Converting Lawn to Meadow

Alternatives to Lawns: Choosing What's Right for You

Authors: George Weigel
Turf grass isn't the only option for filling our yards. This article offers alternatives to conventional lawns, such as meadow and low-growing groundcovers, and lists native species that grow well in Pennsylvania.
Last Modified
Apr 11, 2017
7231 times

Case Study: Black Rock Sanctuary Establishing a Native Meadow

Authors: K. Owen Prusack
This is a case study of the conversion of 42 acres of the Black Rock Santcuary in Chester County into a native warm season grass meadow. It includes a step-by-step guide that Chester County Parks and Recreation used to transform the area from a silt repository into the meadow.
Last Modified
Aug 17, 2018
4620 times

From Lawn to Meadow: Protect Water, Provide Habitat, Save Money

Authors: Nate Lotze and Andrew M. Loza
Converting areas covered by turf grass to meadows can be financially rewarding and relatively simple on both public and private land. It can also deliver substantial environmental and aesthetic benefits. WeConservePA guide. 5 pages.
Last Modified
Oct 06, 2022
4863 times

Guide to Passing Wildlife-Friendly Property Maintenance Ordinances

Organizations/Sources: National Wildlife Federation
A guide for local government leaders, homeowners' associations, and others who want to promote the expansion of wildlife-friendly habitats in their communities. It provides case studies of cities that revised their property maintenance ordinances to incentivize homeowners and other landowners to transform their land into wildlife habitats. This guide also provides model ordinances and policies. Lead author: Samantha R. Miller.
Last Modified
Oct 06, 2022
2121 times

How to Create a Meadow in Southeastern Pennsylvania: The Basics

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania Environmental Council
This publication details the basics of what is required to create and maintain a native grass and wildflower meadow in southeastern Pennsylvania.
Last Modified
Apr 10, 2017
8976 times

Meadows and Prairies: Wildlife-Friendly Alternatives to Lawn

As homeowners become aware of the costs of maintaning lawns, both to people and to wildlife, many are choosing to replace all or part of their lawns with alternatives that are more friendly to wildlife and the environment.
Last Modified
Apr 10, 2017
7512 times

Mowing to Meadows: Developing a Wilder Aesthetic

Organizations/Sources: Natural Lands Trust
Converting part of your yard to meadow can save you time and money--think about less frequent mowing. And meadows help filter our groundwater, control flooding, add visual appeal, and provide critical habitat for sonbirds and pollinators.
Last Modified
Apr 10, 2017
4188 times

Suburban Homestead: A Primer on Best Practices and Management

Organizations/Sources: Montgomery County Planning Commission
This guide is intended to provide municipal officials and interested local residents with a primer on residential agricultural land uses and how best to manage them. Residential agriculture, as defined by this guide, is any non-commercial small-scale farming for personal consumption that takes place on private residential property. The Montgomery County Planning Commission (MCPC) has noticed a local trend toward more diverse private residential land uses such as keeping bee hives and chicken coops. These uses carry with them concerns for public health and general well-being. However, when properly managed they can be beneficial to both the resident and community as a whole. There are many myths surrounding these uses, and this guide explains both the benefits and potential drawbacks of these practices.
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
2359 times