Landowner Communications

Agricultural Conservation Easement Sample Landowner Letter of Intent

Sample letter affirming the landowner's intent to proceed with the easement transaction.
Last Modified
Feb 22, 2018
3238 times

A Landowner's Guide to Conservation Easements

Organizations/Sources: Central Pennsylvania Conservancy
This overview of conservation easements, meant for prospective donors, describes the costs and benefits of easements, the importance of land preservation, and the different options for landowners interested in preserving their property. It also details the Central Pennsylvania Conservancy’s process for selecting projects and the organization’s ultimate preservation goals.
Last Modified
May 31, 2012
4583 times

Conserving Your Land

Organizations/Sources: Land Trust Alliance
This brochure, designed for landowners, provides a summary of the various methods of land preservation.
Last Modified
May 31, 2012
4460 times

Form Letter to Potential Fee Property Donor

Form letter used by Androscoggin Land Trust to inform potential land donors about next steps, including IRS Form 8283, appraisal, and stewardship funding.
Last Modified
Jun 22, 2018
2166 times

Letter to Prospective Conservation Easement Landowners

Letter from the East Mississippi Foothills Land Trust to potential landowners. It explains what a conservation easement is and the process of working with a land trust.
Last Modified
Feb 22, 2018
2831 times

Manada Conservancy Preservation Packet

Organizations/Sources: Manada Conservancy
The packet is a compilation of information about the various aspects of land conservation. It defines land trusts and conservation easements, lists the methods of land preservation, explores the costs and benefits of easements, and details the criteria for and process of land donation utilized by The Manada Conservancy.
Last Modified
Feb 22, 2018
5511 times

Mentor Survey: Closing the Deal with Rural Landowners

Organizations/Sources: Land Trust Alliance
Survey of experienced conservation staff in the Chesapeake Bay watershed that highlights key strategies for working with rural landowners to implement conservation practices to improve water quality such as riparian buffers and streambank fencing. The survey was conducted with the long-term goal of developing a training course to help entry-level and mid-career conservation staff better work with landowners.
Last Modified
Sep 26, 2018
1958 times

Mid-Atlantic Karst Conservancy

Organizations/Sources: Mid-Atlantic Karst Conservancy
The Mid-Atlantic Karst Conservancy general brochure. What they do, who they are and interesting information about PA caves and karsts.
Last Modified
Oct 18, 2009
4272 times

Montezuma Land Conservancy Landowner Communication and Negotiation Policy

Sample policy for landowner communications and negotiations from Montezuma Land Conservancy.
Last Modified
Sep 27, 2018
1795 times

Post-Monitoring Letter to Landowner

Template for a post-monitoring landowner letter from Monadnock Conservancy.
Last Modified
Feb 27, 2018
1966 times

Pre-Monitoring Letter to Landowner

Sample landowner letter sent in advance of annual monitoring visit from Big Sur Land Trust.
Last Modified
Feb 27, 2018
2492 times

Sample Letter to Landowners

Organizations/Sources: Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
Regarding appraisal value, warranty and conservation value.
Last Modified
Oct 16, 2009
8012 times

What All Waterfront Landowners Should Know

Organizations/Sources: Central Pennsylvania Conservancy
This fact sheet explains the negative impacts of land development near streams and the positive effects that riparian buffers can have on watershed health. In addition, the fact sheet provides instructions for landowners on the establishment and maintenance of stream buffers.
Last Modified
May 31, 2012
4203 times