modified
Mar 18, 2019
1781 times

Burlington Transportation Plan: Street Design Guidelines

Organizations/Sources: City of Burlington, VT
This draft section of the Burlington Transportation Plan provides design guidance for the city’s streets. The design guidelines address including all transportation modes and are described by street type.
Last Modified
Mar 22, 2019
6524 times

Comprehensive Transportation Planning: Knitting Together Land-Use and Transportation Decision-Making Through Scenario Planning

Recognizing the essential relationship between land use, urban form, and transportation decisions, in 2006 the Town of Mooresville, NC initiated three major planning projects: Comprehensive Land Use Plan, a Comprehensive Transportation Plan, and an update of its Zoning Ordinance. Following a suggestion by the Federal Highway Administration, the Town decided to incorporate scenario planning to better link the three planning processes.
Last Modified
Feb 25, 2019
5630 times

Context Sensitive Design Manual

Organizations/Sources: Georgia Department of Transportation
Comprehensive manual on context-sensitive transportation design (CSD). It highlights the latest research and development information regarding best practices and outlines policy guidelines and procedures for communication strategies, design flexibility, environmental sensitivity, and stakeholder involvement. It also includes case studies of projects that demonstrate good CSD practices.
Last Modified
Mar 21, 2019
2712 times

Curbless Streets: Evaluating Curbless and Shared-Space Concepts for Use on Philadelphia Streets

Curbless streets, shared space, flex space, and woonerven (or the singular, woonerf) stem from a concept in which typically narrow streets with low vehicle volumes are designed without a curb and with high-quality streetscape materials, enabling the street to function like a plaza or a paved yard. This report summarizes the traits common to curbless streets in peer cities within the United States, the benefits of their use and special considerations, and offers suggestions on selecting potential sites and design tools for use within candidate streets.
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
2583 times

Dangerous by Design

Organizations/Sources: National Complete Streets Coalition
Between 2008 and 2017, drivers struck and killed 49,340 people who were walking on streets all across the United States. That’s more than 13 people per day, or one person every hour and 46 minutes. It’s the equivalent of a jumbo jet full of people crashing—with no survivors—every single month. Dangerous by Design 2019 takes a closer look at this alarming epidemic and highlights how the complete streets design approach can significantly reduce these fatalities.
Last Modified
Mar 18, 2019
1728 times

Green Streets and Parking Lots

Organizations/Sources: Montgomery County Planning Commission
Series of short guides that describe the benefits of green streets and parking lots, and explore tools such as permeable pavement, rain gardens, and more.
Last Modified
Apr 16, 2019
1867 times

Healthy, Equitable Transportation Policy: Reccommendations and Research

This report demonstrates that transportation policy is, in effect, health policy—and environmental policy, food policy, employment policy, and metropolitan development policy, each of which bears on health independently and in concert with the others.
Last Modified
Mar 22, 2019
1487 times

Identifying Neighborhood Greenway Possibilities in Philadelphia

This study used best practices from the National Association of City Transportation Officials, Portland State University, and Portland Bureau of Transportation to develop a two-part geographic information system methodology that identified suitable streets to build neighborhood greenways in each of Philadelphia’s 10 city council districts. Neighborhood greenways are low-volume, low-stress streets that prioritize bicycle and pedestrian travel over vehicles.
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1803 times

Integrating Transportation and Land Use in Comprehensive Plans

This handbook is intended as a resource for Pennsylvania’s county and municipal leaders who seek practical guidance in better integrating land use and transportation in their comprehensive plan efforts.
Last Modified
Mar 21, 2019
5190 times

Minneapolis Design Guidelines for Streets and Sidewalks

Design guidelines for streets and sidewalks in Minneapolis (MN).
Last Modified
Mar 22, 2019
2708 times

Moving Forward Together: Transportation Plan for the City of Burlington

Organizations/Sources: City of Burlington, VT
The Burlington Transportation Plan is a multi-modal transportation improvement plan that provides a comprehensive and coordinated list of roadway, transit, bicycle and pedestrian facility, streetscape and land use recommendations for implementation that satisfy the overall vision of the City developed in the Burlington Municipal Development Plan and the Burlington Legacy Project.
Last Modified
Oct 18, 2011
5034 times

