Investment Governance

Poll: Investment Governance Practices for Nonprofits

According to the poll, the majority (76%) of nonprofit portfolios are governed by an investment committee that meets, on average, about four timesper year. Additionally, 41% of participating organizations reported using an investment consultant, and 18% use an investment outsourcing partner. About one-quarter (23%) of organizations also reported having full-time internal investment staff; however, the average size of such staffs equates to less than one person.
Last Modified
Sep 14, 2023
3644 times

The Roles and Resposibilities of Investment Committees of Nonprofit Organizations

A nonprofit may create an investment committee to oversee investments. There are underlying principles that should guide the work of all committees. This article suggests practices that investment committees of large and small organizations should consider, identifies what makes an investment committee effective, and describes generally the legal framework governing the investment committee’s decisions.
Last Modified
Dec 06, 2017
3255 times