Timber Harvest Ordinances

Chrin Brothers Inc. v. Williams Township Zoning Hearing Board and the Township of Williams (PA Commonwealth)

Organizations/Sources: PA Commonwealth Court
This case is one of the few where a timber harvester sued to overcome restrictions set forth by a local timber-harvesting ordinance. The municipality won this case, as it demonstrated that the restrictions were reasonable and defensible.
Last Modified
Oct 07, 2015
5213 times

Dealing with Local Timber Harvesting Ordinances

Organizations/Sources: Penn State University
This booklet was created by Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences, with input from the PA Forest Products Association and the PA Association of Township Supervisors. The booklet 's target audience is the forestry industry, therefore it is from their point of view in dealing with townships and their ordinances. However, a model timber harvesting ordinance is included in the Appendix to assist municipalities in creating laws that conform to the Municipal Planning Code, allowing for the harvest of timber resources.
Last Modified
Oct 07, 2015
5170 times

Kennett Township (Chester County) Timber Ordinance

Organizations/Sources: Kennett Township, Chester County
The Amendments to the Kennett Township Land Development Ordinance, defining generally accepted forestry terminology, setting acceptable standards and practices, esablishing different riparian buffers, etc.
Last Modified
Oct 07, 2015
4359 times

Kennett Township Natural Resource Protection Standards

Section of Kennett Township (Chester County) zoning ordinance that includes supplemental regulations for natural resources such as steep slopes, floodplains, wetlands, woodlands, and riparian buffers.
Last Modified
Feb 22, 2019
3333 times

Model Forestry/Timber Harvesting Provisions for a Municipal Zoning Ordinance

Organizations/Sources: Brandywine Conservancy
The model provisions were prepared with attention to the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC), the Right to Farm Act (RFA), the Agricultural Area Security Law (AASL), the Clean Streams Law, and the Agriculture, Communities, and Rural Environment Law (ACRE).
Last Modified
Jul 24, 2018
2571 times

Model Timber Harvesting Ordinance, PA

A model ordinance created by PSATS, DCNR and various academics ordaining and enacting regulations to timber harvesting practices and to allow for and encourage proper forest management within a township.
Last Modified
Apr 18, 2011
6724 times

Montgomery Co. Planning Commission Timber Harvest Ordinance

Organizations/Sources: Montgomery County Planning Commission
Very detailed and descriptive ordinance that addresses a variety of issues regarding timber harvesting in a township.
Last Modified
Oct 17, 2009
4293 times

Pennsylvania Model Forestry Regulations

Organizations/Sources: Penn State School of Forest Resources
Professional foresters led by Penn State’s School of Forest Resources developed the model in 1994. The model was later updated to conform to the new forestry-related changes to the PA Municipal Planning Code effected by Acts 67 and 68 of 2000. The model is consistent with the so-called “Right to Practice Forestry” provision (P.S.§10603(f)) of the Municipalities Planning Code.
Last Modified
Apr 16, 2013
4377 times

Stoltzfus v Zoning Hearing Board of Eden Township, Lancaster County, 2007 WL 3274837 (PA Cmwlth, 2007).

Organizations/Sources: PA Commonwealth Court
PA Commonwealth Court case upholding a municipality's refusal to grant a variance to an individual requesting that a log processing business on agricultural land be reclassified as a forestry use.
Last Modified
Oct 17, 2009
3836 times

Taylor v. Harmony Township Board of Commissioners (PA Cmwlth, 2004)

Organizations/Sources: PA Commonwealth Court
PA Commonwealth Court case upholding an ordinance which restricted timber harvesting on steep slopes that are flood or landslide-prone. The appellant argued the township may not restrict timber harvesting, because the MPC prohibits unreasonable restrictions on timber harvesting. The court found the harvesting prohibition on landslide-prone land was reasonable.
Last Modified
Oct 17, 2009
3972 times

Timber Harvesting Information

A fact sheet that provides information for individuals or companies that are looking to conduct a timber harvest in West Bradford Township. It explains the processes that must take place prior to the issuance of a permit and, more importantly, includes a sample permit document.
Last Modified
Oct 07, 2015
4525 times

Timber Harvesting Ordinance, Montgomery County

Organizations/Sources: Montgomery County Planning Commission
Detailed example of a timber harvest ordinance. Also includes a detailed glossary of terms.
Last Modified
Feb 24, 2010
4305 times

Timber Harvesting Ordinance, Williams Township, Northumberland County

The timber harvesting ordinance that was upheld by the Commonwealth Court of PA in Chrin Bros., Inc. v. Williams Township Zoning Hearing Board. In part, the court found that the township was within its right to impose reasonable regulations on forestry practices within its boundaries.
Last Modified
Oct 16, 2009
4004 times

Timber Harvesting/Riparian Buffer Ordinance, Kennett Township

Organizations/Sources: Kennett Township, Chester County
A very well-written and concise example of a timber ordinance. We’ve included this document due to its detail in addressing riparian buffers and woodland disturbance.
Last Modified
Oct 07, 2015
4785 times

Timber Harvest Operations Field Guide For Waterways, Wetlands and Erosion Control

Information to assist timber harvesters to prepare and implement soil erosion and sediment control plans, and to work around streams and wetlands. Experience has shown that most soil erosion problems originate with the improper layout or construction of skid trails, logging roads and landing areas. Therefore, the focus of this publication is to provide guidance and furnish specifications to properly design and implement an effective erosion and sediment control plan on a timber harvesting site.
Last Modified
Mar 16, 2012
7012 times

Timber Harvest Ordinance, Center Township

Organizations/Sources: Center Township, Butler County, PA
This ordinance is posted to show the sections related to permit issuance, violation notices, suspensions, and penalties.
Last Modified
Oct 19, 2009
3971 times