Pennsylvania Statutes

42 Pa.C.S.A. § 8143: Open-end mortgages

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
An open-end mortgage can secure payment of an obligation that has not come into existence yet. The excerpt from the Unofficial Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes from West regarding open-end mortgages as well as Pennsylvania Senate Bill 693 enacted as Act 126 of 1990 are included here.
Last Modified
Apr 18, 2011
12927 times

Act 109 of 2010 (amends Clean & Green)

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
Act 109 of 2010 (HB 1394) allows landowners who participate in Pennsylvania's Clean and Green program to use their land for commercial wind production where more than half of the produced energy is sold and used off of the tract of land. The portions of the land used for wind production are subject to rollback taxes.
Last Modified
Apr 30, 2013
7879 times

Act 115 of 2013 (amending Pennsylvania's Open Space Law)

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
Act 115 amends Act 442 of 1967, as amended, to provide that in addition to acquiring land and easements, dedicated open space taxes may now be used to develop, improve, design, engineer and maintain open space acquired with dedicated open space taxes in order to provide open space benefits. It also clarifies that voter created open space taxes may only be repealed by voter referendum.
Last Modified
Dec 20, 2013
10397 times

Act 149 of 1988 (amends Agricultural Area Security Law)

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
This act established Pennsylvania's agricultural conservation easement program. It amended the act of June 30, 1981 (P. L. 128, No. 43), known as the "Agricultural Area Security Law," to further provide for agricultural areas, public hearings, evaluation criteria, decisions and reviews of proposed areas, appeals, limitation on local agencies, policy of Commonwealth agencies, limitations on exercise of eminent domain and purchases of development easements in agricultural areas; authorizing the issuance of bonds for the purchase of agricultural conservation easements; making an appropriation; and making editorial changes. (As legislation, the act was known as House Bill No. 442.)
Last Modified
Dec 14, 2020
10239 times

Act 154 of 2006 (land trust-local government partnerships)

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
Pennsylvania Act 154 of 2006 facilitates local government partnerships with land trusts. Act 154 was passed unanimously by both the Senate and House, then signed into law by the Governor on November 29, 2006. (The act amends Pennsylvania's open space law.)
Last Modified
Jul 21, 2015
8011 times

Act 15 of 1999

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
Act 15 of 1999 establishes the Supplemental Agricultural Easement Purchase program, which provides technical assistance funds to eligible counties regarding long-term installment purchases of agricultural conservation easements and funds to reimburse land trusts for expenses incurred to acquire agricultural conservation easements.
Last Modified
Apr 05, 2011
4115 times

Act 44 of 2011 (Repeal of ACE 25-Year Clause)

Organizations/Sources: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Act 44 of 2011, signed into law by Governor Corbett on July 7, amends the Agricultural Area Security Law to repeal the provision allowing for the extinguishment of agricultural conservation easements after 25 years.
Last Modified
Jul 08, 2011
8842 times

Act 4 of 2006 (millage freeze; amends the open space law)

Organizations/Sources: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Act 4 provides a process for freezing the millage on open space properties. It amends the act of January 19, 1968 (1967 P.L.992, No.442), entitled, as amended, "An act authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the local government units thereof to preserve, acquire or hold land for open space uses," defining "municipal corporation"; further providing for property acquired in fee simple and for local taxing option; and making an editorial change.
Last Modified
Jul 21, 2015
6017 times

Act 54 of 1987

Enacted a referendum asking voters if they would approve a $100 million to establish the Agricultural Conservation Easement Purchase Program to conserve farmland. The referendum was placed on the ballot in November 1987 and passed with 68% approval.
Last Modified
Sep 06, 2017
2323 times

Act 67 of 2013 (amends Title 15: Corporations and Unincorporated Associations)

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
Amends Titles 15 (Corporations and Unincorporated Associations) and 54 (Names) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in Title 15, making extensive revisions, additions and deletions to preliminary material on general provisions; to corporation material on general provisions, on incorporation, on corporate powers, duties and safeguards, on officers, directors and shareholders, on fundamental changes, on registered corporations, on insurance corporations, on benefit corporations, on foreign business corporations, on incorporation and on foreign nonprofit corporations; to material on limited liability companies; to material on unincorporated associations; and to material on business trusts; in Title 54, further providing for general provisions and for corporate and other association names; and making related repeals.
Last Modified
Sep 22, 2013
6523 times

