Municipal Parks and Recreation

Creating Sustainable Community Parks, 2nd Edition

Authors: Jessica Sprajcar
Outlines the benefits of enhancing the natural resources in local parks and other landscapes, to maintain these areas in a sustainable manner, and to provide a step-by-step guide to help staff and volunteers achieve those results. It is directed primarily towards those charged with the design and maintenance of parklands, retail centers, housing developments, industrial parks, schools and other land uses, although the principles outlined in the book could also be used by individual homeowners.
Last Modified
Apr 27, 2017
9167 times

Creating Sustainable Community Parks and Landscapes: Case Studies

A collection of case studies based on sustainable park management strategies.
Last Modified
Oct 05, 2011
4375 times

Duff Park and Trails Case Study

Authors: Betsy Aiken
This is a case study of Duff Park, which came into being via a partnership between the state, Murrysville, multiple community organizations, and various individuals. The park now includes a nature preserve containing an important old-growth deciduous forest and five miles of trails.
Last Modified
Aug 13, 2019
4711 times

Exploring the Active Lifestyle: An Outdoor Industry Foundation Consumer Outreach Report

Organizations/Sources: Outdoor Foundation
In its efforts to grow participation and the success of the outdoor industry, OIF commissioned harris Interactive to conduct a consumer research study that will provide information to develop an action plan to increase participation in human powered outdoor activities.
Last Modified
Sep 23, 2014
3828 times

Financing Municipal Recreation and Parks

This comprehensive resource guide is designed to help staff and volunteers responsible for managing municipal recreation and parks services wade through the maze of financing possibilities.
Last Modified
Feb 24, 2016
5856 times

From Lawn to Meadow: Protect Water, Provide Habitat, Save Money

Authors: Nate Lotze and Andrew M. Loza
Converting areas covered by turf grass to meadows can be financially rewarding and relatively simple on both public and private land. It can also deliver substantial environmental and aesthetic benefits. WeConservePA guide. 5 pages.
Last Modified
Oct 06, 2022
4863 times

From Neat to Natural: Township Parks Are Getting a Green Makeover

Authors: Jill Ercolino
This article published in PA Township News discusses the "green movement" initiative encouraging townships to put aside traditional park designs in favor of more natural settings. By using greener options, townships can protect landscapes, save time and money by minimizing upkeep, and still allow municipalities to provide places for sports, play, and other recreational activities.
Last Modified
Jul 02, 2019
4650 times

Green Infrastructure in Parks: A Guide to Collaboration, Funding, and Community Engagement

Organizations/Sources: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
This guide is intended to encourage partnerships between park agencies and stormwater agencies aimed at promoting the use of green infrastructure on park lands. The guide offers information on why partnerships between stormwater managers and parks managers can be beneficial and how you can create such partnerships. The guide presents an overview of green infrastructure and describes practices that can be used to manage stormwater in parks. In addition, you will find information on factors that influence the selection of appropriate green infrastructure practices, such as maintenance requirements.
Last Modified
Apr 16, 2019
2761 times

Green Infrastructure Opportunities that Arise During Municipal Operations

Organizations/Sources: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
This document provides approaches local government officials and municipal program managers (Figure 1) in small to midsize communities can use to incorporate green infrastructure components into work they are doing in public spaces. The guide demonstrates ways in which projects can be modified relatively easily and at a low cost recognizing that municipal resources can be limited.
Last Modified
Apr 16, 2019
2714 times

Green Principles for Park Development and Sustainability

These are best practices for developing parks that are environmentally sustainable and successful in connecting people to nature, including nature-based stormwater solutions (green infrastructure).
Last Modified
Apr 16, 2019
4242 times

Hiring Municipal Recreation and Parks Personnel

This resource guide is designed to help staff and volunteers responsible for managing municipal recreation and parks services wade through the variety of financing possibilities.
Last Modified
Feb 21, 2014
5913 times

Investing in Equitable Urban Park Systems: Emerging Funding Strategies and Tools

Organizations/Sources: Urban Institute
Working from the premise that all residents deserve similar levels of access to good parks—not simply as a matter of right but because of parks’ significant benefits for people’s health, the environment, and other outcomes—this report seeks to understand the multipleways that communities are funding their park systems, paying special attention to parks serving low-income neighborhoods. In our review, we place emphasis on (1)understanding how equity is approached in raising and distributing funds and (2) elevating innovative, emerging models or approaches to funding parks, particularly those that capitalize on parks’ many benefits.
Last Modified
Aug 16, 2019
1633 times

Joint Articles of Incorporation for the Planning, Development and Operation of "Regional Parks"

Organizations/Sources: Centre Region Council of Governments
Intergovernmental agreement established by the Centre Region COG for the purpose of planning, developing and operating regional and multi-municipal parks.
Last Modified
Aug 01, 2011
4192 times

Keys to Success Stories in Community Recreation Initiatives

This document is a description of how four regional recreation providers have been able to enhance and develop recreation and park facilities.
Last Modified
Feb 21, 2014
4328 times

Lardner’s Point Park Greenway Case Study

Authors: Carolyn Wallis
This case study of the Lardner’s Point Park project in Bucks County discusses the initial component of a new public greenway along the North Delaware riverfront and the collaborative efforts of local and state resources involved in the funding and planning of the project.
Last Modified
Aug 13, 2019
4339 times

Managing Natural Resources: A Guide for Municipal Commissions

Authors: Bill Elmendorf
This publication is a guide to municipal land use planning. It covers topics that include tree commissions, public landscaping, stormwater management and reclamation of vacant lots.
Last Modified
Aug 20, 2018
4754 times

Mental Models That Block Strategic Plan Implementation

Authors: Jon Kohl
This article will illuminate mental models that may interfere with strategic plan implementation by looking closely at one example: the park systems.
Last Modified
Oct 05, 2011
5748 times

