Planned Giving

Donation by Will: Options and Issues Regarding Gifts of Cash, Land and Other Property

Donors who want to help a worthy charity but also need to ensure that they have sufficient assests to live comfortably until life's end may choose to make some gifts via their wills. WeConservePA guide. 5 pages.
Last Modified
Mar 14, 2023
4379 times

Donation of Stock and Other Securities

For both donors and recipients, the donation of stock and other marketable securities can be more advantageous than a cash donation.
Last Modified
Oct 10, 2023
2736 times

Establishing a Planned Giving Program

Guide explains the components of a successful planned-giving program at a nonprofit organization.
Last Modified
May 02, 2019
2122 times

How to Talk with Donors About Planned Gifts

Guide to starting a planned giving program at your nonprofit and cultivating planned giving donors.
Last Modified
May 02, 2019
2134 times

LTA Fact Sheet: Planned Giving

Organizations/Sources: Land Trust Alliance
This document is one of a series of fact sheets and reference materials produced by the Land Trust Alliance. Please contact us for additional information or to order materials.
Last Modified
May 02, 2019
4696 times

Planned Giving

Planned giving programs play an important role in charitable fundraising. WeConservePA guide. 2 pages.
Last Modified
Nov 08, 2023
1928 times