Municipal Open Space, Park, and Recreation Plans

Comprehensive Recreation, Park, and Open Space Plan: Hellam Township and Hallam Borough

Organizations/Sources: Hallam Borough and Hellam Township
The Hellam Township and Hallam Borough comprehensive recreation, park, and open space plan: represents broad research of parks, recreation, and open space resources; and, crafts a vision for a protected system of parks, open space, greenways, and trails that sustains the area’s natural and scenic resources and addresses the recreation needs of citizens. The planning process was based on the needs and desires of the public, expressed through an engaged study committee, interviews, forums, public meetings, and an internet opinion survey. The plan’s strategies and recommendations were developed with the assistance of the study committee and presented at a public meeting.
Last Modified
Feb 19, 2024
611 times

Comprehensive Recreation, Parks and Open Space Plan Update: Silver Spring Township

Silver Spring Township developed this Comprehensive Recreation, Parks and Open Space Plan Update to guide future decision-making regarding parks, recreation facilities, programs and services, facility management, and the allocation of financial resources. The Plan provides an assessment of current assets and operations and suggests strategies and recommendations for enhancing the quality of life for residents of Silver Spring Township. 198 pages.
Last Modified
Feb 15, 2024
622 times

East Coventry Township Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan

Organizations/Sources: East Coventry Township and Natural Lands
East Coventry Township contracted with Natural Lands and Toole Recreation Planning to develop the plan in collaboration with the community. The consultants worked closely with a citizen task force, made up of volunteers. The members of the task force each served on additional Township committees and acted as liaisons to each, including the Historical Committee, Parks, Recreation and Conservation Committee, Open Space Committee, Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors. The group: worked together to review existing data, including GIS maps, local, regional and county wide plans; visited each of the Township’s parks, trails and open spaces to analyze the existing conditions; and, solicited public input through public meetings, facilitated public workshops, an online commenting form and key in person interviews.
Last Modified
Feb 19, 2024
595 times

Milford Township Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan

Organizations/Sources: Milford Township
The plan is focused on how to expand park and recreation opportunities in Milford Township, including how to create a multi-use trail network. Strategies for refining how Milford manages its park, recreation and open space system are also identified.
Last Modified
Feb 19, 2024
516 times

Mini Recreation and Park Plan

Smaller or more rural municipalities interested in creating a local park system may want to follow the simpler scope of work described in this DCNR publication. (Note: older item, may remain useful for reference but may not be up to date or still in widespread use.)
Last Modified
Jan 25, 2024
6798 times

Open Space Plan: Upper Pottsgrove Township

Organizations/Sources: Upper Pottsgrove Township
The Upper Pottsgrove Township open space plan seeks to provide residents and officials with the information they need to pursue the township’s goals for the preservation of natural and cultural resources within their community. By examining the historical evolution and current trends of the community this plan is intended to identify potential policies, programs, and acquisitions that protect the natural beauty and heritage of Upper Pottsgrove Township.
Last Modified
Feb 19, 2024
653 times

Open Space, Recreation, and Environmental Resources Plan 2021: East Marlborough Township

The primary purpose of the Open Space, Recreation, and Environmental Resources Plan Update is to identify opportunities for future open space preservation, identify the current and potential future demands for recreational parks and facilities, and provide a vision for a bicycle and pedestrian transportation network that connects neighborhoods to parks, schools, and businesses.
Last Modified
Feb 16, 2024
680 times

Ordinance 297 to Re-Approve 0.1% Open Space Income Tax Credit: Richland Township

Organizations/Sources: Richland Township
Richland Township voters re-approved a referendum for a 0.1% income tax credit towards opens space conservation and maintenance in 2022.
Last Modified
Feb 19, 2024
481 times

Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails Plan Update 2021-2030: Whitpain Township

Organizations/Sources: Whitpain Township
This parks, recreation, open space and trails plan update builds upon the accomplishments of Whitpain Township since its previous plan in 2003, moving forward with a strategy that recognizes parks, recreation, open space and trails as part of the Township’s overall infrastructure serving environmental, economic, health, and social needs. The plan update’s goals are to: protect natural resources and open space; shape the beauty and character of the landscape; expand access for all; improve health; increase revenues; mitigate the effects of severe weather and climate change; help build a strong sense of community; and more.
Last Modified
Feb 19, 2024
578 times

Upper Saucon Township Recreation and Open Space Plan (update)

Organizations/Sources: Upper Saucon Township
The mission of Upper Saucon Township’s comprehensive recreation and open space plan is to enhance access and opportunities to a wide range of recreational and open space facilities and resources toward the benefit of the environment and the community. The goal is to create a sustainable plan for parks, recreation and open space that will provide equitable access and opportunities to all residents while preserving the rural, agricultural and suburban characteristics and valued natural resources that make Upper Saucon Township a unique community.
Last Modified
Feb 19, 2024
557 times