Pedestrian and Bicycle Friendly Policies, Practices, and Ordinances

This report provides information about recommended practices and ordinances that enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety and accommodations. Encouragement and safety campaigns are also highlighted.
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1743 times

Pennsylvania Community Transportation Initiative: Program Evaluation and Review of Round I Projects

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) introduced the Pennsylvania Community Transportation Initiative (PCTI) in 2009. An evaluation of the Round 1 PCTI projects was initiated by PennDOT in spring 2012 to identify successes and challenges in the implementation of each project and summarize the lessons learned. A publication of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PUB 738 [09-12])
Last Modified
Oct 06, 2017
2654 times

Phoenix Street Planning and Design Guidelines

Street planning and design guidelines for Phoenix (AZ).
Last Modified
Mar 22, 2019
2935 times

Practicioners Peer Exchange Environmental Justice Road Map

Report on a national peer exchange focused on incorporating environmental justice into transportation planning.
Last Modified
Mar 22, 2019
1601 times

Rural Transportation Corridors: Conservation Opportunities for Corridor Preservation and Community Development.

Organizations/Sources: Brandywine Conservancy
Route 41 passes through or near nine communities that contain extensive prime farmland, currently threatened by development. This report summarizes what is known about the relationship between roadway improvements and land use changes and identifies some of the tools and resources that can be used to influence land use changes resulting from rural roadway improvements.
Last Modified
Jun 24, 2019
5012 times

Shading Parking Lots

Organizations/Sources: Montgomery County Planning Commission
Short guide discusses the multiple benefits of planting shade trees in parking areas.
Last Modified
Mar 12, 2019
1518 times

Shifting Gears: Regional Bicycle Outreach and Priority Setting

This report describes Shifting Gears, a three-step process that included inventories of regional bicycle facilities, outreach to stakeholders, and an online survey. Included are descriptions of each of the various components of the program, a set of proposed priority locations based on the inventories and outreach sessions, and survey findings.
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1497 times

Smart Transportation Guidebook: Planning and Designing Highways and Streets that Support Sustainable and Livable Communities

This guide discusses smart transportation principals that address the planning and design of streets in a sustainable manner. It stresses linking transportation and land-use planning and is intended for agencies, local governments, and developers. It includes roadway and roadside guidelines.
Last Modified
Mar 18, 2019
9110 times

Smart Transportation in Lancaster County

Organizations/Sources: Lancaster County Planning Commission
Guide focused on smart transportation planning in Lancaster County, including roads, bridges, mixed-use development, pedestrian/bicycle infrastructure, and public transportation.
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1586 times

Street and Sidewalk Design

Good street and sidewalk design improves public health and safety, accommodates a variety of users, reduces environmental impacts, and makes communities more inviting. WeConservePA guide. 5 pages.
Last Modified
Feb 14, 2023
8101 times

Street Connectivity Guide

Organizations/Sources: Lehigh Valley Planning Commission
Connectivity is an analysis of the number and variety of connections serving origins such as residential neighborhoods and destinations like schools and shopping areas. Connectivity relates to the number of intersections along a segment of streets and how the entire area is connected to the system. Good street connectivity means providing a variety of ways to get from Point A to B, from using the car to walking. The recommendations in this report are geared toward improving the efficiency of mobility (i.e. ease of movement) and accessibility (i.e. the ability to go from an origin to a desired destination). The benefits of better connectivity go beyond improved mobility and accessibility and can include less traffic congestion, safer streets, municipal cost savings in the provision of services, and reduced need to improve arterial streets.
Last Modified
Mar 13, 2019
1529 times

Summary Report: Evaluation of Lane Reduction "Road Diet" Measures and Their Effects on Crashes and Injuries

This study evaluated road diets at several locations in California and Washington.
Last Modified
Aug 10, 2011
6967 times

Sustainable Transportation Actions

Outline of how Greater Philadelphia's transportation network could become more sustainable through technology, pricing, and design. The guide identifies actions for businesses, neighborhoods, governments, and individuals.
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1568 times

The Why and How of Measuring Access to Opportunity: A Guide to Performance Management

Organizations/Sources: National Complete Streets Coalition
This guidebook provides background on the changing priorities in transportation performance management, how some transportation agencies are already incorporating measures of access into their programs, and discusses the data and tools available to support measuring it.
Last Modified
Mar 22, 2019
1607 times