Native Plant Species

Library Items

A Landowner's Guide to Native Warm-Season Grasses in the Mid-South

A publication of the University of Tennessee about native grasses in the Southern United States.
Last Modified
Jan 11, 2018
3369 times

Alternatives to Lawns: Choosing What's Right for You

Authors: George Weigel
Turf grass isn't the only option for filling our yards. This article offers alternatives to conventional lawns, such as meadow and low-growing groundcovers, and lists native species that grow well in Pennsylvania.
Last Modified
Apr 11, 2017
7231 times

Biodiversity: A Guide

Authors: Elana Richman
Biodiversity encompasses the diversity of life – the varying and different species, genes, and ecosystems of the Earth. The ongoing loss of biodiversity threatens human well-being and makes the need for conservation ever more pressing.
Last Modified
Jul 03, 2019
5513 times

Biodiversity Guidance for Solar Developments

This document provides guidance to planners and the solar industry on how they can support biodiversity on solar farms.
Last Modified
Mar 25, 2019
1897 times

Bringing Nature Home: How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants (Updated and Expanded)

In simple terms, this book connects the dots and makes it clear that increasing native insect biomass with native plants is the glue that holds together the web of life in the homemade habitat. Available at most book retail sources.
Last Modified
Oct 20, 2009
4778 times

DCNR's iConservePA: Promoting Native Plants & Conservation Stewardship

This presentation focuses on DCNR's iConservePA program, specifically on native plants and stewardship
Last Modified
Aug 21, 2018
6537 times

Exotic Invasive Vines Fact Sheet

Authors: Kim Vanfleet
Organizations/Sources: Audubon Pennsylvania
Two-page fact sheet that includes a description of invasive vines; how they are introduced to an area; why they are a threat to forests, birds, and other wildlife; invasive vines in Pennsylvania; their impact on the ecology of natural areas; how landowners can control and eliminate them; and native alternatives.
Last Modified
May 11, 2011
4838 times

Flora of Pennsylvania

Example of comprehensive state database of plants; where to turn to learn whether a species is native or introduced and where in the state it has been found. Also used for plant identification.
Last Modified
May 11, 2011
6143 times

How to Create a Meadow in Southeastern Pennsylvania: The Basics

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania Environmental Council
This publication details the basics of what is required to create and maintain a native grass and wildflower meadow in southeastern Pennsylvania.
Last Modified
Apr 10, 2017
8977 times

Invasive Plants in Pennsylvania

This website has lists of Pennsylvania invasive plants and landscaping suggestions that are alternatives to using invasive plants.
Last Modified
Apr 13, 2011
7320 times

Invasive Species Management Program

Invasive species management programs help minimize the harm of invasive species on natural lands and encourage the health of native plants and wildlife.
Last Modified
Apr 28, 2017
4306 times

Life. Nature. The Public. Making the Connection: A Biodiversity Communications Handbook

A publication of the Biodiversity Project
Last Modified
Jul 03, 2019
3907 times

Meadows and Prairies: Wildlife-Friendly Alternatives to Lawn

As homeowners become aware of the costs of maintaning lawns, both to people and to wildlife, many are choosing to replace all or part of their lawns with alternatives that are more friendly to wildlife and the environment.
Last Modified
Apr 10, 2017
7512 times

Meadows in Southeastern Pennsylvania

Organizations/Sources: Natural Lands Trust
fact sheet
Last Modified
Aug 21, 2018
5030 times

Mowing to Meadows: Developing a Wilder Aesthetic

Organizations/Sources: Natural Lands Trust
Converting part of your yard to meadow can save you time and money--think about less frequent mowing. And meadows help filter our groundwater, control flooding, add visual appeal, and provide critical habitat for sonbirds and pollinators.
Last Modified
Apr 10, 2017
4188 times

Native Alternatives to Invasive Plants

Organizations/Sources: Brooklyn Botanic Garden
A book full of colorful photographs that profiles common invasive plants (national) and the native alternatives to take their place.
Last Modified
Mar 23, 2011
4984 times

Native Ornamental Grasses for Pennsylvania

Authors: Ed Dix
A newsletter article focused on ornamental grasses in Pennsylvania.
Last Modified
Mar 14, 2014
11713 times

Native Plant Materials

Organizations/Sources: Natural Lands Trust
fact sheet on natives
Last Modified
Aug 21, 2018
4486 times

Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping

This publication is an informational guide to native species appropriate for planting in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and adjacent coastal regions. It includes color photographs of the species, making it a user-friendly resource for landscape design.
Last Modified
Aug 20, 2018
7130 times

