
This website is a real estate appraiser listing service.
Last Modified
Oct 27, 2015
4617 times

This website is a nationwide online search engine to locate appraisers.
Last Modified
Oct 27, 2015
5172 times

Appraising Conservation Easement Donations: The Need for More Uniform Standards and Greater Oversight

Organizations/Sources: Environmental Law Institute
Standardized appraisal methods for charitable contributions of conservation easement donations do not currently exist. The author refutes the notion of limiting the charitable contribution program and proposes the establishment of uniform appraisal methods and greater oversight by the IRS.
Last Modified
Nov 23, 2010
3481 times

Conservation Easement Appraisal Guide

Organizations/Sources: Colorado Coalition of Land Trusts
A Brief Overview of Easement Valuation in Colorado
Last Modified
Oct 27, 2015
5405 times

IRS Appraisal Requirements for Gifts of Land and Conservation Easements

Organizations/Sources: Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
This document prepared by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy provides a brief outline of the federal IRS requirements for potential tax deductions from donation of land and conservation easements.
Last Modified
Oct 27, 2015
8348 times

IRS Issued Guidance Regarding Appraisal Requirements for Noncash Charitable Contributions

Authors: Susan J. Kassell
Organizations/Sources: Internal Revenue Service
This is a notice to provide transitional guidance relating to the new definitions of "qualified appraisal" and "qualified appraiser" in § 170(f)(11) of the Internal Revenue Code, and new § 6695A of the Code.
Last Modified
Oct 27, 2015
4977 times

Non-Cash Contributions: Qualified Appraisals & Valuation Penalties for Donors and Appraisers

Organizations/Sources: Council on Foundations
Fact Sheet on Section 1219 of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (H.R. 4) increases penalties on overvaluation and undervaluation of non-cash property on donors and appraisers.
Last Modified
Oct 27, 2015
5135 times

Yellow Book Appraisal Standards

Organizations/Sources: Appraisal Institute
The 2016 edition of the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions. The Standards were originally published in 1971. The Standards have earned a prestigious position. They are frequently cited by Congress in legislation relating to the valuation of federal land acquisitions and have guided the appraisal process in these matters since their original issuance by the Inter-agency Land Acquisition Conference.
Last Modified
Dec 22, 2017
14191 times