Nature Play

Library Items

Abundant Playscapes

Organizations/Sources: Abundant Playscapes Design Firm
This design firm’s website provides examples of nature play spaces that often include accessible features.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3620 times

A Child’s Garden: Enchanting Outdoor Spaces for Children and Parents

This book includes examples and many photographs of children’s gardens designed to stimulate children’s natural inclinations.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3240 times

Alliance for Childhood

Organizations/Sources: Alliance for Childhood
This organization’s website has excellent resources about adventure play, articles on the value of outdoor play and risk in outdoor play.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3304 times

A Sense of Wonder

Authors: Rachel Carson
This book is an early and excellent presentation of the value of childhood bonds with nature.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3076 times

Aspetuck Land Trust

Organizations/Sources: Aspetuck Land Trust
This Land Trust’s website describes a wide variety of nature play offerings and provides links to additional resources.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3793 times

ASTM (formerly American Society for Testing & Materials)

ASTM posts its technical standards for commercial playground equipment on this website.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3905 times

“Be Out There”

Organizations/Sources: National Wildlife Federation
NWF’s “Be Out There” initiative offers valuable ideas, research, and blogs about nature play.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3283 times

Beyond Ecophobia: Reclaiming the Heart in Nature Education

Authors: David Sobel
"Beyond Ecophobia" speaks to teachers, parents, and others interested in nurturing in children the ability to understand and care for nature. This expanded version of one of Orion Magazine's most popular articles includes descriptions of developmentally appropriate environmental education activities and a list of related children's books.
Last Modified
Jun 03, 2014
4178 times

Bienenstock Playgrounds

Organizations/Sources: Bienenstock Playground Design Firm
This playground design website provides ideas to create natural play spaces to connect children with nature. Founder and Principal Designer Adam Bienenstock is an expert in the design and construction of innovative, environmentally sensitive, equipment-free natural playgrounds, natural playground elements and outdoor classrooms.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3881 times

Cedarsong Nature School

Organizations/Sources: Cedarsong Nature School
Cedarsong’s website provides links to a variety of nature education resources and training opportunities.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3407 times

Childhood and Nature: Design Principles for Educators

Authors: David Sobel
In "Childhood and Nature", noted educator David Sobel makes the case that meaningful connections with the natural world don't begin in the rainforest or arctic, but in our own backyards and communities. Based on his observations of recurrent play themes around the world, Sobel articulates seven design principles that can guide teachers in structuring learning experiences for children. Place-based education projects that make effective use of the principles are detailed throughout the book.
Last Modified
Jun 03, 2014
4225 times

Children and Nature Network

Organizations/Sources: Children and Nature Network
This website offers extensive resources, including compiled research reports, current news about nature play, blogs by Richard Louv and others, and a variety of activity guides.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
4006 times

Children & Nature Network: Community Action Guide

A publication of Children and Nature Network
Last Modified
Aug 25, 2017
3060 times

Children's Special Places: Exploring the Role of Forts, Dens, and Bush Houses in Middle Childhood

Authors: David Sobel
From the ages of five to twelve, the middle years of childhood, young people explore their surroundings and find or construct private spaces. In these secret places, children develop and control environments of their own and enjoy freedom from the rules of the adult world. "Children's Special Places" enters these hidden worlds, reveals their importance to children's development and emotional health, and shows educators, parents, and other adults how they can foster a bond between young people and nature that is important to maturation.
Last Modified
Jun 03, 2014
3567 times


Organizations/Sources: Earthplay
This website provides examples of nature playscapes. Follow the “Design” tab to the “Anarchy Zone” project in Ithaca NY for a rare example of an American “adventure playground” where children have broad freedom to build and create using both natural and manufactured materials.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3423 times

Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8-to-18 Year-Olds

Over the past five years, young people have increased the amount of time they spend consuming media by an hour and seventeen minutes daily, from 6:21 to 7:38—almost the amount of time most adults spend at work each day, except that young people use media seven days a week instead of five.
Last Modified
Jan 11, 2018
2383 times

Green Hearts Institute for Nature in Childhood

Organizations/Sources: Green Hearts Institute
The Green Hearts website has a wide range of nature play articles and also offers guides for free download. The “Design Principles for Nature Play Spaces in Nature Centers and Other Natural Areas” under the “Resources” tab is a particularly relevant tool for nature play design.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3646 times

Green Principles for Park Development and Sustainability

These are best practices for developing parks that are environmentally sustainable and successful in connecting people to nature, including nature-based stormwater solutions (green infrastructure).
Last Modified
Apr 16, 2019
4242 times

Health Benefits of Nature Research Library

Organizations/Sources: Children and Nature Network
The Children and Nature Network has a robust library of research about the mental and physical health benefits of nature.
Last Modified
Oct 04, 2019
1932 times

Izaak Walton League of America

Organizations/Sources: Izaak Walton League of America
This conservation organization’s website offers materials about environmental education and nature play, as well as training for their chapter members and the public.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3404 times

Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder

Authors: Richard Louv
Last Child in the Woods is the first book to bring together the growing body of research indicating that direct exposure to nature is essential for healthy childhood development and for the physical and emotional health of children and adults. More than just raising an alarm, Louv offers practical solutions and simple ways to heal the broken bond—and many are right in our own backyard. If you have children, teach children, or care about children, this is a must have.
Last Modified
Jun 30, 2014
4469 times

Learning Landscapes

Organizations/Sources: Learning Landscapes
This landscape design website offers project ideas focused on nature play and sustainable landscapes.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3622 times

Managing Risk in Play Provision

Organizations/Sources: Play England
A publication of, addressing safety in nature playscapes, with many specific examples and strategies.
Last Modified
Aug 25, 2017
5354 times

