
Biodiversity—Our Living World: Your Life Depends on It!

This is an excellent educational resource on Pennsylvania biodiversity. It is full of photos and information presented in a creative and interesting manner.
Last Modified
Oct 16, 2009
6699 times

Box City, An Interdisciplinary Experience in Community Planning

Authors: Ginny Graves
Organizations/Sources: CUBE National Outreach
Provides active opportunities to construct communities and apply planning concepts. Box City Curriculum, Classroom and Festival Pack are available through CUBE/archiSources.
Last Modified
Oct 19, 2009
5522 times

Cluster: Teaching for the Future

The goal of Environmental Education is to help students become environmentally aware, knowledgeable, skilled, dedicated citizens who are committed to work, individually, and collectively, to defend, improve, and sustain the quality of the environment on behalf of the present and future generations of all living things.
Last Modified
Oct 16, 2009
3964 times

Exploring Environmental Issues: Places We Live

An environmental program for secondary students developed by Project Learning Tree that focuses on land use decision-making. For information and to obtain copies contact PDE Office of Environment and Ecology at 717.783.6995.
Last Modified
Aug 15, 2011
4468 times

Lessons From the Land

Organizations/Sources: Creative Change Educational Solutions
This is a curriculum developed to educate young people about land use and the role of citizens in shaping a sustainable future.
Last Modified
Oct 17, 2009
3845 times

Marcellus Educational Resources

These lesson plans were developed to address program requests and to facilitate discussion around this important issue. Please feel free to use them in any way that they may help you in your educational efforts on Marcellus shale and natural gas extraction.
Last Modified
May 13, 2011
4335 times

Population Density: How Much Space Do You Have?

Organizations/Sources: Teach Engineering
Students learn about population density within environments and ecosystems. They determine the density of a population and think about why population density and distribution information is useful to engineers for city planning and design as well as for resource allocation.
Last Modified
Oct 16, 2009
22886 times

Project WILD, K-12 Curriculum and Activity Guide

Project WILD is an interdisciplinary conservation and environmental education program emphasizing wildlife. Workshops are coordinated by the Pennsylvania Game Commission. The activity recommended in PA Land Choices is called “Oh Deer!” and is located in Project WILD.
Last Modified
Oct 16, 2009
6859 times

ResourcesZine For Teachers, Parents, and Planners

Organizations/Sources: American Planning Association
ResourcesZine is APA's youth and planning resource center. It is a free online database featuring hundreds of ideas for involving young people in planning or teaching them about community planning, environmental protection, urban design, civic engagement, geography and GIS, social studies, transportation, history, and other planning-related topics. Sortable by topic and resource type, ResourcesZine includes descriptions of curriculums, lesson plans, programs, activities, websites, books, events, and more. Let ResourcesZine be your guide for inspiring youth to become proactive members of their communities.
Last Modified
Oct 17, 2009
3812 times

Saving Pennsylvania For The Classroom TEACHER’S GUI DE — GRADES 7 -12

Authors: Tom Hylton
S AVING PENNSYLVANIA is an hour-long public television documentary that illustrates the negative impacts of sprawling development and suggests better ways to grow in the future. The program has been edited into two segments for use in middle school, high school, and college classrooms. Both segments are contained in one 40-minute tape. An optional 4-minute introduction to a homework assignment is also included.
Last Modified
Oct 16, 2009
4450 times

Sustaining Penn’s Woods—A Sound Use of the Land

This is a Pennsylvania—specific interdisiciplinary program of instructional activities on Pennslvania forest and land use aligned with the academic standards.
Last Modified
Oct 20, 2009
4428 times

This Land Is Your Land

Organizations/Sources: Michigan State University Extension
This set of land use curriculum materials was designed to help students grow and develop into involved citizens who understand the importance and practice of wise land use. They have been designed for upper elementary -- 3rd through 5th grades, although the lessons are easily adaptable to any grade level.
Last Modified
Sep 24, 2012
5460 times

ViewFinders and ViewFinders Too

Organizations/Sources: Dunn Foundation
These are elementary and middle school curricula for students in grades 3-8. They include numerous educational activities with photographs developed by The Dunn Foundation which was founded to address community appearance and community identity.
Last Modified
Oct 19, 2009
4357 times

Watershed Education

This program was developed to help use nearby natural resources as a valuable teaching tool for students in grades 6–12. Teacher training is provided as well as field and classroom training provided by Bureau of State Parks environmental educators.
Last Modified
Oct 21, 2010
4129 times

Where Do We Grow From Here? Lesson 9: The Cost of Community Services

This is one of a series of lesson plans taken from the State of Maryland’s Teacher’s Resource Guide on Growth and Its Impacts. Teachers can use the plan to illustrate how the costs of a community are impacted by different land uses.
Last Modified
Aug 11, 2015
5482 times