County and Regional Recreation, Park and Open Space Plans

Comprehensive Recreation, Park and Open Space Plan

A park and recreation plan may be a free-standing document or it may be included as a chapter (or chapters) of the larger municipal comprehensive plan. A good example of a scope of work for a comprehensive recreation plan is provded in this document.
Last Modified
Jan 25, 2024
6981 times

GreenPlan for Southeastern Pennsylvania

The Regional Greenspace Priorities of Southeastern Pennsylvania is a website that identifies and prioritizes land for future open space preservation and/or acquisition in the five-county southeastern Pennsylvania area.
Last Modified
Nov 05, 2015
5104 times

Greenscapes: The Green Infrastructure Element

Organizations/Sources: Lancaster County
Greenscapes: The Green Infrastructure Element of the Lancaster County Comprehensive Plan defines a vision, goals and objectives, strategies, and tools to preserve, conserve, restore, and enhance natural resources through the establishment of a countywide, integrated green infrastructure system. It highlights the importance of protecting large blocks of contiguous land and improving connectivity as it aims to establish a network of natural areas, conservation lands, and working landscapes. Greenscapes provides a blueprint for accommodating appropriate growth and development while preserving the region’s most valuable natural resources, native species, cultural assets and agricultural economy.
Last Modified
Aug 21, 2018
5568 times

Growing... Naturally: Pike County Open Space, Greenways and Recreation Plan

Organizations/Sources: Pike County
The goal of Pike County’s Open Space, Greenways and Recreation Plan is to set a sustainable direction for both protecting our natural resources and enhancing the quality of life for our citizens for today and the future.
Last Modified
Feb 16, 2024
4522 times

Growing Together: A Comprehensive Plan for Central Lancaster County

The Park and Open Space Plan excerpt from the regional comprehensive plan adopted by 11 municipalities in central Lancaster County as of spring 2007.
Last Modified
Oct 01, 2015
4725 times

Identifying Neighborhood Greenway Possibilities in Philadelphia

This study used best practices from the National Association of City Transportation Officials, Portland State University, and Portland Bureau of Transportation to develop a two-part geographic information system methodology that identified suitable streets to build neighborhood greenways in each of Philadelphia’s 10 city council districts. Neighborhood greenways are low-volume, low-stress streets that prioritize bicycle and pedestrian travel over vehicles.
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1803 times

Lancaster County Long Range Protection Plan

Organizations/Sources: Rettew Associates
Presentation focused on conservation long range planning.
Last Modified
Aug 21, 2018
3820 times

Livable Landscapes: A Park, Recreation, Open Space, and Agricultural and Historic Lands Plan for Lehigh County

Organizations/Sources: Lehigh Valley Planning Commission
The purpose of this plan is to guide the conservation, restoration, and enhancement of the county's open space and cultural resources and create linkages between these vast resources. This plan is intended to guide the decisions of municipalities, conservation organizations, landowners, and developers, and encourage partnerships to achieve common goals for natural resources; outdoor recreation facilities; greenways and blueways; agricultural lands and historic, cultural and scenic resources.
Last Modified
Mar 13, 2019
1873 times

Living Landscapes: An Open Space Plan for Northampton County

Organizations/Sources: Lehigh Valley Planning Commission
The purpose of this plan is to guide the conservation, restoration and enhancement of the County’s open space resources and create linkages between the County’s vast natural resources; outdoor recreational facilities; greenways and blueways; farmland; and historic, cultural, and scenic resources
Last Modified
Mar 13, 2019
1957 times

Lower Frederick Township Open Space Plan

Organizations/Sources: Lower Frederick Township
In 2003, a referendum to fund open space and green infrastructure projects was passed in Montgomery County. Through this program, subsequently adopted by the County, the funding that the voters endorsed is being provided to municipalities, private non-profit conservation organizations and the county to preserve more open space and enhance the livability of existing communities throughout the County. This plan, first drafted and approved in 2006, was updated in 2015 and re-approved in 2020.
Last Modified
Feb 19, 2024
523 times

Lower Nazareth Township Recreation, Parks, and Open Space Master Plan

Organizations/Sources: Lower Nazareth Township
This Plan provides a comprehensive look at Lower Nazareth’s parks, recreation amenities and offerings, and public and private open space by: examining the cultural, natural and built context of the community; describing, assessing, and providing recommendations for existing parks and open spaces; reviewing recreational programming and providing recommendations for improving Lower Nazareth’s programming; detailing the public engagement process undertaken to gather extensive community feedback; reviewing funding options to supplement parks and recreation facilities and programming within the Township; providing an implementable action plan that can guide the Township forward in accomplishing goals and objectives identified in this Plan; and more.
Last Modified
Feb 19, 2024
545 times

Open Space Plan: Perkiomen Township

Organizations/Sources: Perkiomen Township
The Open Space Committee of Perkiomen Township evaluated the goals and objectives of the previous open space plan from 1995 and revised them to reflect what was discussed during the audit process. Updated goals and objectives describe the new direction Perkiomen Township plans to take to preserve open space and natural resources. The plan's major goals include: preservation of remaining rural landscapes; provision of active recreation opportunities; linking existing open space; and, protecting natural resources.
Last Modified
Feb 21, 2024
690 times

