Preferential Assessment (Clean & Green)

Act 88 of 2010 (amends Clean & Green)

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
Under Act 88, land subject to preferential assessment under PA Clean and Green may be used for exploration for, and removal of, gas and oil. Roll-back taxes will be imposed upon only those portions of land actually devoted to these activities, excluding land devoted to subsurface transmission or gathering lines. Act 88 also allows for the development and use of Tier I alternative energy on any land use category of Clean and Green to be kept under preferential assessment as long as more than half of the energy annually generated is used on the tract of land.
Last Modified
Apr 30, 2013
9384 times

Clean and Green: Pennsylvania's Preferential Tax Assessment Program

Clean and Green, established by the Pennsylvania Farmland and Forest Land Assessment Act, provides for lower property tax assessments of qualified parcels capable of producing agricultural products and timber or providing open space for public use. Clean and Green is managed by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Direct questions to the administrator at (717) 705-7796. WeConservePA guide. 7 pages.
Last Modified
Jul 18, 2024
4433 times

Clean and Green Regulations by County

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania Association of Realtors
Provides information, as it becomes available, on how counties are handling Marcellus Shale drilling on Clean and Green properties.
Last Modified
Dec 07, 2009
6198 times

Farmland Preservation Annual Reports: 2008–2023

The annual reports provide an overview of farmland preservation tools in Pennsylvania and their track record. They include data on the participation in the Clean and Green program and a list of all agricultural security areas in the state by county and township.
Last Modified
Aug 01, 2024
13448 times

Pennsylvania Farmland and Forest Land Assessment Act of 1974: Act 319

The Pennsylvania Farmland and Forest Land Assessment Act, commonly known as “Clean and Green” or Act 319, provides for lower property tax assessments of land capable of producing wood products, agricultural land, and open space land open to the public.
Last Modified
Mar 23, 2011
24322 times

Pennsylvania Legislator’s Municipal Deskbook, Sixth Edition

The manual is intended to provide legislators with observations on basic topics that are fundamental to, or frequently arise in connection with, municipal government in the Commonwealth; overview of some of the local government-related issues that may arise in constituent inquiries; links to various resources pertaining to municipal issues, contacts for government agencies and municipal associations, laws affecting municipalities, and relevant websites.
Last Modified
Sep 30, 2022
10838 times

Real Property Taxes and Farm Income in Pennsylvania

Organizations/Sources: Penn State University
Information to help the reader better understand farming in Pennsylvania, local taxes, and the impact of real property taxes on farms.
Last Modified
Mar 23, 2011
4526 times

Reconsidering Preferential Assessment of Rural Land

Organizations/Sources: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Preferential assessment of rural land has modestly slowed the rate of rural land development. It also imposes social costs. Reform of preferential assessment programs could both improve their efficacy and reduce negative impacts.
Last Modified
Apr 28, 2012
4579 times

Taxation Manual

The purpose of the Taxation Manual is to provide local government officials with a general guide to municipal tax revenue sources. The eighth edition, published in 2002, was updated with an addendum in 2004.
Last Modified
Aug 27, 2015
3628 times

Understanding Clean and Green

Organizations/Sources: Lycoming County Assessment Office
Provides an overview of the Clean and Green program in a frequently asked question format.
Last Modified
Apr 04, 2011
5623 times

Understanding Forest Property Tax Assessment in Pennsylvania

Organizations/Sources: Penn State University
The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Bureau of Forestry is responsible for setting maximum assessed values for forest- land enrolled in Clean and Green. This publication discusses how these maximum assessed values for forestland enrolled in Clean and Green are calculated.
Last Modified
Mar 23, 2011
4736 times