Zoning for Solar and Wind Systems

Library Items

2006 Ohio Code - 5301.63. Solar access easements.

Organizations/Sources: Ohio General Assembly
This code gives the requirements for what must be included in a solar access easement.
Last Modified
Apr 22, 2011
4180 times

A Comprehensive Review of Solar Access Law in the United States: Suggested Standards for a Model Statute and Ordinance

Land-use planning, authority for solar easements, and prohibiting covenants, conditions, and restrictions that impede the use of solar have all been employed to protect solar access with varying degrees of success. This report reviews traditional legal mechanisms that govern the operation of public and private governments, as well as solar specific ordinances and statutes that have evolved over the years. It concludes that most current law has been ineffective or too expensive because of the lack of enforcement mechanisms.
Last Modified
Jan 04, 2019
1808 times

Assessing Rooftop Solar PV Glare in Dense Urban Residential Neighborhoods

A rise in rooftop solar installations has led some to be concerned about glare from solar panels. This study finds that solar PV panels are unlikely to generate substantial glare, even in urban settings.
Last Modified
Jan 28, 2019
2714 times

Best Practices in Zoning for Solar

Organizations/Sources: National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Brief guide outlines key considerations in zoning for solar.
Last Modified
Jan 07, 2019
2160 times

Design Guidelines for Solar Installations

Design guidelines for the installation of solar panels on historic structures. Solar installations should meet solar access requirements while maintaining the integrity of historic resources. Consideration should always be given to solutions that protect historic features, materials, and spatial relationships with the visibility of all solar energy installations – including solar panels – minimized to the greatest extent possible.
Last Modified
Oct 14, 2015
5720 times

Details Applicable to the Inclusion of Non-Commercial Solar and Wind Systems in the Municipal Zoning Ordinance

Organizations/Sources: Brandywine Conservancy
Guidance on establishing zoning regulations for non-commercial solar and wind systems that expands on the content available in the ConservationTools.org guide "Zoning for Non-Commercial Solar and Wind Systems."
Last Modified
Oct 14, 2015
4975 times

Don't Regulate Rooftop Solar Without Compelling Cause

Authors: Andrew M. Loza
Regulation of rooftop solar energy systems through municipal zoning ordinances results in fewer people powering their homes and businesses with clean, safe, renewable energy. Common arguments for regulation are not compelling. (print version of WeConservePA guide; 2 pages)
Last Modified
Jun 10, 2022
2488 times

Evaluation of Glare Potential for Photovoltaic Installations

Analysis of the potential for solar panels to cause glare.
Last Modified
Jan 28, 2019
2608 times

Guide to Solar Energy Systems

Organizations/Sources: Cumberland County Planning Department
Guide outlines solar energy technologies and various components of solar energy ordinances.
Last Modified
Jan 04, 2019
1634 times

Introduction to Solar and Wind Energy Technologies

Organizations/Sources: Brandywine Conservancy
This two page document provides basic descriptions of solar and wind energy systems. It serves as a supplement to the ConservationTools.org guide "Zoning for Non-Commercial Solar and Wind Systems".
Last Modified
Oct 14, 2015
5702 times

Model Inspection Checklist for Rooftop PV Systems

As code requirements change and municipalities adopt unique local rules, an inspection checklist can act as a key tool for highlighting those changes. A checklist can be easily updated over time to include new requirements. In addition to identifying rule changes, if the municipality has a particular interpretation of a code requirement that is sometimes applied differently, it can highlight its interpretation in its inspection checklist. Despite the potential value of an inspection checklist, IREC realizes that many municipalities do not have the time to invest in creating a checklist from scratch. This Model Checklist is a nationally applicable template; it is intended to serve as an easy starting point for municipalities. Recognize, however, it will likely need some modification to match specific state and local code requirements.
Last Modified
Jan 04, 2019
1471 times

Model Solar Energy Access Legislation

Organizations/Sources: Fullbright and Jaworski L.L.P
Model legislation to protect and encourage solar access on the state or municipal level.
Last Modified
Jan 10, 2019
1535 times

Municipal Guidebook for Solar Zoning and Permitting

Organizations/Sources: Environmental Planning & Design, LLC
The guide introduces basic concepts related to small scale solar PV installations, outlines the regulations and permitting process adopted by municipalities participating in the Western PA Rooftop Solar Challenge and contains a model zoning ordinance and model permitting application.
Last Modified
Oct 14, 2015
4064 times