North Carolina Technical Guidance for Native Plantings on Solar Sites

Guide for planting native species on solar farms to mitigate the environmental impacts of installing solar energy facilities.
Last Modified
Mar 25, 2019
1685 times

Pennsylvania Native Plant List

The list contains information about plant species native to Pennsylvania that are suitable for use in BMPs. The list is sorted by plant type and then by scientific name. The table also contains information helpful for designing a planting plan for a successful BMP.
Last Modified
Oct 05, 2011
7030 times

Plants of the Chicago Region

Authors: G. Wilhelm and F. Swink
Organizations/Sources: The Morton Arboretum
This is the current version of the book. The 1979 version is also recommended, and used copies can be found from online book sellers.
Last Modified
Oct 17, 2009
4905 times

Predicting Invasions of Nonindigenous Plants and Plant Pests

Organizations/Sources: National Academy of Sciences
The book analyzes the factors that shape an invader s progress through four stages: arriving through one of many possible ports of entry, reaching a threshold of survival, thriving through proliferation and geographic spread, and ultimate impact on the organism s new environment. The book also reviews approaches to predicting whether a species will become an invader as well as the more complex challenge of predicting and measuring its impact on the environment, a process involving value judgments and risk assessment. This detailed analysis will be of interest to policymakers, plant scientists, agricultural producers, environmentalists, and public agencies concerned with invasive plant and plant pest species.
Last Modified
Oct 18, 2009
3936 times

Schuylkill Township Native Plant List

List of native plants compiled by the Schuylkill Township Environmental Advisory Council.
Last Modified
Jul 18, 2019
1816 times

Stream Restoration Techniques in the Lititz Run Watershed

Authors: Andrew Donaldson
Organizations/Sources: LandStudies Inc.
Last Modified
Aug 21, 2018
4611 times

Terrestrial & Palustrine Plant Communities of Pennsylvania

Authors: Jean Fike
An in-depth breakdown of plant communities found in Pennsylvania specific to particular physiographic regions.
Last Modified
Oct 14, 2009
5532 times

The Plants of Pennsylvania

The manual includes keys to families, genera, and species; extensive diagnostic illustrations; scientific and common names; and data on distribution ranges, relative frequency, rare and endangered species, blooming and fruiting periods; with taxonomic notes and an illustrated glossary. The information meticulously reflects the plants as represented in Pennsylvania and is derived from specimens collected within the state.
Last Modified
Oct 17, 2009
4659 times

The Vascular Flora of Pennsylvania

This volume is the first published product of the Pennsylvania Flora Database, created & maintained at the Morris Arboretum of the Univ. of Pennsylvania. The database has its roots in the work of Edgar T. Wherry, John M. Fogg, Jr., & Herbert A. Wahl, the “Atlas of the Flora of Pennsylvania”, published by the Morris Arboretum. Over a period of 40 years, Wherry & his colleagues gathered data from the major Pennsylvania herbaria & manually placed a quarter of a million dots on over 3500 maps. The Pennsylvania Flora Database retains the emphasis on specimen-based, site-specific data. The checklist of included taxa has undergone extensive review to reflect recent taxonomic & nomenclatural revisions. Questionable specimens have been re-evaluated with the result that several taxa included in earlier works were dropped. Recent discoveries have been added & distribution data has been updated. This vol. also includes collections made in the 1990s in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory (PNDI), the state heritage program. The maps present the accumulated collection of information for each taxon as represented in the herbaria. Illus., reprinted 1996.
Last Modified
Jun 04, 2019
5716 times

Tinkering with Eden: A Natural History of Exotics in America

Authors: Kim Todd
Todd, the recipient of the PEN/Jerard Award for this book while it was a work-in-progress, recounts how some of the approximately 4,500 exotic insects, mammals, and plants have been introduced to North America, occasionally for the better (such as with the Vedalia ladybug)—but more often wreaking destruction on native species.
Last Modified
Oct 15, 2009
3921 times

Top 10 Best Green/Sustainable Practices for Recreation and Conservation Sites

List of best practices to ensure that parks and recreation sites and environmentally sustainable.
Last Modified
Apr 16, 2019
1900 times

Top 10 Stormwater Best Management Practices for Parks

List of effective nature-based stormwater management practices including riparian buffers, pervious pavement, trees, and bioswales.
Last Modified
Apr 16, 2019
3104 times

Trees in a Sustainable Community Park Setting: Enhancing Quality of Life for All

Authors: Jessica Sprajcar
This article, published in Sylvan Communities magazine, provides a snapshot of the information found in the “Sustainable Community Parks” publication, with a specific focus on the use and benefits of native trees.
Last Modified
Jul 03, 2019
4360 times