Conducting Prescribed Fires

Backfire Technique for Prescribed Burning

Organizations/Sources: Southern Fire Exchange
The term "backfire" refers to a commonly used method for prescribed burning in which the igniter sets a line of fire that slowly backs into the wind. This article explains how to effectively deploy backfires in prescribed burns.
Last Modified
May 22, 2019
3861 times

Conducting a Prescribed Burn and Prescribed Burning Checklist

Organizations/Sources: University of Nebraska Extension
Guide covers legal obligations, equipment, personnel requirements, ignition techniques, and other elements of successful prescribed burns on grassland.
Last Modified
May 22, 2019
1572 times

Conducting a Successful Prescribed Burn

Detailed guide to the ins and outs of conducting and managing a prescribed burn.
Last Modified
May 22, 2019
1547 times

Fire Intensity and Fire Severity: How Hot Is Your Fire and Why Is That Important?

Organizations/Sources: Southern Fire Exchange
Article about how fires of different intensities (temperatures) have different effects on landscapes.
Last Modified
May 22, 2019
2400 times

Fire Plan Template

Organizations/Sources: National Wildfire Coordinating Group
Template to plan a prescribed fire and ensure that it meets legal requirements and achieves its desired purpose.
Last Modified
May 22, 2019
2158 times

Flame Descriptors

Organizations/Sources: Southern Fire Exchange
Short fact sheet describing different wildfire flame types and the implications for controlled burns and wildfire management.
Last Modified
May 22, 2019
1452 times

Fuel Moisture and Prescribed Burning

Organizations/Sources: Southern Fire Exchange
Moisture is the overriding factor governing fuel flammability. It determines whether ignition will take place and to what depth the forest floor will be consumed. This article outlines key factors and considerations regarding fuel moisture and prescribed burning.
Last Modified
May 22, 2019
2109 times

Grassland Management: Prescribed Burning

Short guide offering tips for effective prescribed burns, including timing, equipment, and weather conditions. The guide focuses specifically on using prescribed burns for grassland management, but some of the information applies to prescribed burns in forests and other landscapes.
Last Modified
May 22, 2019
1684 times

Habitat Management Fact Sheet: Prescribed Burning

Outlines the benefits of prescribed fire and key considerations for conducting a prescribed burn.
Last Modified
May 22, 2019
1507 times

Ignition Devices for Prescribed Burning

Organizations/Sources: Southern Fire Exchange
The prescribed burner has numerous tools at their disposal to start fire. Ground ignition devices continue to be developed and refined and include a wide range of options from kitchen matches to state-of-the-art hand-held launchers. This fact sheet describes many of these devices and includes a table to summarize advantages and disadvantages of various methods.
Last Modified
May 22, 2019
2295 times

Pennsylvania Prescribed Fire Standards

The purpose of this guide is to provide standards, establish common terminology and definitions, and identify planning and implementation procedures for the use of prescribed fire in Pennsylvania.These standards specify what is minimally acceptable for prescribed fire planning and implementation. Organizations may choose to establish additional standards and policy direction, but they must adhere to, and cannot modify, these minimums.
Last Modified
May 22, 2019
2268 times

Prescribed Fire

Authors: Nate Lotze
A prescribed fire is a planned fire—sometimes called a controlled burn—used to manage certain types of landscapes. It reduces the chance of major wildfires and provides numerous other benefits for humans, plants, and wildlife. (Print version of guide)
Last Modified
Jun 25, 2019
1962 times

Prescribed Fire Complexity Rating System Guide and Worksheet

Organizations/Sources: National Wildfire Coordinating Group
Establishes standards for evaluating the complexity of prescribed burns. The standards: Provide decision support that highlights the risk to values associated with prescribed fire implementation; identify the technical difficulty of managing the risk to values; inform the complexity rating determination of high, moderate, or low for a prescribed fire; identify prescribed fire plan elements that may pose special problems or concerns. The worksheet allows users to plug in information about a prescribed burn and see its expected complexity.
Last Modified
May 22, 2019
2938 times

Prescribed Fire Planning and Implementation Procedures Guide and Fire Plan Template

Organizations/Sources: National Wildfire Coordinating Group
This guide establishes national interagency standards for the planning and implementation of prescribed fire.
Last Modified
May 22, 2019
2150 times

Sample Prescribed Burn Plan and Plan Template

Organizations/Sources: Southern Fire Exchange
Includes information about key factors in sound prescribed burn plans, a sample plan, and a plan template for users to modify.
Last Modified
May 22, 2019
4370 times

Smoke Management Guide for Prescribed Fire

Organizations/Sources: National Wildfire Coordinating Group
This in-depth guide contains information on prescribed fire smoke management techniques, air quality regulations, smoke monitoring, modeling, communication, public perception of prescribed fire and smoke, climate change, practical meteorological approaches and smoke tools.
Last Modified
May 22, 2019
1537 times

Stakeholder Priorities for Deciding Where to Burn

Organizations/Sources: Southern Fire Exchange
Partnerships among public agencies, private entities, and other individuals are an increasingly common way to facilitate ecosystem conservation, especially in fire-dependent landscapes. For example, partnerships can provide mechanisms through which stakeholders share costs, staff, and other resources to promote fire use. However, the stakeholders involved in such partnerships have different perspectives about how to prioritize sites for burning and the factors that constrain prescribed burning. A mutual understanding of one another’s perspectives would help stakeholders success-fully collaborate to facilitate prescribed burning.
Last Modified
May 22, 2019
1678 times