Act 84 of 2016 (expands transfer tax exclusions)

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
Act 84 of 2016 adds several types of transfers of conservation and recreational easements to the list of real estate transactions excluded from paying Pennsylvania's realty transfer tax. The Act covers a great number of taxation matters but the realty transfer tax portion may be found starting at page 45.
Last Modified
Jul 14, 2016
3814 times

Act 85 of 2012 (PA tax code amendment)

Organizations/Sources: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Act 85 of 2012, signed by Governor Corbett on 7/2/2012, amends the Tax Reform Code of 1971. Among its many provisions is an expansion of inheritance tax exemptions associated with farming and agricultural preservation. Can be found as House Bill 761 (session of 2011) in the records of the PA General Assembly. 139 pp.
Last Modified
Jul 16, 2012
13237 times

Act 88 of 2010 (amends Clean & Green)

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
Under Act 88, land subject to preferential assessment under PA Clean and Green may be used for exploration for, and removal of, gas and oil. Roll-back taxes will be imposed upon only those portions of land actually devoted to these activities, excluding land devoted to subsurface transmission or gathering lines. Act 88 also allows for the development and use of Tier I alternative energy on any land use category of Clean and Green to be kept under preferential assessment as long as more than half of the energy annually generated is used on the tract of land.
Last Modified
Apr 30, 2013
9289 times

Act 8 of 2011 (private transfer fees)

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
Pennsylvania’s Act 8 of 2011 (House Bill 442) prohibits private transfer fees but provides exceptions for fees payable to nonprofit corporations in association with conservation easements as well as for fees payable to governments.
Last Modified
Apr 30, 2013
6272 times

Act of Jan. 19, (1968) 1967, P.L. 992, No. 442 "Preserving Land for Open Air Spaces"

Organizations/Sources: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
As amended through 2013, an act authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the local government units thereof to preserve, acquire or hold land for open space uses. It is the purpose of this act to clarify and broaden the existing methods by which the Commonwealth and its local government units may preserve land in or acquire land for open space uses.
Last Modified
Jan 09, 2020
6920 times

Agricultural Area Security Law (as amended through 2013)

This is a copy of Act 43, which created the Agricultural Security Area program. The document reflects all revisions to this statute, through Act 19 of 2013.
Last Modified
Feb 03, 2017
12242 times

Conservation and Preservation Easements Act

Organizations/Sources: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania Conservation and Preservation Easements Act, the act of June 22, 2001 (P.L. 390, No. 29) (32 P.S. §§5051-5059) was enacted in its final form as House Bill 975, PN 2294. It is Pennsylvania's enabling act for conservation easements (excluding agricultural conservation easements created under the Agricultural Area Security Law.)
Last Modified
Oct 27, 2015
12760 times

Guide to the Conservation and Preservation Easements Act: Pennsylvania Act 29 of 2001

Conservation organizations can avoid many potential difficulties in conservation easement stewardship by ensuring that their conservation easement documents are drafted to conform with the Conservation and Preservation Easements Act. WeConservePA guide. 7 pages.
Last Modified
Feb 06, 2024
9768 times

Inheritance and Estate Tax Act (PA)

Organizations/Sources: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
The provisions of the Inheritance and Estate Tax Act can be found at Article XXI of the Tax Reform Code of 1971, as amended, which is linked to here. Daniel B. Evans describes the recent history of the Pennsylvania Inheritance and Estate Tax Act (at his website at as "rather confusing."
Last Modified
Jan 10, 2024
9477 times

Institutions of Purely Public Charity Act, 1997, Nov. 26, P.L. 508, No. 55

Organizations/Sources: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
The act standardizes the application of eligibility standards for charitable organization tax exemptions in Pennsylvania.
Last Modified
Mar 30, 2011
4880 times

