Outreach Programs

A Parents’ Guide to Nature Play

Organizations/Sources: Green Hearts Institute
In 20 concise pages you can learn about what makes great nature play, why it is important, and how you can restore it to your children’s daily lives.
Last Modified
Oct 17, 2009
5463 times

Green Futures: Reaching Out to Municipal Officials & Advisors

Authors: Dulcie Flaharty
Organizations/Sources: Montgomery County Lands Trust
Powerpoint presentation focuses on Montgomery County Green Futures, an education and outreach program to better inform policy and implementation choices made by local officials.
Last Modified
Aug 21, 2018
4325 times

Marcellus Educational Resources

These lesson plans were developed to address program requests and to facilitate discussion around this important issue. Please feel free to use them in any way that they may help you in your educational efforts on Marcellus shale and natural gas extraction.
Last Modified
May 13, 2011
4335 times

Outdoor Access and Programs

Authors: Nicole Faraguna
Land trusts have available to them a variety of tools and examples of how to improve public access and provide programming on their lands. By providing opportunities for outdoor experiences, land trusts help foster people's connections to nature and conservation.
Last Modified
May 23, 2019
6164 times

Outdoor Program Administration: Principles & Practices

Outdoor recreation programming is a growing and diverse field that requires administrators to be ready to work in complex and multidisciplinary environments. Outdoor Program Administration: Principles and Practices will help both seasoned and new administrators—as well as students and emerging professionals—flourish in various settings, including university, military, government, commercial, and nonprofit organizations.
Last Modified
Sep 22, 2014
4331 times

Pennsylvania Wilds Design Guide

Authors: Tracy Zinn
Organizations/Sources: T&B Planning, Inc.
The Pennsylvania Wilds Design Guide: A Design Guide for Community Character Stewardship was created to help communities protect these treasured characteristics while reaping and strengthening the benefits of economic growth. It outlines several principals that can be used by developers, design professionals and others. Its voluntary guidelines are meant to be a resource for people, businesses or organizations embarking on new construction, renovations, signage projects and the like.
Last Modified
Aug 15, 2011
5446 times

Planning a Site Visit with Your Legislator

A visit to conserved land or the location of an environmental restoration project may help a legislator (and their aides) better understand the positive impact of government conservation investments. This guide describes how the staff and volunteers of a conservation organization may organize a productive visit. (WeConservePA guide; 6 pages)
Last Modified
Jul 06, 2021
6104 times

Promoting Walking for Wellness

Walking is a free, easily accessible activity that improves physical and mental health and connects people with the outdoors. A variety of resources exist for promoting walking.
Last Modified
Apr 28, 2017
3854 times

Students Leave a Legacy of Outdoor Classrooms

Organizations/Sources: Feather River Land Trust
An excerpt from the FRLT Annual report regarding the organization's acquisition of open space for outdoor classrooms.
Last Modified
Sep 23, 2014
3262 times