State and Federal Funding Programs

Bureau of Recreation and Conservation Brochure

This eight page brochure provides an overview of the grant programs and other services available from the Bureau of Recreation and Conservation.
Last Modified
Feb 24, 2016
5199 times

Coastal Zone Grant Program Fact Sheet

The Pennsylvania Coastal Zone Management Program (PCZMP) works to enhance the Commonwealth’s capacity to manage the natural, recreational, and historic resources of its two geographically distinct Coastal Zones and coastal watersheds.
Last Modified
Feb 24, 2016
4542 times

Farmland Preservation Annual Reports: 2008–2023

The annual reports provide an overview of farmland preservation tools in Pennsylvania and their track record. They include data on the participation in the Clean and Green program and a list of all agricultural security areas in the state by county and township.
Last Modified
Aug 01, 2024
13448 times

Financing Municipal Recreation and Parks

This comprehensive resource guide is designed to help staff and volunteers responsible for managing municipal recreation and parks services wade through the maze of financing possibilities.
Last Modified
Feb 24, 2016
5856 times

Finding the Green! A Guide to State Funding Opportunities for Conservation, Recreation and Preservation Projects

Organizations/Sources: Growing Greener Organization
The purpose of this guide is to offer, in a single source, a thorough and accurate rundown of the state funding opportunities for conservation, preservation, and recreation projects throughout the commonwealth.
Last Modified
Apr 02, 2014
4736 times

PA Coastal Zone Grant Program Information and Application (Southeastern PA)

This website is intended to provide applicants with guidance necessary to apply for Pennsylvania Coaztal Zone Management (CZM) Program grants, including information concerning eligibility, activities that may be funded, federal funding conditions and application procedures. Pennsylvania's Delaware Estuary coastal zone extends for 57 miles along the Delaware River from Marcus Hook in Delaware County to Morrisville in Bucks County, and from the mouth of the Schuylkill River to the Fairmount Dam in Philadelphia.
Last Modified
Feb 24, 2016
5034 times

PA DCNR Grant Programs - Descriptions

Desciptions of PA DCNR's current grant programs including Growing Greener, grants for land acquisition and facilities development, trail construction, etc.
Last Modified
Feb 24, 2016
4846 times

PA DCNR Grants Web Page

On-line forms, deadlines, and submission information for all of the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (PA DCNR) grant programs to municipal government and qualified non-profits.
Last Modified
Oct 21, 2010
5427 times

Pennsylvania Act 13 Conservation and Recreation Funding

Organizations/Sources: The Trust for Public Land
Pennsylvania's Act 13 of 2012 established an impact fee on oil and gas drilling. The Act allocates revenue from the impact fee to state, county and local governments to be used for a variety of purposes. This guide describes the funds available for conservation, parks and recreation so that local governments and nonprofits may better access them for these purposes.
Last Modified
Jan 23, 2013
5898 times

Report: Feasibility of Establishing a Water Use Fee in Pennsylvania

The study is to determine potential revenues from House Bill 20, PN 1846 of 2017; the necessary fee rates to generate annual revenues of $500 million, $300 million, and $100 million; and potential revenue from each of the major watersheds in Pennsylvania.
Last Modified
Jun 07, 2018
2076 times

Wetlands Reserve Program Fact Sheet

The Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) is a voluntary program that provides technical and financial assistance to eligible landowners to address wetland, wildlife habitat, soil, water, and related natural resource concerns on private lands in an environmentally beneficial and cost-effective manner. The program provides an opportunity for landowners to receive financial incentives to restore, protect, and enhance wetlands in exchange for retiring marginal land from agriculture.
Last Modified
Feb 24, 2016
9135 times