Other Land Use Ordinances

Balance, The Growth Management Element

Organizations/Sources: Lancaster County Planning Commission
A comprehensive review of Lancaster County’s Designated Growth Areas, this 248 page report covers topics including development trends and projections, growth management framework, and urban and rural growth area strategies.
Last Modified
Oct 14, 2015
5929 times

Bethel Township Zoning Map

Organizations/Sources: Bethel Township
Zoning map for Bethel Township, which is located along the Kittatinny Ridge in Berks County.
Last Modified
Jul 18, 2012
6605 times

Establishing Land-Use Protections for Community Gardens

Organizations/Sources: Planning for Healthy Places
Local government leaders are in a unique position to promote healthy eating and active living in their communities by supporting community gardens. Community gardens can improve nutrition, physical activity, community engagement, safety, and economic vitality for a neighborhood and its residents and provide environmental benefits to the community at large. Planning for Healthy Places, a project of Public Health Law and Policy, has created a set of complementary model land use policies to help communities create and preserve community gardens. Document includes a model general plan as well as model zoning ordinances.
Last Modified
Apr 12, 2019
2720 times

Hermitage Zoning Ordinance

Zoning ordinance for the City of Hermitage (PA). See section 409 for sign regulations.
Last Modified
Mar 18, 2019
3361 times

Lancaster Township Zoning Ordinance

Zoning ordinance for Lancaster Township (PA). See Article 12 for sign regulations.
Last Modified
Mar 18, 2019
2874 times

Maryland's Green Infrastructure Assessment: A Comprehensive Strategy for Land Conservation and Restoration

Authors: Ted Weber
Maryland's Green Infrastructure Assessment is a tool developed by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources to help identify and rank areas of greatest statewide ecological importance as well as those at greatest risk of loss to development. The methods developed are being applied at the multi-state, state, regional and local government levels to guide conservation efforts.
Last Modified
Oct 14, 2015
6137 times

MCPC Series of Zoning Districts and Model Ordinances

Organizations/Sources: Montgomery County Planning Commission
Each guide describes a different type of zoning district (including related open-space issues) and provides a model ordinance for each. Districts include: village residential district, village mixed-use district, land preservation district, neighborhood residential district, rural residential district.
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1720 times

Model Conservation Zoning District and Natural Resource Protection Standards

Organizations/Sources: Lancaster County Planning Commission
Two zoning tools for municipalities to consider integrating into existing zoning ordinances: Natural Resource Protection Standards and a Model Conservation District.
Last Modified
Mar 17, 2014
7474 times

Model Ordinance: Cottage Housing Development

Organizations/Sources: Lehigh Valley Planning Commission
One way to address environmental sustainability and housing affordability issues is to build smaller houses. Cottage housing is an innovative style of development based on the idea of “better, not bigger.” Although it faces the same obstacles as other higher-density development types, cottage housing’s advantages could make it more acceptable to neighbors. This development type would be a useful option for developers, fitting between the detached single family house and the condo or townhouse. It makes more efficient use of the land, is more affordable and offers better energy efficiency than traditional single family detached housing, while providing more privacy than attached housing.
Last Modified
Mar 13, 2019
1608 times

Model Ordinances for Sustainable Development

These model ordinances provide examples for municipal governments to use as tools to incorporate sustainable land-use practices into their regulations.
Last Modified
Aug 20, 2018
4289 times

Model Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance

Organizations/Sources: Lancaster County Planning Commission
Model SALDO published by the Lancaster County Planning Commission. This model ordinance was written to promote consistency between the county comprehensive plan and local comprehensive plans and to help municipalities to manage and direct growth in a sustainable manner. The model ordinance has different provisions for urban areas, rural areas, and redevelopment areas within Lancaster County.
Last Modified
Mar 13, 2019
2876 times

Monroe Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance

Subdivision and land development ordinance for Monroe Township (Cumberland County).
Last Modified
Jan 04, 2019
1857 times

Nether Providence Bamboo Prohibition Ordinance

Organizations/Sources: Nether Providence Township
Ordinance prohibiting the growing of bamboo, an invasive species, and outlining fines levied against property owners who do not remove reported bamboo.
Last Modified
Sep 18, 2019
1502 times

North Coventry Township, Model Ridgeline Ordinance

Ordinance of North Coventry Township, adopted July 2003.
Last Modified
Jul 06, 2020
1618 times

Pedestrian and Bicycle Friendly Policies, Practices, and Ordinances

This report provides information about recommended practices and ordinances that enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety and accommodations. Encouragement and safety campaigns are also highlighted.
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1743 times

Pennsylvania Land Use Law Library

This website provides information on proposed legislation, state statutes, and land use case law rulings.
Last Modified
Mar 15, 2019
8873 times