Mapmaking with Children: Sense-of-Place Education for the Elementary Years

Authors: David Sobel
"Mapmaking with Children" presents an inspired alternative to traditional geography education. Maintaining that there is no substitute for hands-on experience, David Sobel places the initial emphasis on local projects--projects that begin in students' own backyards and communities, projects that provide a sense of place.
Last Modified
Jun 03, 2014
4381 times

National Environmental Education Foundation

The NEEF website posts articles about environmental education; NEEF also offers professional training and funding opportunities for environmental education.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3442 times

National Recreation and Park Association

NRPA’s website offers a wide range of resources and training opportunities that are relevant to nature play. NRPA is the primary professional organization representing the parks and recreation field.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3616 times

National Wildlife Federation

Organizations/Sources: National Wildlife Federation
The “Kids” area of this website provides nature play ideas, programs and information for educators and parents.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3813 times

Natural Learning Initiative – College of Design

The NLI website provides nature play related publications, research data, news and resources. Training related opportunities are also published.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3297 times

Natural Playgrounds Company

Organizations/Sources: Natural Playgrounds Company
This design firm’s website offers numerous nature play and natural playground articles and information. Natural play research and links to resources are available.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3563 times

Natural Playscapes: Creating Outdoor Play Environments for the Soul

Authors: Rusty Keeler
An illustrated book about nature play designs, with most focus devoted to schoolyards.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3204 times

Nature Explore

Organizations/Sources: Nature Explore
The Nature Explore website includes an Outdoor Classroom Design guide as well as playspace design services, printed resources, and a variety of training opportunities. Nature Explore is a collaborative project of Arbor Day Foundation and Dimensions Educational Research Foundation.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3886 times

Nature Play: Maintenance Guide

“Nature Play: Maintenance Guide”, available at, offers guidance and examples from the planning process through daily operations.
Last Modified
Aug 25, 2017
2963 times

Nature Play: Nurturing Children and Strengthening Conservation through Connections to the Land

Authors: Andrew M. Loza
Unstructured, frequent childhood play in informal outdoor settings powerfully boosts the cognitive, creative, physical, social and emotional development of children. It also engenders deep conservation values; more so than any other factor. Part 1 of this guide explores the essential characteristics of nature play, the benefits nature play provides and the societal barriers to it. Part 2 describes the array of concrete actions that organizations may take to restore nature play to children's lives.
Last Modified
Jan 11, 2022
23448 times

Nature’s Playground: Activities, Crafts and Games to Encourage Children to Get Outdoors

Authors: Fiona Danks and Jo Schofield
This book offers an extensive collection of structured but playful outdoor activities for children.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3583 times

North American Association for Environmental Education

This website’s focus is primarily on guidelines and advocacy for environmental education professionals. Training opportunities and information on their educational initiative, Natural Start, are available.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3766 times

Outdoor Access and Programs

Authors: Nicole Faraguna
Land trusts have available to them a variety of tools and examples of how to improve public access and provide programming on their lands. By providing opportunities for outdoor experiences, land trusts help foster people's connections to nature and conservation.
Last Modified
May 23, 2019
6164 times

Pennsylvania Nature Play Areas

Authors: Nicole Faraguna
A profile of nature play areas located in Pennsylvania.
Last Modified
Jan 15, 2015
6153 times

Place-Based Education: Connecting Classrooms and Communities

Authors: David Sobel
Through academic research, practical examples, and step-by-step strategies drawn from classrooms throughout the United States, Sobel celebrates teachers who emphasize the connection of school, community, and environment. "Place-Based Education" uses the local community and environment as the starting place for curriculum learning, strengthening community bonds, appreciation for the natural world, and a commitment to citizen engagement
Last Modified
Jun 03, 2014
3699 times

Plants for Play: A Plant Selection Guide for Children’s Outdoor Environments

Authors: Robin Moore
This book is a simple guide to plant species that support nature play as well as poisonous plants to avoid.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
4011 times

Playground Safety Handbook

The CPSC recommended safety guidelines for public playgrounds. Link can also be found at: under the “Safety Education” heading.
Last Modified
Aug 25, 2017
5106 times

Project Learning Tree

An environmental education website, this resource provides curriculum materials geared towards connecting children with nature. Training and resources are designed for educators, parents and community leaders working with youth.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3231 times

Project WILD

Council for Environmental Education, Project WILD
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3335 times

Promoting Walking for Wellness

Walking is a free, easily accessible activity that improves physical and mental health and connects people with the outdoors. A variety of resources exist for promoting walking.
Last Modified
Apr 28, 2017
3854 times

Reclaiming Childhood: Letting Children Be Children in our Achievement-Oriented Society

Authors: William Crain
This book provides an overview of why children need less stress and structure in their lives; includes many examples of the benefits of outdoor play.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3776 times

The Great Outdoors: Restoring Children’s Right to Play Outside

Authors: Mary Rivkin
A new edition has just been published (2014) of this classic text that presents the case for children’s outdoor play in school settings, and provides practical advice on safety, accessibility, and curriculum.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3285 times

The National Association for the Education of Young Children

The NAEYC website offers articles on children in nature topics and a variety of materials, guidelines, and training opportunities.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3290 times

The Nature Principle: Human Restoration and the End of Nature-Deficit Disorder

Authors: Richard Louv
"The Nature Principle" examines concepts similar to those in "Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder" and extends them into adult lives and entire communities.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3526 times

The Thunder Tree: Lessons from an Urban Wildland

Authors: Robert Pyle
Pyle's book highlights personal stories that capture how frequent childhood play led him into his career as a celebrated entomologist and nature writer. Highly recommended reading.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3785 times

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Environmental Education

Organizations/Sources: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
The EPA’s website provides links to a variety of resources and funding opportunities for environmental education.
Last Modified
May 29, 2014
3048 times