Agricultural BMPs

Best Management Practices for Agricultural Erosion and Sediment Control

This handbook outlines which basic practices are effective in reducing erosion and sedimentation and provides guidance on how to implement these practices on farms.
Last Modified
Apr 18, 2019
2468 times

Can Soil Save Us? Making the Case for Cover Crops as Extreme Weather Risk Management

Organizations/Sources: National Wildlife Federation
Report demonstrates that, in addition to all the ancillary benefits of cover crops–reduced erosion, increased nutrient retention, lower input costs–healthy soils are better able to withstand the impacts of extreme weather events.
Last Modified
Jun 21, 2019
2689 times

Cover Crops at Work: Increasing Infiltration

Fact sheet describing types and benefits of cover crops on farms.
Last Modified
Apr 18, 2019
1476 times

Erosion and Sediment Control

Organizations/Sources: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Handbook detailing practices to control erosion and sediment on farms, such as cover cropping, conservation tillage, diversion, and mulching.
Last Modified
Apr 18, 2019
2333 times

Identifying and Prioritizing Streamside Forest Planting Sites in Pennsylvania Using GIS

Authors: Josh VanBrakle and Irina Beal
<p>Report on Pennsylvania&#39;s first statewide comprehensive streamside planting opportunity spatial dataset, published by the WeConservePA, which is designed to help planners and conservationists find ideal streamside forest planting sites. The report describes this analysis in detail.</p>
Last Modified
Jan 10, 2025
3708 times

Principles and Practices for SustainableWater Management in Agriculture

Describes in detail specific practices to conserve water on farms, preventing runoff and water pollution.
Last Modified
Apr 18, 2019
2840 times

Tennessee Urban Riparian Buffer Handbook: A Practical Guide to Establishing Healthy Streamside Buffers

Organizations/Sources: United States Forest Service
Handbook contains: Information on establishing riparian buffers in a range of urban settings; a step-by-step guide on how to plan, conduct, and evaluate a volunteer riparian planting; a set of handouts that can be used when preparing volunteers and community partners for the coordination and implementation of riparian plantings; a regionalized riparian buffer plant list.
Last Modified
Apr 18, 2019
2400 times

Turning Soils into Sponges: How Farmers Can Fight Floods and Droughts

Organizations/Sources: Union of Concerned Scientists
This report examines the potential of a set of farming practices known for their ability to build rich, porous, sponge-like soils. The analysis shows that these well-known practices could make a substantial difference if adopted widely across the Midwest. But taking on new practices is not easy for many farmers, and federal farm policies provide little support to ease the transition. The report identifies key federal policies and programs that could be implemented or changed to bring about more resilient farming systems.
Last Modified
Apr 18, 2019
2769 times

Water Quality and the Pennsylvania Agricultural Conservation Easement Purchase Program: An Examination of Present Practices, Challenges, and Opportunities

Authors: Ginny Kreitler
Prepared for the Pennsylvania Land Trust Association by Kreitler Research and Consulting, 12/20/2016
Last Modified
Apr 26, 2017
2729 times