Build Out Analysis

About Buildouts: A Brief Guide to Buildout Analysis, and Why and How to Do Them

Reviews basic information about what they are, why they're done, what data is needed, how to conduct them, and what to do with the results.
Last Modified
May 23, 2017
4690 times

Borough of Chambersburg Comprehensive Plan

A build-out analysis was completed as part of Chambersburg’s comprehensive plan update process. The build-out analysis is included in appendix 4.
Last Modified
Mar 23, 2011
7088 times

Building a Vision for Our Region

Organizations/Sources: Central Pennsylvania Conservancy
In response to the interest that the Monroe Township Supervisors expressed in finding a new way of visioning the future of their community and the impacts of their land use decisions, the Central Pennsylvania Conservancy created a visioning presentation that shows a community build-out analysis for the conservation zone located within Monroe Township.
Last Modified
Feb 25, 2019
7056 times

Build Out Analyses: Conservation Opportunities for Corridor Preservation and Community Development

Organizations/Sources: Brandywine Conservancy
Route 41 passes through or near nine communities that contain extensive prime farmland and is under threat from development. This is a buildout analyses for those communities impacted and assists municipalities who want to address increased land development pressures by quantifying the amount of development that current zoning would allow for a 20-year period from 2003-2023.
Last Modified
Apr 14, 2017
6047 times

Build-Out Analysis

Authors: Patty Elkis and Nate Lotze
A build-out analysis projects the development that could occur in an area under current law. It enables a community to test the reality of its development regulations against its vision for its future.
Last Modified
May 24, 2017
6617 times

Build-Out Analysis in GIS as a Planning Tool With a Demonstration for Roanoke County, Virginia

Authors: Mary A. Zirkle
Major paper submitted to the faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Gives an overview of build-out-analyses and gives in-depth information on how a build-out analysis was completed for Roanoke County, Virginia
Last Modified
Oct 21, 2009
6486 times

Build-Out Analysis of the Barnegat Bay Watershed

Shows how a build-out analysis, which includes examination of environmental factors, was conducted. Full report and summary are available.
Last Modified
Oct 21, 2009
4084 times

Draft Joint Comprehensive Plan: Growth Management Plan for Dover Borough/Dover Township Region, Appendix 4: Build-Out Analysis

Organizations/Sources: Dover Borough and Dover Township
The report shows how a build-out analysis was used to develop a growth management plan. The build-out analysis is included in appendix 4.
Last Modified
Feb 21, 2014
4978 times

Estimating Residential Development Capacity, A Guidebook for Analysis and Implementation in Maryland

A nuts and bolts analysis of how to estimate build-out in a variety of Maryland communities.
Last Modified
Feb 28, 2011
4471 times

Growth Management Plan for Milford Township

The paper describes the GIS techniques and methods used to help develop and design a growth management plan for Milford Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. It analyzes Milford Township's existing zoning and land use plan and discusses a future projection buildout scenario, following existing plans and regulations. Then alternative development scenarios, along with 3D visualizations, are developed and compared. The paper summarizes the pros and cons of all these development scenarios.
Last Modified
Feb 15, 2017
5585 times

Growth Managment Plan for Milford Township: Suitability Analysis and Build-out Scenarios

Describes the GIS techniques and methods used to help develop and design a growth management plan for Milford Township in Bucks County. It analyzes Milford Township's existing zoning and land use plan and discusses a future projection build-out scenario, following existing plans and regulations. Then, alternative development scenarios, along with 3D visualizations, are developed and compared.
Last Modified
Feb 10, 2017
3684 times

Integrating Build-Out Analysis and Water Quality Modeling to Predict the Environmental Impacts of Alternative Development Scenarios

Organizations/Sources: Chesapeake Bay Foundation
This report provides background information on the use of build-out analysis and water quality/environmental modeling as land planning and water quality predictive management tools. It also contains summaries of 14 build-out analyses that have been conducted.
Last Modified
Apr 06, 2012
4250 times

Manual of Build-Out Analysis

Authors: Jeff Lacy
Organizations/Sources: Center for Rural Massachusetts
A step-by-step how-to guide on the methodology and applicability of this planning tool.
Last Modified
Apr 13, 2017
6958 times

Planning for Changing Demographics: Millenials in the Delaware Valley

This report summarizes data and research related to the transportation, career, and housing preferences of today's young adults. Known as millennials, this generation of Americans was largely born during the 1980s and 90s. They are the largest generation in American history and their expectations and priorities have the potential to influence the physical form of communities throughout our region and around the country.
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1548 times

Rating the Region: Metropolitan Indicators Report

This report compares 26 metropolitan areas in terms of demographics, natural resources and the environment; livable communities; the economy; and transportation. The Philadelphia region’s strengths include its diverse economy; relatively affordable housing, myriad of colleges, universities, and cultural opportunities; health care resources; extensive highway and transit network; and quality air and port facilities. These strengths, however, threaten to be checked by regional challenges, including urban concentrations of poverty and unemployment; low labor force participation; disparately low educational attainment in its cities; an aging population; and fragmented local government. The challenge facing the region is identifying how to capitalize and build on its strengths while recognizing and working to resolve its identified weaknesses.
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1809 times

Regional Growth Management and Regional Transportation Planning (Tri-County Regional Planning Commission, Central Pennsylvania)

In an effort to update both its Regional Growth Management Plan and Regional Transportation Plan, the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission implemented scenario build-outs throughout its entire service region, which includes 103 municipalities in the counties of Cumberland, Dauphin and Perry.
Last Modified
Feb 14, 2011
6675 times


Organizations/Sources: Central Pennsylvania Conservancy
The concept behind ReVisionPA is simple: The more that people experience the role natural resource assets play in their community, the more in-tune they will be with opportunities to protect and enhance them. Since the best education begins with experience, ReVisionPA focuses on three approaches to help citizens and leaders become more experienced and informed decision-makers — visioning services, workshops, and programs. ReVision's web page includes a resource library that provides details about the practices and projects currently being undertaken by ReVisionPA.
Last Modified
Sep 07, 2012
4822 times

Shaping Future Development: The Role of Current Zoning

Organizations/Sources: Montgomery County Planning Commission
The Montgomery County Planning Commission conducted a build out study which measured and described all future development permitted in the central and western municipalities of Montgomery County under current zoning ordinances.
Last Modified
Oct 22, 2015
5133 times

Using CommunityViz Build-out Extension

Organizations/Sources: ESRI
Short presentation on CommunityViz Build-out Analysis
Last Modified
Feb 14, 2011
4524 times