Floristic Quality Assessments

Concerns About the Floristic Quality Assesment

List of limitations of the floristic quality assessment method for evaluating the ecological value of a site through an analysis of its plant species composition.
Last Modified
May 31, 2019
3184 times

Development of a Floristic Quality Assesment Methodology for Wisconsin

See pages 6-7 for discussion of sampling timing on Mean C and FQA Index scores.
Last Modified
May 31, 2019
4891 times

Development of Coefficients of Conservatism for Wetland Vascular Flora of North and Central Mississippi

Organizations/Sources: Mississippi State
Provides information on the history of the floristic quality assessment tool, and the development and use of coefficients of conservatism.
Last Modified
May 31, 2019
4405 times

Evaluating Non-Native Species and Wetland Indicators Status as Components Of Wetlands Floristic Assessment

Organizations/Sources: Mississippi State University
Provides information on the history of the FAQAI, and the development and use of CCs
Last Modified
May 31, 2019
4828 times

Floristic Quality Assessment for Vegetation in Illinois: A Method for Assessing Vegetation Integrity

Organizations/Sources: Illinois Native Plant Society
Description of using the floristic quality assessment tool to study native plant communities in Illinois.
Last Modified
May 31, 2019
7601 times

Floristic Quality Assessment Index for Vascular Plants and Mosses for the State of Ohio

Analysis and rating of plant communities in Ohio using the floristic quality assessment index method.
Last Modified
May 31, 2019
1708 times

Floristic Quality Assessment of One Natural and Three Restored Wetland Complexes in North Dakota

Organizations/Sources: United States Geologic Service
Evaluation of floristic quality assessment as a potentially an important tool for conservation efforts in the northern Great Plains of North America.
Last Modified
May 31, 2019
4970 times

Floristic Quality Assessment with Wetland Categories and Computer Application Programs for the State of Michigan

Applications of this system include the identification of remnant habitats of native floristic significance, comparisons between different sites, long-term monitoring of floristic quality, monitoring the progress of habitat restoration, and the use of National Wetland Categories to assist in identification of wetlands. The MDNR is using the same quality assessment system that Floyd Swink and Gerould Wilhelm used for the Chicago Region.
Last Modified
May 31, 2019
8177 times

Floristic Quality Index: An Assessment Tool for Resoration Projects and Monitoring Sites in Coastal Louisiana

Organizations/Sources: United States Geologic Service
The Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) program was established to assess the effectiveness of individual coastal restoration projects and the cumulative effects of multiple projects at regional and coastwide scales. The CRMS Vegetation Analytical Team has developed a Floristic Quality Index (FQI) for coastal Louisiana to determine the quality of a wetland based on its plant species composition and abundance.
Last Modified
May 31, 2019
1786 times

Northeast Regional Floristic Quality Assessment Tools for Wetland Assessments

Floristic Quality Assessment (FQA) is a robust, botanically based method for assessing the quality of ecological communities and natural areas. Integral to the method is that each native plant species in a state or region is assigned a Coefficient of Conservatism, or C value, based on its response to stressors. In the Northeast Region (including six New England states and New York), C values were completed at the state level in 2011, whereby every species in each state was assigned a C value based on statewide “average behavior.” But jurisdictional units are not optimal for addressing changes in species behavior. For this reason, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) have supported the development of ecoregional C values, including in the Northeast.
Last Modified
May 31, 2019
2071 times

Universal Floristic Quality Assessment Calculator

An open-source tool that includes plant databases from across the United States and has been used to calculate thousands of assessments. The tool is free, but users must register with their email address.
Last Modified
May 31, 2019
2170 times