Municipal Guide to Planning for and Regulating Alternative Energy Systems

Organizations/Sources: Lancaster County Planning Commission
This guide offers an inventory of some alternative energy ordinances (local, national, and model ordinances) and basic information about industry standards from various websites to help local municipalities in the process of creating and implementing alternative energy policy in comprehensive plans and ordinances. The renewable energy sources discussed in this guide are large and small-scale solar energy, large- and small- scale wind energy, accessory and regional anaerobic digesters, geothermal, and outdoor wood-fired boilers.
Last Modified
Apr 22, 2011
4694 times

Planning for Solar Energy

Organizations/Sources: American Planning Association
Robust guide to promoting solar energy use through local policy and action. Includes model ordinances and development regulations.
Last Modified
Jan 04, 2019
1522 times

Planning for Solar Energy Briefing Papers

Planners are uniquely positioned and qualified to help their communities engage in conversations about the potential benefits of solar energy use and create a local policy framework that allows and even encourages the appropriate use of solar energy systems. This compendium of briefing papers covers a range of specific topics related to planning for solar energy use. Each paper tackles a different aspect of the issue with a special emphasis on how local plans and implementation tools can reduce barriers to local solar market growth.
Last Modified
Jan 07, 2019
1879 times

PV Systems: Low Levels of Glare and Reflectance vs. Surrounding Environment

The glare and reflectance levels from a given PV system are decisively lower than the glare and reflectance generated by the standard glass and other common reflective surfaces in the environments surrounding the given PV system.
Last Modified
Jan 28, 2019
2675 times

Renewable Energy Ordinance Framework: Solar PV

A resource for municipalities as they develop and update zoning ordinances to govern the siting of small-scale solar PV energy systems in their community. Municipalities using this guide should be able to identify ways to regulate solar PV in their zoning codes, subdivision codes, and other regulations and ordinances in a way that aligns with their local land use and community goals.
Last Modified
Jan 04, 2019
1878 times

Reshaping the Energy Future: Renewable Energy and Land Trusts

Organizations/Sources: Land Trust Alliance
Land trusts are already addressing climate in a variety of ways — integrating climate resilience science into strategic planning, advancing natural climate solutions and developing carbon offset projects. Renewable energy presents another opportunity for land trusts to address climate change, to become valued community partners in helping to solve a complex issue and, ultimately, to safeguard our nation’s natural assets. In this document the Land Trust Alliance articulates the important role that land trusts can play in renewable energy development and offers specific guidance on ways that land trusts can participate in this important issue to support improved conservation outcomes in the context of a changing climate.
Last Modified
Oct 28, 2019
1675 times

Sample Solar Access Easement

Organizations/Sources: Justia US Law
This is an Ohio revised code sample solar access easement.
Last Modified
Oct 14, 2015
4643 times

Small Wind Electric Systems

Organizations/Sources: U.S. Department of Energy
This 27 page publication is a consumer's guide to small wind electric systems. It includes guidance on the basic parts of a small wind electric system, system sizes, costs, installation and maintenance information.
Last Modified
Oct 14, 2015
3937 times

Solar Energy Development and Land Conservation

Authors: Andrew M. Loza and Nate Lotze
An enormous boost in solar energy production is one of the actions needed to stop the dramatic rise of carbon in the atmosphere and better ensure civilization’s long-term prospects. This guide explores issues that conservationists may want to consider in order to both advance their land conservation work and support solar energy development.
Last Modified
Sep 11, 2020
2543 times

Solar Energy Systems: A Guide for Pennsylvania Municipal Officials

Organizations/Sources: Governor’s Solar Working Group
This guide introduces solar energy system technology while addressing relevant issues and local government’s role in facilitating and regulating solar energy systems in existing construction. It is intended as a primer for local government officials, code officials, engineers and solicitors.
Last Modified
Apr 22, 2011
4350 times

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Permit Application

Organizations/Sources: Environmental Planning & Design, LLC
This model permit application is designed to address small-scale photovoltaic systems (producing 13.44kW or less). It accompanies the Municipal Guidebook for Solar Zoning and Permitting, also published in 2012. 3 pp.
Last Modified
Mar 13, 2019
4516 times

Solar Siting Resources List

Organizations/Sources: Vermont Planners Association
Guide provides links to a long list of resources related to siting and designing solar energy systems in a variety of settings.
Last Modified
Mar 25, 2019
1726 times

Zoning for Solar and Wind Energy Systems

Regulating rooftop solar energy systems is not generally recommended. However, Pennsylvania municipalities may adopt zoning regulations to govern the installation and operation of them as well as other types of solar and wind energy systems. This guide specifically addresses rooftop solar; non-commercial, ground-mounted solar; and non-commercial wind energy systems.
Last Modified
Feb 22, 2019
7927 times