Conservation by Design

Library Items

Conservation by Design

Authors: Nate Lotze and Ann Hutchinson
By making straightforward changes to municipal land-use ordinances, Conservation by Design helps communities protect open space and natural resources at essentially no cost and without reducing the rights of landowners and developers to develop their land. (Print version of guide)
Last Modified
Jan 22, 2019
2933 times

Conservation Subdivision Design Handbook

Comprehensive examination of the Design concept, complete with up-to date references, examples, model ordinances, case studies and more.
Last Modified
Sep 30, 2015
8807 times

Conservation Subdivision Design Project: Developing a Local Bylaw

Organizations/Sources: Metropolitan Area Planning Council
Funded by the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) undertook this project in order to promote and enable the use of Conservation Subdivision Design (or CSD), arguably the best reform made to traditional cluster-type zoning to date. This project is intended to elevate the use of this alternative land development technique to one that is commonly accepted and utilized, by serving as an educational tool particularly for Town Planners, Planning Boards and developers.
Last Modified
Oct 14, 2015
4548 times

Enhancing Subdivision Value Through Conservation Design

Authors: Randall Arendt
Organizations/Sources: On Common Ground
Conservation subdivision design offers a way to design land development so that some green space is preserved, property values are increased and the same amount of buildings are constructed as would be without it. The conservation subdivision identifies natural and cultural resources that should be preserved and ways to situate houses in ways that both preserve that land and place houses close enough to it so residents can fully enjoy it. The article provides a basic example of how a partially wooded lot could be converted into a conservation subdivision and examples of how this tool has been used to save significant amounts of money on actual development projects.
Last Modified
Aug 13, 2015
6473 times

Green Development Conservation Subdivision Design

Organizations/Sources: Smart Communities Network
Brief background of Conservation Subdivision Design (CSD) and list of resources and case studies.
Last Modified
Oct 14, 2015
4436 times

Greener Prospects

Authors: Randall Arendt
Organizations/Sources: Greener Prospects
Randall Arendt is a nationally recognized expert on the topic of Conservation by Design and was one the first proponents of this concept. This website has numerous free publications, videos, books, and case studies on multiple topics relating to land-use planning.
Last Modified
Mar 24, 2011
5512 times

Growing Greener Conservation Subdivision Design Presentation

Authors: Rick Trailes
Organizations/Sources: Natural Lands Trust
Growing Greener: Conservation by Design, a method of creating conservation subdivisions, which preserve open space through the development process.
Last Modified
Aug 21, 2018
4611 times

Growing Greener Model Ordinance (Version 2.0)

Organizations/Sources: Natural Lands Trust
This model ordinance, consisting of model language for both zoning and subdivision and land development ordinances, provides regulations that can be added to typical, existing ordinances to implement the principles and standards of conservation subdivision design.
Last Modified
Jan 04, 2019
7963 times

Growing Greener: Putting Conservation Into Local Plans And Ordinances

Authors: Randall Arendt
Growing Greener is an illustrated workbook that presents a new look at designing subdivisions while preserving green space and creating open space networks. Randall Arendt explains how to design residential developments that maximize land conservation without reducing overall building density, thus avoiding the political and legal problems often associated with "down-zoning.
Last Modified
May 02, 2011
4978 times

Intentional Grounding

Authors: Teresa Burney
Organizations/Sources: Bid Builder Magazine
Article describing how conservation subdivisions are allowing sellers, buyers, and even "not in my back yard" proponents find set-aside plans they support.
Last Modified
May 02, 2011
4935 times

Introduction to Growing Greener: Conservation by Design

Organizations/Sources: Natural Lands Trust
This booklet summarizes how municipalities can use the development process to their advantage to protect interconnected networks of open space: natural areas, greenways, trails and recreational lands. Communities can take control of their destinies so that their conservation goals are achieved in a manner fair to all parties concerned. All that is needed are some relatively straightforward amendments to municipal comprehensive plans, zoning ordinances and subdivision ordinances.
Last Modified
Apr 25, 2011
5791 times

Land Choices Web Page

Organizations/Sources: LandChoices
A national non-profit helping landowners preserve their land through conservation subdivisions and other techniques. The website showcases examples of conservation subdivisions from across the United States.
Last Modified
Mar 25, 2011
4448 times

Model Conservation Design Overlay District

Lebanon County Planning Commission zoning ordinance that implements Conservation by Design by requiring certain amounts of open space to be set aside in new developments.
Last Modified
Nov 08, 2018
1748 times

Model Ordinance: Conservation Subdivisions

Organizations/Sources: Lehigh Valley Planning Commission
Model municipal ordinance for conservation subdivisions (also known as conservation by design), which set aside a significant amount of open space as part of a development.
Last Modified
Mar 13, 2019
1985 times

Rural by Design (2nd edition)

Authors: Randall Arendt
<p>This 552-page volume, written in a highly readable and lively style, provides an unparalleled land use planning and design resource for professional planners, members of municipal decision-making bodies, and students alike. It is an authoritative guide to building in far more economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable ways than typically done, creating communities that people take joy in and that contribute to municipal fiscal health. The book may be purchased directly from the author or from other outlets. (A selection of case studies developed by the author post-publication are provided at no charge by the author <a href="">elsewhere in the WeConservePA Library</a>.)</p>
Last Modified
Dec 19, 2024
344 times