EAC Fundraising

Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Program

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection grant program established in 1992 under Act 166. The AFIG Program helps to create new markets for alternative fuels in Pennsylvania which enhances energy security. An investment is being made not only in alternative fuels, but the deployment of alternative fuel vehicles, fleets, and technologies.The intent is to provide a stimulus for opportunities that better manage Pennsylvania's fuel resources in a way that also improves the environment, supports economic development and enhances the quality of life.
Last Modified
Apr 21, 2020
1509 times

Environmental Education Grants (PA DEP)

The Environmental Education Grant Program was established by the Environmental Education Act of 1993, which mandates that five percent of all pollution fines and penalties collected annually by the Department of Environmental Protection be set aside for environmental education. Since the inception of the environmental education grant program, DEP has awarded more than $12 million in grants to support environmental education efforts throughout Pennsylvania. Administered through DEP, the funds are used for projects ranging from creative, hands-on lessons for students, teacher training programs, and outdoor learning resources to conservation education for adults.
Last Modified
Apr 21, 2020
1961 times

FAST Act Corridor Infrastructure Grant (PA DEP)

The Pennsylvania FAST Act Alternative Fuel Corridor Infrastructure solicitation is a special solicitation under the Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Program (AFIG) designed to support the installation of alternative fuel infrastructure along Pennsylvania Interstate Highway Corridors.
Last Modified
Apr 21, 2020
1962 times

Funding Opportunities for Stormwater Management, Summer 2019 Update

Organizations/Sources: Montgomery County Planning Commission
A publication of the Montgomery County Planning Commission, Environmental Section.
Last Modified
Apr 15, 2020
1854 times

Green Region: The PECO Open Space Program

Organizations/Sources: Natural Lands Trust
A grant program administered by Natural Lands, the PECO Green Region program has awarded 246 grants totaling $1.9 million in support of open space and environmental projects throughout its service area since 2004. Green Region grants are available in amounts of up to $10,000 to cover a wide variety of planning and direct expenses associated with developing and implementing open space programs. Program guidelines and applications can be downloaded at natlands.org/greenregion
Last Modified
Apr 15, 2020
1496 times

Recycling Financial Assistance (DEP)

Recycling programs are financed by a $2-per-ton recycling fee on all waste (except ash) disposed of in landfills or processed by resource recovery facilities in Pennsylvania. Besides grants for local recycling, planning and environmental protection programs, funding subsidizes state programs for recycling market development, public education, technical assistance and grants administration.
Last Modified
Apr 21, 2020
1672 times

Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management Grants Program Guidance (PA DEP)

Pennsylvania's Nonpoint Source Pollution Management Program (NPS Management Program) performs a variety of services for the commonwealth focused on the attenuation of water quality degradation resulting from "polluted runoff." The NPS Management Program directs the use of both state and federalOpens In A New Window funds for projects dedicated to stormwater management, steam restoration, soil and water conservation on farms, and abandoned mine drainage (AMD) abatement. The NPS Management Program implements a watershed based strategy in locally sized watersheds throughout the commonwealth to provide wholistic solutions to surface water quality challenges.
Last Modified
Apr 21, 2020
1913 times