Local Government Unit Debt Act

The Local Government Unit Debt Act (LGUDA) provides the procedure for Pennsylvania's local government units to issue debt and tax anticipation notes. The Act also provides the borrowing limits for the local government units.
Last Modified
Aug 30, 2017
4283 times

Open Meetings: The Sunshine Act

The Pennsylvania Sunshine Act requires all public agencies to take all official actions and conduct all deliberations leading up to official actions at public meetings. The Act covers all such actions by municipal governing bodies, committees of these governing bodies and municipal boards and commissions. This guide includes extensive guidance on the Act as well as the text of the Act.
Last Modified
Jun 02, 2014
3930 times

Pennsylvania Act 177 of 1996

Act 177 of 1996 amended Title 53 (Municipalities Generally) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, adding revised, codified and compiled provisions relating to local government; and making repeals. Part III "Government and Administration", Subpart D "Area Government and Intergovernmental Cooperation", Chapter 23 "General Provisions", Subchapter B "Environmental Advisory Councils" enables the creation of environmental advisory councils and sets forth the rules governing them. EACs were originally enabled by Act 148 of 1973. Act 177 amended this statute.
Last Modified
Nov 09, 2020
8729 times

Pennsylvania Equine Activity Immunity Act

Organizations/Sources: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania's Act 93 of 2005 (4 P.S. §§ 601-606) provides immunity from liability for particular equine activities under certain conditions.
Last Modified
Jun 24, 2023
5713 times

Pennsylvania Farmland and Forest Land Assessment Act of 1974: Act 319

The Pennsylvania Farmland and Forest Land Assessment Act, commonly known as “Clean and Green” or Act 319, provides for lower property tax assessments of land capable of producing wood products, agricultural land, and open space land open to the public.
Last Modified
Mar 23, 2011
24085 times

Pennsylvania Land Use Law Library

This website provides information on proposed legislation, state statutes, and land use case law rulings.
Last Modified
Mar 15, 2019
8792 times

Political Subdivision Tort Claims Act

Organizations/Sources: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Counties, townships and other municipal entities and instrumentalities can assert immunity under the Political Subdivision Tort Claims Act Users should confirm whether the Act has been recently updated before using the posted file or link.
Last Modified
Jan 17, 2011
9424 times

Preserved Farmland Tax Stabilization Act

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
Act 91 of 1994 (PL 605) requires that land subject to agricultural conservation easements be assessed at the land’s restricted farmland value.
Last Modified
Apr 05, 2011
3882 times

Project 70 Land Acquisition and Borrowing Act

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
Pennsylvania's Project 70 Land Acquisition and Borrowing Act (Act 8 of 1964) authorized Commonwealth indebtedness of $70 million for the acquisition of lands for recreation, conservation and historical purposes.
Last Modified
Jun 01, 2011
5608 times

Rails to Trails Act

Organizations/Sources: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania’s Rails-to-Trails Act (32 P.S. § 5611 ) provides for rail-trails acquired under the Act liability protection similar to that found in PA's Recreational Use of Land and Water Act. It also establishes within DCNR a program to acquire, operate, maintain and develop available railroad rights-of-way for public recreational trail use.
Last Modified
Jun 24, 2023
7198 times

Recreational Use of Land and Water Act (Title 68, Sections 477-1 et seq.)

Organizations/Sources: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
This law encourages landowners to allow the public onto their properties for recreational use by limiting the liability of landowners for claims of injury associated with that recreational use. The Recreational Use of Land and Water Act (“RULWA”), found in Purdon’s Pennsylvania Statutes, title 68, sections 477-1 et seq., is presented here as as amended by the PA General Assembly through 2018. The HB544 document provides the 2018 amendments to the statute.
Last Modified
Jun 24, 2023
12463 times

Sovereign Immunity Act

Organizations/Sources: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania can assert immunity under the Sovereign Immunity Act. Users should confirm whether the Act has been recently updated before using the posted file or link.
Last Modified
Jan 17, 2011
8172 times

Who Has Standing? Conservation Easements in Pennsylvania Courts

Who can assert claims and be heard in Pennsylvania’s courts if a dispute heats up over the management of a conservation easement? WeConservePA guide. 6 pages.
Last Modified
Jan 30, 2024
6631 times