Organization Operations Videos

Dream Big: Strategic Planning for Success

The goal of a strategic plan is to help nonprofit organizations achieve success by clarifying and prioritizing their mission and goals. How to communicate where the organization is headed, including a method to evaluate its progress, strengths and needs strengthens an organization’s ability to make decisions.
Last Modified
May 07, 2024
226 times

Is it Time for a New Look? Things to Consider During a Rebranding

Considering rebranding? Representatives from Northcentral Pennsylvania Conservancy, WeConservePA, and other organizations in different phases of the rebranding process will bring their perspective based on their organizational experience. Each phase, from RFP, selection, working with consultants & designers, and roll-out and results will be discussed. Target audience: organizations currently considering rebranding, and those currently engaged in the process looking for guidance on what to expect and possible pitfalls to avoid.
Last Modified
May 07, 2024
223 times

The Pennsylvania Outdoor Corp: Workforce Development for the Benefit of Conservation and Outdoor Recreation

The goal of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Corp is to protect and restore the commonwealth’s lands and waters while providing young people with valuable paid work experience, skills training, and professional development, along with the knowledge and expertise to be good stewards of our natural resources. Managed in partnership between the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and the Student Conservation Association, the program connects youth and young adults with job opportunities in state parks and forestland, as well as in local parks and public lands throughout the state. Municipalities and non-profits can host PAOC crews on a cost-share basis to complete work on public lands. Typical projects include tree planting, riparian corridor improvement, mechanical invasive species removal, hiking trail improvements, light construction, community shade tree inventories, and young tree maintenance. Join us as we welcome DCNR staff for a brief overview of the program and how land managers can connect with the program for projects on their properties.
Last Modified
May 07, 2024
223 times

Tools and Tactics to Help Your Team Focus Less on Tasks and Start Focusing on Results

Improve your storytelling and fundraising and increase board and staff engagement by shifting your lens from projects and tasks, to outcomes and results. Gail will share the Objectives and Key Results (OKR) process for converting your strategic plan into a results-oriented and iterative work plan for your team. Gail and her team at Wissahickon Trails have tested and revised this strategic implementation process so that it clearly aligns on-the-ground work with strategy, improves cross-departmental communications, and focuses all levels of the organization on measuring results towards the achievement of shared goals and objectives. This process will make it easier to tell the story of your organization’s impacts and improve your communications and fundraising.
Last Modified
May 07, 2024
226 times