Ordinance 2016-03 for Referendum on Continuation of 0.25% Income Tax Credit for Open Space Preservation Purposes: Lower Saucon Township

Organizations/Sources: Lower Saucon Township
This ordinance from 2016 in Lower Saucon Township establishes a voter referendum on whether to continue the 0.25% earned income tax credit for open space purposes.
Last Modified
Feb 21, 2024
617 times

Ordinance 2016-1 Authorizing Referendum on Property Tax Rate of 0.15 Mills for Open Space Purposes: Newlin Township

Organizations/Sources: Newlin Township
This 2016 ordinance from Newlin Township authorized a voter referendum to approve a 0.15 mills ($0.15 per $1,000.00) property tax to be set aside for the purposes of paying for open space conservation.
Last Modified
Feb 21, 2024
462 times

Ordinance 2019.7.11 for a Referendum on the Establishment of Income Tax Credit for Open Space: Lower Frederick Township

Organizations/Sources: Lower Frederick Township
This ordinance from Lower Frederick Township in 2019 established a voter referendum to decide on the implementation of a 0.005% earned income tax credit to be put toward open space purposes, costs, and maintenance.
Last Modified
Feb 21, 2024
532 times

Ordinance 2021-04 for Referendum to Establish 0.15% Income Tax Credit for Open Space Purposes: Lower Macungie Township

Organizations/Sources: Lower Macungie Township
This 2021 ordinance from Lower Macungie Township allowed for a public referendum on the establishment of a 0.15% earned income tax credit to support open space preservation and affiliated costs.
Last Modified
Feb 21, 2024
530 times

Ordinance 2022-01 for Referendum on Establishment of 0.25% Income Tax Credit for Open Space Purposes: East Allen Township

Organizations/Sources: East Allen Township
This ordinance from 2022 in East Allen Township establishes a referendum on the addition of a 0.25% earned income tax credit to be used for open space preservation purposes.
Last Modified
Feb 21, 2024
617 times

Ordinance 2022-06 Authorizing Referendum On Income Tax Credit and Property Tax Increases for Open Space Purposes: Westtown Township

Organizations/Sources: Westtown Township
This 2022 ordinance in Westtown Township authorized a referendum to increase the income tax credit for open space funding to 0.08% and to increase the property tax to 0.42 mills ($0.42 per $1,000.00).
Last Modified
Feb 21, 2024
459 times

Ordinance 392 for Referendum on Increase in Income Tax Credit for Open Space Purposes: Whitpain Township

Organizations/Sources: Whitpain Township
This ordinance from 2022 in Whitpain Township establishes a public referendum on the increasing of an earned income tax credit from 1% to 1.6% for open space purposes.
Last Modified
Feb 21, 2024
685 times

Protect the Trail: A Guide to Protecting the Appalachian Trail for Lehigh Valley Municipalities

Organizations/Sources: Lehigh Valley Planning Commission
Comprehensive guide about the role of municipalities in protecting the Appalachian Trail, which is cooperatively managed by the National Park Service and other federal and local entities.
Last Modified
Mar 13, 2019
1515 times

Saucon Region Official Plan

Organizations/Sources: Upper and Lower Saucon Townships
A good example of a multi-municipal comprehensive recreation plan. Covers the Saucon Region of Lehigh and Northampton Counties.
Last Modified
Oct 01, 2015
6264 times

Southern Berks Regional Comprehensive Plan (Rec. excerpt)

Organizations/Sources: Berks County
This is an example of a mini recreation plan adopted by several small municipalities in southern Berks County that operate their recreational facilities on a joint basis.
Last Modified
Jul 25, 2015
5611 times

Trails, Parkland, and People: Montgomery County Open Space Report

Organizations/Sources: Montgomery County Planning Commission
This report is the result of a collaboration between Montgomery County’s open-space board and parks, trails, and historic sites advisory board. The two boards have reviewed the network of publicly available park, trail, natural, and historic assets in Montgomery County and identified opportunities to expand, enhance, protect, and connect those assets. The recommendations presented in this report are consistent with the goals and actions put forth in Montgomery County’s Montco 2040 comprehensive plan and are intended to provide the county commissioners with useful strategies as they consider and prioritize future open space opportunities, expenditures, and programs
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1916 times

Upper Dublin Township Open Space Plan

Organizations/Sources: Upper Dublin Township
A committee of residents, staff and consultants led the effort to create the 2023 Upper Dublin Township Open Space Plan. The process included reviewing the previous 2005 plan, conducting a community survey, holding several public meetings with opportunities for post-meeting feedback, interviewing key community stakeholders and encouraging the public to review and provide comments on a draft version of the plan. The Upper Dublin Township Board of Commissioners adopted the 2023 Upper Dublin Township Open Space Plan on September 12, 2023. Appendices and reports can be found at the url link below.
Last Modified
Feb 19, 2024
577 times