General Resources for Government

Active Living & Social Equity: Creating Healthy Communities...

Authors: Eric Feldman and Dan Emerine
Local governments can help segments of the population that are disproportionately affected by the health consequences of physical inactivity and poor nutrition by planning and designing communities that facilitate healthy lifestyles for all residents. This guide describes how local managers, department heads and local government staff can design healthy communities for all residents, regardless of income, race or ethnicity, age, ability or gender. It explains the connections between active living and social equity, provides a toolbox of local government strategies for promoting active living equitably, and highlights notable examples of local initiatives from around the country.
Last Modified
May 03, 2011
5965 times

Better Models for Development in Pennsylvania

This 144-page publication outlines many ways of developing attractive and sustainable communities, providing specific case studies and examples of solid planning practices. It includes six principles for better development.
Last Modified
Mar 18, 2019
7574 times

Build-Out Analysis

Authors: Patty Elkis and Nate Lotze
A build-out analysis projects the development that could occur in an area under current law. It enables a community to test the reality of its development regulations against its vision for its future.
Last Modified
May 24, 2017
6617 times

Buy the Best, Zone the Rest

Organizations/Sources: Montgomery County Lands Trust
An overview of conservation choices available to municipalities, nonprofits, and the citizens of Montgomery County
Last Modified
Aug 10, 2018
4719 times

Community Parks and Recreation Handbook

Authors: Susan Abele
If you've never provided this service for your municipality, "Community Recreation and Parks" gives you a starting point. If you currently offer some aspects of public recreation and parks, this handbook will help you enhance and expand your services.
Last Modified
Aug 17, 2010
5227 times

Endangered by Sprawl

Organizations/Sources: National Wildlife Federation
How Runaway Development Threatens America's Wildlife
Last Modified
Oct 16, 2009
4188 times

Environmentally Sensitive Dirt and Gravel Roads

Guide to building and improving dirt and gravel roads in a way that minimizes erosion, runoff, and other environmental impacts.
Last Modified
Mar 26, 2019
1663 times

GIS Analysis of Land Use on the Rural-Urban Fringe

Organizations/Sources: Penn State University
The Impact of Land Use and Potential Local Disamenities on Residential Property Values and on the Location of Residential Development in Berks County, Pennsylvania
Last Modified
Oct 17, 2009
4000 times

Local Area Plans (Southeastern PA and Southern NJ)

In both Pennsylvania and New Jersey, the primary responsibility for land use planning and development decisions rests at the municipal level. As a regional organization, DVRPC is available to facilitate or undertake the preparation of multi-municipal plans, particularly in areas or corridors of new transportation investments. We have assisted the townships and boroughs of our older suburbs to prepare coordinated economic development and revitalization plans for multi-municipal corridors. DVRPC has also worked with local community development corporations and neighborhood associations to prepare comprehensive neighborhood plans.
Last Modified
Mar 09, 2011
4323 times

Map of Environmental Advisory Councils

Map of environmental advisory councils, with basic contact information.
Last Modified
May 02, 2011
3733 times

Regional Open Space Priorities Report

The Regional Open Space Priorities Report project identifies, prioritizes, and recommends protection strategies for natural resources, agricultural, and recreational lands in the five-county southeastern Pennsylvania area. It encourages partnerships between state, federal, local, and private conservation groups and others to protect critical open spaces in the region while sustaining economic growth.
Last Modified
Oct 16, 2009
3951 times

The Planning Commission in Pennsylvania (Planning Series #2)

This guidebook helps local planning commission to understand the reasons for, and roles of, the planning commission in municipal land use decisions. It addresses the statutory authority and composition of planning commissions in Pennsylvania and the specific powers and duties of the commission. It concludes with a detailed discussion of the common roles of commission members – particularly in terms of hiring planning consultants – and a series of appendices providing model ordinances and procedures for establishing planning commissions and the adoption of a community’s comprehensive plan.
Last Modified
Mar 01, 2011
6492 times

The Zoning Hearing Board (Planning Series #6)

Any municipality enacting a zoning ordinance must also create a zoning hearing board. The primary purpose of such a board is to help assure fair and equitable application and administration of the zoning ordinance by hearing appeals on the zoning officer’s determinations and by granting relief from the literal enforcement of the ordinance in certain hardship situations.
Last Modified
Mar 01, 2011
5051 times