Strategic Plans/Work Plans

Central Pennsylvania Conservancy Strategic Plan (2005-2008)

Organizations/Sources: Central Pennsylvania Conservancy
This plan represents an effort to define the direction for CPC for the next three years. The planning process was a collaborative effort between the CPC Board of Directors and staff. It also included significant input from partners, members and other regional stakeholders. The plan will be used as a guide to develop annual work plans for staff and committees.
Last Modified
Oct 19, 2009
4044 times

Countryside Conservancy 2007 Annual Plan

Organizations/Sources: Countryside Conservancy
The following pages outline strategies and corresponding activities to be taken in 2007 to promote each of these goals. The plan identifies responsible parties for each task. This plan will be the source of annual workplans for each committee and staff member of the Conservancy. The plan will be reviewed at year end, using the “Results” field, to assess our performance, to guide us in assembling the 2008 Annual Plan, and to help us amend and update the Strategic Plan.
Last Modified
Oct 20, 2009
3523 times

Countryside Conservancy Strategic Plan (2007 -2009)

Organizations/Sources: Countryside Conservancy
Last Modified
Oct 18, 2009
4142 times

KTA Strategic Plan (2006-2009)

Organizations/Sources: Keystone Trails Association
A new strategic plan for the Keystone Trails Association, which includes information on how it was created.
Last Modified
Jul 18, 2012
4360 times

Land Conservancy of Adams County Strategic Plan

Organizations/Sources: Land Conservancy of Adams County
Adopted by the LCAC Board June 2006.
Last Modified
Oct 16, 2009
4144 times

Mental Models That Block Strategic Plan Implementation

Authors: Jon Kohl
This article will illuminate mental models that may interfere with strategic plan implementation by looking closely at one example: the park systems.
Last Modified
Oct 05, 2011
5748 times

NPC Pre-Planning Document

Authors: Marc Smiley
This report is a synthesis of information gathered from several sources and is intended to highlight key issues facing the growth and development of Northcentral PennsylvaniaConservancy. The report draws information gathered from personal interviews, focus group meetings, a board discussion and a review of the organization’s materials.
Last Modified
Jul 18, 2012
4284 times

NPC Strategic Plan

Authors: Marc Smiley
2005-2007 Strategic Plan, includes organization mission and vision statements, core values, and organizational goals & objectives.
Last Modified
Oct 16, 2009
3919 times

NPC Work Plan

Authors: Marc Smiley
Identifies organization's strategic goals and objectives with detailed and measurable actions.
Last Modified
Oct 16, 2009
3742 times

Strenthening the Conservancy: Northcentral PA Conservancy

Authors: Marc Smiley
This report provides specific details on the basic and detaile dfunctions of the organization; specific roles and responsibilities of the staff and board, and the organization's strategic objectives and goals.
Last Modified
Oct 16, 2009
4344 times

Wildlands Conservancy 2007-2011

Organizations/Sources: Wildlands Conservancy
This strategic plan will guide the organization and its activities for the next five years. The plan will be the foundation of the direction of the organization and help align the staff and Board with the mission and activities of Wildlands Conservancy.
Last Modified
Oct 16, 2009
4020 times