Historic Preservation

Library Items

Act 167 of 1961

The Pennsylvania Historic District Act authorizes municipalities to create local historic districts.
Last Modified
Jan 08, 2019
1697 times

Delaware County Public History Feasibility Study and Implementation Plan

The purpose of the Delaware County Public History Feasibility Study and Implementation Plan is to improve the effectiveness and impact of the more than 80 historical organizations throughout the county. The goals of the year-long project are: Determine how best to remedy the underutilized nature of historic organizations throughout the county; address how the historical organizations can better cooperate and coordinate efforts to present a more inclusive interpretation of our history that reflects all periods, peoples, and geographic portions of the county; better preserve our irreplaceable public history resources; make history available to the public as an educational tool with better efficiency and success; help foster revitalization.
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1521 times

Guidance for Historic Preservation Planning

The Bureau for Historic Preservation guidance for Historic Preservation Planning provides a framework for what constitutes a comprehensive historic preservation plan. The Historic Preservation Plan should provide local units of government a working document to identify historic and cultural resources in the county or municipality; to consider the issues, problems and opportunities associated with those resources; to explore the possibility of county-wide and regional approaches to management of important resources; and to develop goals, policies, and strategies for their appropriate use, conservation, preservation and protection that are consistent with those established for other comprehensive plan elements.
Last Modified
Apr 25, 2011
4565 times

Historic District Designation in Pennsylvania

This guide, intended for local government officials, historic preservation organizations, and citizens considering the establishment of historic districts under municipal authority, is a summary from the years of success and failure experienced by local governments in the process of initiating and administering historic district ordinances. It includes lessons learned and pitfalls to be avoided.
Last Modified
Apr 25, 2011
7646 times

Historic Preservation Guidelines – for the Preservation, Promotion and Regulation of Historic Resources

Organizations/Sources: Lancaster County Planning Commission
This is a menu of components to be used in preparation of local historic preservation ordinances. Each component is a model that can stand alone or be used in combination with one or all the other components. Each model component provides options for municipalities for administration.
Last Modified
Apr 25, 2011
6158 times

Historic Resource Survey Form

Form to be submitted to PHMC to document the historic resources survey.
Last Modified
Sep 30, 2015
6616 times

Inventory and Analysis of Historic Preservation Ordinances in Pennsylvania Municipalities

Organizations/Sources: Center for Rural Pennsylvania
This document provides a comprehensive statewide inventory and analysis of historic preservation ordinances in Pennsylvania municipalities. The research considered municipal historic preservation ordinances that are authorized by the Historic District Act (HDA) of 1961 and the Municipalities Planning Code (MPC) of 1968.
Last Modified
Dec 19, 2020
1623 times

Local Regulation for Historic Preservation

Authors: John Snook and Andrew M. Loza
Local municipal regulations can provide substantial protection to historic resources, preserving their contributions to cultural vitality and helping communities maintain quality of life.
Last Modified
Apr 28, 2017
6716 times

Preserving Our Places – Historic Preservation Planning Manual for Chester County Communities

Organizations/Sources: Chester County Planning Commission
This guide provides a general overview of historic preservation planning and regulation at the federal, state and local levels, with suggestions for integrating historic preservation into the comprehensive community planning process. The manual also discusses private preservation efforts and their relevance to local governments and includes an appendix summarizing historical architectural styles.
Last Modified
Sep 30, 2015
5083 times

Preserving Pennsylvania's History: Townships Must Consider Historic Resources When Planning for Future

Organizations/Sources: Township News
A summary of the evolution of historic preservation in Pennsylvania and the laws both authorizing and mandating consideration of the preservation of historic resources in the course of land use planning.
Last Modified
Sep 24, 2013
4484 times

Standards for the PA Historic Resource Survey

PHMC developed this resource to provide technical assistance with historical resource surveys.
Last Modified
Sep 24, 2013
7248 times

Steps to Establish a Historic District Ordinance

A checklist for establishing a historic district ordinance and the Pennsylvania Historical and Musuem Commission’s policy for determining the historical significance of local historic districts and boundary justification pursuant to the PA Historic District Act.
Last Modified
Apr 25, 2011
4361 times

Tredyffrin Township Historic Preservation Plan

The Historic Preservation Plan for Tredyffrin Township is intended to provide the community with a policy document to assist in long-term planning and decision-making with respect to historic preservation and community character. Chapter 1 of the plan outlines the background and purpose of the planning process, the benefits of having a preservation plan in place for the community, and the specific goals and objectives for Tredyffrin Township as they relate to preserving historic building and landscape resources within the community.
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1660 times

West Chester Comprehensive Historic Preservation Plan

Historic preservation plan for Borough of West Chester (PA).
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1710 times