Multi-Municipal Cooperation for Recreation and Parks

This publication provides a foundation on the basic concepts of public recreation and parks services in Pennsylvania. It also covers the demographic, environmental, social and other issues that face our municipalities and impact the provision of recreation and parks services.
Last Modified
Apr 28, 2017
6975 times

Municipal Recreation Programming

This handbook is organized so that your municipality can more easily understand the elements that go into offering community recreation programs. It focuses on how to plan and implement municipal recreation programs, not how to conduct and supervise individual activities.
Last Modified
Feb 21, 2014
4716 times

Outdoor Nation Special Report: Barriers to the Outdoors

The first in a series of Outdoor Nation Special Reports, The Outdoor Foundation's Barriers to the Outdoors, provides insights from a growing community of 'Outsiders,' which represents youth ages 13-30, that have come together to influence America's outdoor programs, policies and products.
Last Modified
Sep 23, 2014
4234 times

Parks in Perpetuity: The Protections Provided to Parks and Other Public Open Spaces Under Pennsylvania Law

Parks and other public open spaces deliver tremendous benefits to the public and provide a crucial foundation for building, maintaining, and renewing communities. People rely on the permanence of these civic assets in making decisions on where to live and work. Thus, it is no wonder that Pennsylvania law affords great protections to parks from sale or conversion to non-public uses by the local governments responsible for their care. This guide provides a concise overview of these protections. For a more comprehensive review and analysis, see the companion publication: Ensuring the Permanence of Parks and Other Public Open Space. WeConservePA guide. 4 pages.
Last Modified
Jun 27, 2024
4641 times

Pennsylvania's Mowing Calculator

This calculator has been created for public and private land owners who regularly care for lawns. This tool calculates fuel, dollar, greenhouse gas (GHG), and other savings associated with changing current mowing practices.
Last Modified
Jul 14, 2016
3577 times

Policy for Accepting Recreation and Park Facilities into the Regional System

Organizations/Sources: Centre Region Council of Governments
Policy for Accepting Recreation and Park Facilities into the Regional System
Last Modified
Aug 01, 2011
3649 times

Recreation and Parks Board Handbook

Written for advisory board members, this guide helps move advisory board members towards that perfectly functioning board.
Last Modified
Feb 21, 2014
6537 times

Resource Guide for Planning, Designing, and Implementing Green Infrastructure in Parks

Parks have long played an integral role in community landscapes. As open green space becomes more scarce, public park agencies have new opportunity and reasons to work with other departments and agencies to utilize protected public green space in innovative ways. Designing new or existing parks to manage stormwater using green infrastructure principles is an ideal way to realize many of these benefits. Green stormwater infrastructure installations can be used to revitalize existing parks or enhance the design and functionality of new parks.
Last Modified
Jun 26, 2019
3228 times

Safe Storage and Handling of Swimming Pool Chemicals

Organizations/Sources: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Fact sheet highlighting the hazards and storage practices of pool chemicals.
Last Modified
Oct 05, 2011
5261 times

Save Your Park and Recreation Department: Reference Material

This publication is a compilation of articles and research materials addressing the value of parks and recreation departments.
Last Modified
Aug 20, 2018
3610 times

Smart Collaboration: How Urban Parks Can Support Affordable Housing

Authors: Peter Harnik and Ben Welle
Organizations/Sources: The Trust for Public Land
This paper focuses on the role mixed-income infill housing and a network of parks can play in increasing city density, increasing access to parks for residents of all income levels, and strengthening cities. Key findings include: States can promote or reward the construction of affordable housing through the offer of funding for parks; cities can integrate the planning and creation of affordable housing and parks; private developers can build compact developments that allow for walking, affordable housing, and parkland; and community development corporations can expand their work beyond housing to include parks.
Last Modified
Jul 02, 2019
5242 times

The Excellent City Park System: What Makes it Great and How to Get There

Authors: Peter Harnik
Organizations/Sources: The Trust for Public Land
This report helps to create a framework for understanding how cities create and support successful parks. The Excellent City Park System builds on measures of park system success first introduced in Peter Harnik’s Inside City Parks in 2000. This volume enlarges the number of cities gauged against those measures to 55 as it introduces new concepts of what makes a park system great.
Last Modified
Oct 04, 2011
8324 times

Top 10 Best Green/Sustainable Practices for Recreation and Conservation Sites

List of best practices to ensure that parks and recreation sites and environmentally sustainable.
Last Modified
Apr 16, 2019
1900 times

Top 10 Stormwater Best Management Practices for Parks

List of effective nature-based stormwater management practices including riparian buffers, pervious pavement, trees, and bioswales.
Last Modified
Apr 16, 2019
3104 times

Trails, Parkland, and People: Montgomery County Open Space Report

Organizations/Sources: Montgomery County Planning Commission
This report is the result of a collaboration between Montgomery County’s open-space board and parks, trails, and historic sites advisory board. The two boards have reviewed the network of publicly available park, trail, natural, and historic assets in Montgomery County and identified opportunities to expand, enhance, protect, and connect those assets. The recommendations presented in this report are consistent with the goals and actions put forth in Montgomery County’s Montco 2040 comprehensive plan and are intended to provide the county commissioners with useful strategies as they consider and prioritize future open space opportunities, expenditures, and programs
Last Modified
Mar 11, 2019
1916 times

Trees in a Sustainable Community Park Setting: Enhancing Quality of Life for All

Authors: Jessica Sprajcar
This article, published in Sylvan Communities magazine, provides a snapshot of the information found in the “Sustainable Community Parks” publication, with a specific focus on the use and benefits of native trees.
Last Modified
Jul 03, 2019
4360 times