
Library Items

PA Department of Revenue, Common Level Ratio (CLR) Real Estate Valuation Factors

Historical data from the PA Department of Revenue. The following real estate valuation factors are based on sales data compiled by the State Tax Equalization Board. These factors are the mathematical reciprocals of the actual common level ratios. For Pennsylvania Realty Transfer Tax purposes, these factors are applicable for documents accepted for the periods indicated below. The date of acceptance of a document is rebuttably presumed to be its date of execution, that is, the date specified in the body of the document as the date of the instrument. 61 Pa. Code § 91.102
Last Modified
Jul 17, 2018
2421 times

Realty Transfer Tax Exclusions for Conservation-Related Transactions in Pennsylvania

Many conservation-related property transactions are excluded from having to pay state and local realty transfer taxes in Pennsylvania. WeConservePA guide. 6 pages.
Last Modified
Sep 28, 2023
5685 times