Municipal Open Space Programs and Referendums

Library Items

Act 115 of 2013 (amending Pennsylvania's Open Space Law)

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
Act 115 amends Act 442 of 1967, as amended, to provide that in addition to acquiring land and easements, dedicated open space taxes may now be used to develop, improve, design, engineer and maintain open space acquired with dedicated open space taxes in order to provide open space benefits. It also clarifies that voter created open space taxes may only be repealed by voter referendum.
Last Modified
Dec 20, 2013
10397 times

Act 153 of 1996 - amends the Open Space Lands Act

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
An Act amending the act of January 19, 1968 (1967 P. L. 992, No. 442), entitled "An act authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the counties thereof to preserve, acquire or hold land for open space uses," expanding its scope to include all local government units throughout this Commonwealth.
Last Modified
Feb 13, 2013
12902 times

Act 154 of 2006 (land trust-local government partnerships)

Organizations/Sources: Pennsylvania General Assembly
Pennsylvania Act 154 of 2006 facilitates local government partnerships with land trusts. Act 154 was passed unanimously by both the Senate and House, then signed into law by the Governor on November 29, 2006. (The act amends Pennsylvania's open space law.)
Last Modified
Jul 21, 2015
8011 times

Act 4 of 2006 (millage freeze; amends the open space law)

Organizations/Sources: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Act 4 provides a process for freezing the millage on open space properties. It amends the act of January 19, 1968 (1967 P.L.992, No.442), entitled, as amended, "An act authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the local government units thereof to preserve, acquire or hold land for open space uses," defining "municipal corporation"; further providing for property acquired in fee simple and for local taxing option; and making an editorial change.
Last Modified
Jul 21, 2015
6017 times

Act of Jan. 19, (1968) 1967, P.L. 992, No. 442 "Preserving Land for Open Air Spaces"

Organizations/Sources: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
As amended through 2013, an act authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the local government units thereof to preserve, acquire or hold land for open space uses. It is the purpose of this act to clarify and broaden the existing methods by which the Commonwealth and its local government units may preserve land in or acquire land for open space uses.
Last Modified
Jan 09, 2020
6920 times

Case Study: Minnesota Clean Water, Land, and Legacy Amendment

Organizations/Sources: The Trust for Public Land
It took nearly ten years to construct a measure with enough support that the legislature would put it on the ballot. Passed with 56% of the vote in 2008, the amendment increased the state sales tax by 0.375 percent for 25 years and divided the increased revenue into four dedicated funds for clean water, habitat, parks and trails, and historic preservation.
Last Modified
Aug 17, 2017
2542 times

Implementing a Municipal Open Space Program: A Guide for Pennsylvania's Municipalities

Authors: Michael Frank
Organizations/Sources: Heritage Conservancy
This report provides municipal officials with basic information related to planning for and implementing an effective open space program.
Last Modified
Feb 24, 2016
5192 times

Lands Available for Conservation in Pennsylvania Townships That Have Open Space Taxes

In this report, WeConservePA identifies the quantity of remaining unprotected open space in townships that have passed open space tax referendums. WeConservePA found that all 72 Pennsylvania municipalities that have passed open space tax referendums have a substantial amount of undeveloped, unprotected land appropriate to conserve. Only one township has fewer than 1,000 acres of large parcels of unprotected open space remaining.
Last Modified
Feb 16, 2022
1737 times

Open Space Program Handbook

Coming from WeConservePA in 2023
Last Modified
Aug 18, 2022
1169 times

Parks in Perpetuity: The Protections Provided to Parks and Other Public Open Spaces Under Pennsylvania Law

Parks and other public open spaces deliver tremendous benefits to the public and provide a crucial foundation for building, maintaining, and renewing communities. People rely on the permanence of these civic assets in making decisions on where to live and work. Thus, it is no wonder that Pennsylvania law affords great protections to parks from sale or conversion to non-public uses by the local governments responsible for their care. This guide provides a concise overview of these protections. For a more comprehensive review and analysis, see the companion publication: Ensuring the Permanence of Parks and Other Public Open Space. WeConservePA guide. 4 pages.
Last Modified
Jun 27, 2024
4563 times

Public Finance for Open Space: A Guide for Pennsylvania's Municipalities

Organizations/Sources: PA DCNR, Heritage Conservancy, TPL
Reviews public financing options for open space protection with a heavy emphasis on referenda. Includes case studies and sample municipal ordinances to place a question on the ballot and to implement voter approved dedicated taxes and borrowing. 34 pages.
Last Modified
Dec 16, 2020
5752 times

Winning Local Conservation Ballot Measures Presentation- PALTA Conference

Authors: Tom Gilbert
Organizations/Sources: The Trust for Public Land
Presentation at 2009 PALTA Conference on winning local ballot measures to finance parks and land conservation. Includes services available from TPL, and case study of the sucessful Adams County Bond Measure in 2008.
Last Modified
Aug 21, 2018
4429 times