Plainfield Township_Appalachian Trail Protection Ordinance

An ordinance of the township of Plainfield amending the Plainfield Township zoning ordinance, chapter 27, as amended, including new or revised provisions regarding: definitions, light and glare control, billboards, sign illumination, noise control, solar energy systems, wind turbines, mineral extraction, mobile home installation, planned residential developments, conservation development, conditional and special exception use standards, outdoor commercial recreation, wireless communications facilities, transfer of development rights, setbacks from pipelines and natural gas compressor stations, water extraction and compliance with State Act 24 of 2008, addressing protection of the Appalachian National Scenic Trail Corridor.
Last Modified
Jan 19, 2021
1228 times

Policy for Transferring Parcels Created Prior to SALDO

Organizations/Sources: Lancaster County Planning Commission
The policy addresses circumstances for the sale or conveyance of land contained on a deed dated prior to March 1, 1961.
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1514 times

Proposed Amendments to Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance

Proposed amendments to the existing township ordinances regarding steep slope development. Use a Keyword Search function on this page to locate the steep slope section.
Last Modified
Oct 16, 2009
3551 times

Protect the Trail: A Guide to Protecting the Appalachian Trail for Lehigh Valley Municipalities

Organizations/Sources: Lehigh Valley Planning Commission
Comprehensive guide about the role of municipalities in protecting the Appalachian Trail, which is cooperatively managed by the National Park Service and other federal and local entities.
Last Modified
Mar 13, 2019
1515 times

Regional Growth Management and Regional Transportation Planning (Tri-County Regional Planning Commission, Central Pennsylvania)

In an effort to update both its Regional Growth Management Plan and Regional Transportation Plan, the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission implemented scenario build-outs throughout its entire service region, which includes 103 municipalities in the counties of Cumberland, Dauphin and Perry.
Last Modified
Feb 14, 2011
6675 times

Sample Natural Resource Protection and Open Space Preservation Ordinances

The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission completed a survey of municipal natural resource protection tools in its service area in 2002, which was systematically updated in 2006. Outstanding examples of ordinances related to natural resources, including steep slopes, are posted on this website and are saved as part of this library item.
Last Modified
Feb 22, 2019
6462 times

Shaping Future Development: The Role of Current Zoning

Organizations/Sources: Montgomery County Planning Commission
The Montgomery County Planning Commission conducted a build out study which measured and described all future development permitted in the central and western municipalities of Montgomery County under current zoning ordinances.
Last Modified
Oct 22, 2015
5133 times

Solebury Township v. Solebury Township Zoning Hearing Board, Christopher Marschall

Organizations/Sources: PA Commonwealth Court
Commonwealth Court case, ruling in favor of the landowner, that natural features on the parcel created a “hardship” to the landowner. The court approved the variances sought by the landowner and the Zoning Hearing Board, even though the landowner knew these conditions existed and variances would have to be obtained prior to their purchase of the property.
Last Modified
Oct 19, 2009
6823 times

Subdivision and Land Development in Pennsylvania (Series #8)

The subdivision and land development ordinance is the most commonly used development control mechanism in Pennsylvania. It is the most basic of land use regulations. This 41-page manual provides additional information on process and procedures, conservation subdivision planning, fees and inspections, and enforcement.
Last Modified
Feb 28, 2021
10147 times

The Zoning Hearing Board (Planning Series #6)

Any municipality enacting a zoning ordinance must also create a zoning hearing board. The primary purpose of such a board is to help assure fair and equitable application and administration of the zoning ordinance by hearing appeals on the zoning officer’s determinations and by granting relief from the literal enforcement of the ordinance in certain hardship situations.
Last Modified
Mar 01, 2011
5051 times

Upper Bern Zoning Districts and Overlays

Organizations/Sources: Upper Bern Township, Chester County
Examples of township ordinances regarding conservation overlay districts, special overlay districts, and zoning districts and maps for Upper Bern Township, which is located along the Kittatinny Ridge in Berks County. Includes Blue Mountain and Appalachian Trail overlays.
Last Modified
May 01, 2018
7885 times

U.S. Landscape Ordinances: An Annotated Reference Handbook

Authors: Gail D. Abbey
A review of community landscape ordinances and their impact on the design and planning professions that work with this type of legislation.
Last Modified
Oct 27, 2015
4995 times

York County Sustainable Landscaping Model Ordinance

Authors: Mary Kline
Organizations/Sources: York County Planning Commission
The model landscaping regulations provided by the model, if adopted by municipalities, can help conserve and restore healthy soils, reduce the use of irrigation for landscapes, improve the quality of surface waters, reduce energy consumption, provide wildlife habitat, and protect and restore native plant communities. They can also assist in cleaning up impaired waters in both MS4 and non-MS4 municipalities.
Last Modified
Oct 06, 2022
5643 times

Zoning for Landscape Protection

Organizations/Sources: Wallace, Roberts, and Todd
The Pennsylvania Appalachian Trail Act requires Pennsylvania municipalities along the Appalachian National Scenic Trail to adequately protect it as a public natural resource. Planning and architecture firm Wallace, Roberts, and Todd was hired by a steering committee of municipalities subject to the Act to develop strategies and guidelines for trail corridor protection. This website describes various zoning tools for landscape protection and includes examples of steep slope and ridge regulations.
Last Modified
Oct 07, 2015
5290 times